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Climate and Temperature Datapack for Vanilla Minecraft

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Level 45 : Master Crafter
Climate and Temperature Datapack for Vanilla Minecraft 1.14 + 1.13
Add Climates and Temperature into your Minecraft worlds!

I. Player Temperature and Thermometers

is a new mechanid added by the datapack, changing the way the player responds to various environments and conditions. If one's temperature goes into an extreme state the player will start experienc
e negative debuffs. The scale of numbers the datapack uses to represent this goes from 0 all the way up to 100, and in some very specific scenarios (like in the Nether) even beyond. The best temperature to have is the normal 50, while going below this number means the player is colder and above warmer. So, for example if the player reaches the temperature of 70 or above, they will start expering debuffs caused by their extreme heat, while if they reach the temperature of 35 or below they will start experiencing debuffs caused by their extreme cold. Once they reach a very extreme temperature on either of the ends, they will start dying.

Thermometers are new devices the player can craft using gold ingots, a clock and then either an iron ingot or a diamond. This gives us two recipes, one for a Thermometer and the other for a Dynamic Thermometer. Here is visualized how to craft each:Climate and Temperature Datapack for Vanilla Minecraft Minecraft Data Pack

Thermometers measure the temperature of the players holding them. A regular Thermometer will tell the player their current temperature, while a Dynamic Thermometer will tell them their current temperature/the temperature they are gradually changing to.

II. Biome Temperatures

The biomes themselves now have their own unique temperatures, which will effect the player temperature. Based on their temperature the biomes are divided into these following categories:

Hot  Warm  Regular  Cold  Freezing

Hot biomes have their definining temperature of around 82. This temperature changes throughout the day, from 58 at midnight to 82 at noon and back to 60 at around two hours before midnight.

biomes have their definining temperature of around 55. This temperature changes throught the day, from 55 at midnight to 65 at noon and back to 55 at around two hours before midnight.

Regular biomes have their definining temperature of around 50. This temperature changes throught the day, from 45 at midnight to 55 at noon and back to 45 at around two hours before midnight.

biomes have their definining temperature of around 30. This temperature changes throught the day, from 30 at midnight to 40 at noon and back to 30 at around two hours before midnight.

Freezing biomes have their definining temperature of around 10. This temperature changes throught the day, from 10 at midnight to 20-22 at noon and back to 10 at around two hours before midnight.

The Nether is the exception - it has a constant temperature of 95.

III. The Temperature of Blocks and Consumables

Being near or standing on certain blocks also impacts the temperature of players. Different blocks effect the temperature differently, yet some do not effect it at all. The blocks that do effect it and the effects and conditions required for the effect to take place are written here:

BlockIDBlock StatesTemperatureRadiusCondition
Packed Iceminecraft:packed_ice-41standing_on
Blue Iceminecraft:blue_ice-51standing_on
Torch Standingminecraft:torch13near
Torch Wallminecraft:wall_torch13near
Redstone Torch Standingminecraft:redstone_torch[​lit=true]12near
Redstone Torch Wallminecraft:redstone_wall_torch[​lit=true]12near

Most of the items that the player can consume also effect their temperature. However a repeated consumption of the items will not effect their impact, only the duration. This changes only if the player consumes a more impactful item, then the temperature picked is the one that impacts the player most. This calculation, however, only takes place in one direction, so the more impactful temperature will be picked if the player consumes two or more of items that change his temperature in the same way (increase or decrease). If the effects are opposite (increase and decrease) they simply add up (f.e.-3 + 4) for the duration they both take effect. The list of such items and the duration of their effects are written here:

NameIDTemperatureDuration (second)TypePick Temperature From
Water Bottleminecraft:potion-690waterlowest
Golden Appleminecraft:golden_apple-2180goldenlowest
Golden Carrotminecraft:golden_carrot-2180goldenlowest
Water Melonminecraft:melon_slice-490organiclowest
Chorus Fruitminecraft:chorus_fruit-490organiclowest
Mushroom Stewminecraft:mushroom_stew690souphighest
Beetroot Soupminecraft:beetroot_soup690souphighest
Rabbit Stewminecraft:rabbit_stew8135souphighest
Cooked Porkchopminecraft:cooked_porkchop560meathighest
Cooked Rabbitminecraft:cooked_rabbit560meathighest
Cooked Salmonminecraft:cooked_salmon560meathighest
Cooked Codminecraft:cooked_cod560meathighest
Cooked Muttonminecraft:cooked_mutton560meathighest
Cooked Chickenminecraft:cooked_chicken560meathighest
Cooked Beefminecraft:cooked_beef660meathighest
Baked Potatominecraft:baked_potato230bakedhighest
Dried Kelpminecraft:dried_kelp230bakedhighest
Pumpkin Pieminecraft:pumpkin_pie330bakedhighest

IV. Armor

Different types and pieces of armor will effect the player uniquely (and significantly). Here are the calculations that will take place from wearing the various pieces of leather and chainmail armor:

ItemItem IDTemperatureTypeExtras
minecraft:leather_helmet3HelmetNullify heat from the sun

 armors work differently though; instead of changing the temperature in one possible direction, they rather increase/decrease the temperature of the player based on their environment. So if the player is in a cold/freezing environment, a metal armor will make them even colder and if the player is in a warm/hot environment a metal armor will make them even hotter. Here are their effects:

ItemItem IDTemperature MultiplierTypeExtrasNote
minecraft:iron_helmet10, 10metal_helmet
minecraft:iron_chestplate10, 10metal_chestplate
minecraft:iron_leggings10, 10metal_leggings
minecraft:iron_boots10, 10metal_boots
minecraft:gold_helmet10, 10sp_armorNether buff -1In Nether, gold applies a slight coolant effect.
minecraft:gold_chestplate10, 10sp_armorNether buff -2
minecraft:gold_leggings10, 10sp_armorNether buff -2
minecraft:gold_boots10, 10sp_armorNether buff -1
minecraft:diamond_helmet10, 10Metal_helmetDiamond has better cold biome stats
minecraft:diamond_chestplate10, 10Metal_chestplate
minecraft:diamond_leggings10, 10Metal_leggings
minecraft:diamond_boots10, 10Metal_boots

V. Sun Rays, Wetness and Humidity

If there is nothing above the player and the day is in its sunnier hours, the sun rays might have a significant heating effect on them. The effect is gradual and will not exceed its limitation of +5. This can be prevented by hiding under a tree, or any roof, or the player can just wear a cap.

If the player gets out of water, they will be wet - meaning the sun rays will have a smaller impact on them, and they willl stay a little cooler for a while. The effect is visualized - one can see the water still dripping from wet players.
This effect can even be acquired from bathing in the cauldron - the player just has to get inside a cauldron with water, and when they get wet the level of the water inside it decreases.

Biomes also have their individual humidity. If it is regular, it will not take any effects, but a high level of humidity (jungles, oceans) decreases the impact of being wet and also decreases the gradual heating up in hot/warm environments. A low level of humidity (desert, badlands) increases the impact of being wet and the gradual heating up.

VI. Altitude

Not only are players effected by their X and Z coordinates according to biomes, their Y value also comes into play. If the player goes too high, the temperature will decrease as it does in real life, and if too low and enters udnerground the temperature will adapt to the layer they are currently on. If they are in a cool biome and they enter caves, they find them warmer, while if they are in a warm biome and enter them, they find them cooler. This is true from Y:62 to Y:46. Below this the temperature is first gradually decreasing as the large caves are cold and then gradually increasing as the player is getting closer to the core. Being near the lava level is, of course, extremely hot, considering the fact that the player is experiencing both the effect of the lava and low altitude.

VII. Conclusion

I truly hope you enjoy this addition to your survival worlds. The Datapack was mainly coded by the incredible Boomber, and was made with the huge help of Chad TheSaltyPug and Chuckchuk. If you find any bugs, please write them down in the comments below, tell us how to reproduce them and what they are. And yes, I am aware that the Knowledge Book of the recipes stays in your inventory - just right click the air with it and it disappears. Well, that is all, folks.

Ammendment I - Other Versions:

  1.13 Version: www.mediafire.com/file/c8wrkovcai8v0cp/ClimateDatapack_1.13.zip/file

Ammendment II - List of Known Bugs:
  1. Drinking Water Bottle does not decrease Temperature if the Player is in Survival Mode.
  2. The Player gets the Wet effect even when aboard a boat.
  3. The Knowledge Book stays in the Player's inventory even after they receive a Thermometer.
CreditBoomber, Chad TheSaltyPug, Chuckchuk
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.14

2 Update Logs

Christmas Cleaning : by SedarGames 12/23/2018 4:30:16 pmDec 23rd, 2018

-Updated the pack for 1.14

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07/10/2021 5:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
04/12/2020 10:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Are campfires not added to this, and if so can they be? It doesn't make sense to freeze to death while standing on a campfire, or in a closed space with them surrounding you. Normal fire is on the list but that stuff spreads.
04/12/2020 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nevermind i just rifled through the code, copied all the stuff for fire and renamed it for campfire and it works. says a lot about the organization in this datapack if an idiot like me can figure it out and make it work - i've never coded anything in my life but i fixed this :D
05/12/2020 3:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
02/08/2020 9:30 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Spelunker
does this work for 1.15?
01/02/2020 9:33 am
Level 2 : Apprentice System
wait i am wet in the nether????
11/26/2020 7:54 am
Level 45 : Master Crafter
You are sweating from the heat.
01/02/2020 9:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice System
Minecraft: lets make gold usefull for trading with piglens (i will forever call zombie piglens pigmen)!
05/07/2019 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Im having some problems wth getting it in my game, it doesnt recognise it as a datapack! hepl pls? I first tried 1.14 but it didnt recognise it. I had it in my datapack folder so something must be wronog!!! Then i tried the 1.13 varient so i was in 1.13.2 and neither did this version recognice the pack...
03/24/2019 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
so i downloaded the datapack and installed it and it doesn't seam to work. i'm in "1.14" and used the proper link.what should i do?
