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Note: This datapack works well with my 'Craftable Spawner' datapack.
This allows spawn eggs to be craftable with the smithing table!
Combine an egg with a certain item to make different spawn eggs.
The following combinations are:
Bat: Gravel
Bee: Honeycomb
Blaze: Blaze rod
Cat: Raw chicken
Cave spider: Spider eye
Chicken: Feather
Cod: Raw cod
Cow: Leather
Creeper: Gunpowder
Dolphin: Empty map
Donkey: Chest
Drowned: Nautilus shell
Elder Guardian: Block of gold
Enderman: Ender pearl
Endermite: Eye of ender
Evoker: Totem of undying
Fox: Sweet berry
Ghast: Fire charge
Guardian: Prismarine shard
Hoglin: Cooked porkchop
Horse: Hay bale
Husk: Chiseled sandstone
Llama: Carpet
Magma cube: Magma cream
Mooshroom: Red mushroom
Mule: Sugar
Ocelot: Vines
Panda: Bamboo
Parrot: Seeds
Phantom: Bed
Pig: Raw porkchop
Piglin: Gold ingot
Piglin Brute: Golden axe
Pillager: Crossbow
Polar bear: Ice
Pufferfish: Pufferfish
Rabbit: Rabbit foot
Ravager: Saddle
Salmon: Raw salmon
Sheep: Wool
Shulker: Shulker shell
Silverfish: Stone bricks
Skeleton: Bow
Skeleton Horse: Bone block
Slime: Slimeball
Spider: String
Squid: Ink sac
Stray: Tipped arrow
Strider: Warped fungus
Trader Llama: Lead
Tropical Fish: Tropical fish
Turtle: Scute
Vex: Iron sword
Villager: Emerald
Vindicator: Iron axe
Wandering Trader: Block of emerald
Witch: Potion
Wither Skeleton: Wither skeleton skull
Wolf: Bone
Zoglin: Obsidian
Zombie: Rotten flesh
Zombie Horse: Green dye
Zombie villager: Splash potion
Zombified piglin: Gold sword
This allows spawn eggs to be craftable with the smithing table!
Combine an egg with a certain item to make different spawn eggs.
The following combinations are:
Bat: Gravel
Bee: Honeycomb
Blaze: Blaze rod
Cat: Raw chicken
Cave spider: Spider eye
Chicken: Feather
Cod: Raw cod
Cow: Leather
Creeper: Gunpowder
Dolphin: Empty map
Donkey: Chest
Drowned: Nautilus shell
Elder Guardian: Block of gold
Enderman: Ender pearl
Endermite: Eye of ender
Evoker: Totem of undying
Fox: Sweet berry
Ghast: Fire charge
Guardian: Prismarine shard
Hoglin: Cooked porkchop
Horse: Hay bale
Husk: Chiseled sandstone
Llama: Carpet
Magma cube: Magma cream
Mooshroom: Red mushroom
Mule: Sugar
Ocelot: Vines
Panda: Bamboo
Parrot: Seeds
Phantom: Bed
Pig: Raw porkchop
Piglin: Gold ingot
Piglin Brute: Golden axe
Pillager: Crossbow
Polar bear: Ice
Pufferfish: Pufferfish
Rabbit: Rabbit foot
Ravager: Saddle
Salmon: Raw salmon
Sheep: Wool
Shulker: Shulker shell
Silverfish: Stone bricks
Skeleton: Bow
Skeleton Horse: Bone block
Slime: Slimeball
Spider: String
Squid: Ink sac
Stray: Tipped arrow
Strider: Warped fungus
Trader Llama: Lead
Tropical Fish: Tropical fish
Turtle: Scute
Vex: Iron sword
Villager: Emerald
Vindicator: Iron axe
Wandering Trader: Block of emerald
Witch: Potion
Wither Skeleton: Wither skeleton skull
Wolf: Bone
Zoglin: Obsidian
Zombie: Rotten flesh
Zombie Horse: Green dye
Zombie villager: Splash potion
Zombified piglin: Gold sword
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.16 |
to | Minecraft 1.17 |
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2 Update Logs
Update #2 : by MC_JediKnight 09/14/2020 4:18:10 pmSep 14th, 2020
Added recipe for Piglin Brute spawn egg (egg+golden axe)
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