Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Enhanced Celestial Config

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    Level 19 : Journeyman Miner

    , so this needs the mod too!
    Once the mod is installed, put .zip in the "datapack" folder of your world!Mod Link: www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enhanced-celestials [​MANDATORY]
    I haven't tested it with Fabric mod version, but it should work.

    1) FEATURES:
    1.1.1) Lunar events are much more frequent and their chance of occurring is related to the phases of the moon. The brighter the moon, the greater its POWER and the greater the chance of an event happening.
    1.1.2) The events will be more common in phases in which the moon is increasing in power and less common in phases in which it is decreasing in power.
    1.1.3) The intervals between events approach 0~3d before the full moon and 0~8d after the full moon.

    1.2.1) Common events can occur in all phases of the moon with the exception of full and new moons.
    1.2.2) Super moons only occur on full moons, when the moon is at its maximum power.
    1.2.3) No events occur on new moons, when the moon is at its lowest power. However, a Super Nemesis blood moon can take advantage of the moment of weakness and possess the new moon. The chance of this occurring is low.
    1.2.4) Blood moons are -50% more frequent than other events.

    1.3.1) A new and less common variant of the DEFAULT (harvest, blue, blood) moons are their NEMESIS versions.
    1.3.2) Nemesis moons have alternative colors from the standard events, namely: orange (Nemesis harvest), purple (Nemesis blue) and blood red (Nemesis blood).
    1.3.3) Nemesis moons apply the power of Default and Super moons by +50%.
    1.3.4) Nemesis, Default, Super moons do not share cooldowns, so expect to face three versions of the same moon on consecutive nights. Good luck with the rare times you face Nemesis blood moon followed by Super Nemesis blood moon.

    1.4) SUPER MOON
    1.4.1) SUPER moons are larger and more powerful variants of the Default moons.
    1.4.2) Super moons only occur during a full moon. However, a Super Nemesis blood moon can take advantage of the moment of weakness and possess the new moon. The chance of this occurring is low.
    1.4.3) Super moons apply the power of Default moons by +100%.
    1.4.4) Only Super moons can change the color of the sky and play music.
    1.4.5) MEGA MOON is the Super form of the white vanilla moon. It is the configuration of the moon that is closest to the planet, hence its colossal size!
    1.4.6) Mega moons make you feel like you're in low gravity. Given their proximity to Earth, Mega moons exert an overwhelming tidal force! This reduces the gravitational force.
    1.4.7) Slimes continue to spawn on Mega moons. It's funny to see them jumping higher.

    2.1) The colors of the moons have been revised. yellow (harvest) and blue (blue) are stronger. The red (blood) is slightly pink.
    2.2) The sizes of the moons have been changed. Default (20->50). Super (40->100). Mega (40->200).
    2.3) The start and end notification texts for all events have been removed.
    2.4) For all moons the "Moon" names have been removed in the lunarForecast. (Blood Moon -> Blood).
    2.5) For Super moons, the "Super" of the names was capitalized in the lunarForecast. (Super Blood Moon -> SUPER Blood).
    2.6) The name of the Blue moons has been replaced in the lunarForecast. (Blue Moon -> Fishing).
    2.7) The name of the Vanilla Super moon was changed in the lunarForecast, keeping the "Moon" name. (Super Moon -> MEGA MOON).

    Author: FerroK (PlanetMinecraft: User4613380G)
    - This is my first datapack. Be Kind.
    - I'm open to suggestions and fixing issues.
    - DON'T STEAL the authorship of this configuration datapack.
    - Be free to custumize and use in your modpack.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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    12/19/2023 2:36 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Network
    This is an amazing datapack! While the idea may be pretty common, the implementation and original addons makes this quite the good datapack. I have plenty of suggestions if you would like them. My discord is peA_sh0ter#4650. Lemme know there or here if you are interested in hearing out my ideas.
