Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

Custom Day Cycle Length / Longer Days

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    Level 7 : Apprentice Chicken
    There isn't much out there in terms of custom day lengths in which it doesn't break the sleep mechanics so why not do it my self. I like to build my massive projects without interruptions every 10 mins just to sleep, ruining immersion and my train of thought. I hope at least some one else might find it convenient.

    Sleeping works exactly the same as in vanilla and it doesn't reset your world day count.

    The only caveat is that for this to work, you must have the spawn chunks active (or at least just the one chunk that has XYZ of 0 0 0)

    It's currently set to add 1 time tick every 3 game ticks for a total day/night cycle of 60 minutes, this can be adjusted in custom-day-length-v1-1\data\time\function\tick.mcfunction. If, for whatever reason, you would like faster days, I would recommend to set the value in tick.mcfunction to 1 and navigate to time.mcfunction under the same folder.

    Minor Iron Golem Farming Issue
    Under normal circumstances, villagers need to had been in bed on the night prior in order for iron farms to work. Consequently, once the first 10 mins of the day has passed, the game thinks the villagers are sleep deprived and wont produce iron golems until they are able to sleep in a bed again. I am unable to find a workaround for this but do let me know if anyone else finds one.

    This, with its current configuration of 60min day/night cycles, means that iron farms run at 67% efficiency assuming nobody skips the nights D:

    For now, the best I can do is to run the 3 uninstallation commands before afk farming for best efficiency, then /function time:load will reset everything back to as it should.

    It's piss easy, just run the following commands after removing the datapack:

    /gamerule doDaylightCycle true
    /kill @e[​type=minecraft:marker,tag=day_tracker]
    /scoreboard objectives remove cs_time

    and your world is as good as new :))
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
    toMinecraft 1.21

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    12/13/2024 9:37 am
    He/Him • Level 1 : New Miner
    Ooo can't wait for our world to fall into eternal sunlight
    12/12/2024 5:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    exactly what I needed, I had another pack installed that did the same thing, but I had to set gamerule dodaycycle to true and then false every time I slept.
    A work-around for the xyz 0 0 0 chunk thing if you have cheats enabled, simply set this chunk to your world spawn with /setworldspawn, since the world spawn is always loaded.
    12/13/2024 5:55 am
    He/Him • Level 7 : Apprentice Chicken
    yay someone found it useful :))

    tbf even if you dont have spawn chunks, ender pearl chunk loaders are now a thing
