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    Level 37 : Artisan System Creeper
    Minecraft Hundred Lives
    Limited amount of lives!

    Perfect balance between Hardcore and Survival Minecraft!

    Manage your lives as you wish!

    Craft a +1Life to revert your deaths!

    In your last 10 lives you will progressively loose hearts until left at one heart in your final, 100th life. (optional) - see customization

    Beware of being put into Spectator if you loose all 100!

    your friends if they have died past 100 lives!

    IMPORTANT: This datapack will only work properly in 1.21+

    Usage Guide
    To craft a +1Life you will need a golden apple, a nether star, and a totem of undying.
    Then just crouch/sneak to use it!

    To revive a friend you will need to name an armor stand with your friend's name and give it a +1Life.
    As soon as your friend joins he will be revived!

    Type /trigger mylives in chat to get reminded of how many deaths you have

    Please! Report any bugs in the comments!
    Feedback is always welcomed :)

    Use the In-Game menu
    /function hundredlives:api/.config


    Do it manually

    If you want your hearts to decrease (default) in your last 10 lives use:
    /function hundredlives:api/setheartsmode {mode:0}

    If you want your hearts to not change in your last 10 lives use:
    /function hundredlives:api/setheartsmode {mode:1}

    If you want your hearts to increase in your last 10 lives use:
    /function hundredlives:api/setheartsmode {mode:2}

    Commands/API (for nerds or server admins)
    All commands under /function hundredlives:api/<commands> can be easily used or implemented with other datapacks.

    /function hundredlives:api/.help
    brings the help menu to chat with useful features

    /function hundredlives:api/pause
    pauses the detection of deaths, useful if you don't want deaths to be taken into account during a period of time.

    /function hundredlives:api/resume
    resumes the detection of deaths, hundredlives will continue to work normally but all the deaths that happened during its pause will be ignored

    /function hundredlives:api/decreasedeaths
    decreases 1 to the death count of the player running the command.

    /function hundredlives:api/increasedeaths
    increases 1 to the death count of the player running the command.

    /function hundredlives:api/resetdeaths
    resets (sets back to 0) the death count of the player running the command.

    /function hundredlives:api/setdeaths {player:<player>,deaths:<deaths>}
    sets the death count of <player> to <deaths> deaths.

    /function hundredlives:api/revive
    revives the player running the command.

    /function hundredlives:api/givelife
    gives a +1Life to the player running the command.

    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

    13 Update Logs

    Update #2.4.3 : by CreepermeYT 12/31/2024 1:29:52 pmDec 31st, 2024

    - New actionbar title to display the life you are currently in.
    - New title and sound for the Revive animation
    - Added wither rose into +1 Life crafting recipe
    - Added 1.21.4 compatibility
    - Separated Config menu and Help menu

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    12/24/2024 8:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    When using the datapack on 1.21.4 the /trigger mylives function does not work. Can you please make an update for the latest version of the game?
    12/31/2024 1:31 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan System Creeper
    Yup, the datapack was made for 1.21.1... and it broke in 1.21.4.

    It has been fixed in the latest update along with some changes :)
    08/05/2024 1:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hi, is there a way to set less maximum lives? 10 for example...
    08/05/2024 4:01 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan System Creeper
    Sorry, but no. Because of the way datapacks work it would be really hard to make that customizable. If I get it working though, I will get back to you. For now, there are mods and plugins called 'limited lives' that might work for you, where you can choose how many lives you have. The main difference is that the Hundred Lives datapack is focused on having 100 lives, but also including some features like being able to revive other players, or craft lives.
    07/15/2024 12:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hi, do you still have a version that works for 1.20.1 that I could use? I like this data pack and wish I could use it for the previous version for some time until I'm ready to update my world.
    07/20/2024 8:26 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan System Creeper
    Hi, Sure! I originally developed this datapack for 1.20.2 but I suppose it won't take too long to convert the commands to 1.20.1 format. I will be working on it and get back to you as soon as I have it.
    07/21/2024 9:22 pm
    Level 37 : Artisan System Creeper
    Update: I got it ready and sent it to User5255919G via discord. If you have a similar request or need the datapack for other minecraft version feel free to comment or leave me a message ;)
    10/09/2024 9:52 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Can you also send me the 1.20.1 version? You can send it to neon_excel on discord
    07/01/2024 9:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    This man deserves infinite respect 🫡 this is amazing
    02/12/2024 5:56 pm
    He/Him • Level 18 : Journeyman Blueberry Bear
    cant wait to donwload this on my sisters world
