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Level 27 : Expert Miner

Welcome to the Mining World!

Imagine a world that is purely meant for exploring a wide and open space for mining. A world that has an extreme amount of depth. A world that is rewarding for the mid-game miner.

A world like that exists now in this datapack...

When mining in the Overworld, step on bedrock to be teleported EVEN DEEPER into your mining adventure! If you wish to get back, step on bedrock at the bottom of the Mining World to teleport back to the Overworld. (copies your x and z coordinates when teleporting either way.)

- Lush and Dripstone generation at set Y levels.
- Increased ore generation
- Any ore and any Y level.
- mineshafts spawning at the deepest parts
- increased amethyst geode spawning
- naturally spawning glowstone and amethyst blocks for extra ambience (for shader users)
- Overall world ambience increased! (Equal to full bright!) Never bring torches again!
- A belt of obsidian spawning at deep Y levels.
- Seemingly endless caves at deep Y levels. Elytras are fun!
- No mob spawning.

BEEFY Computers or Servers are required! This is not a small datapack.

I plan to keep this datapack updated and include interesting features! Please give me a diamond if you enjoy the pack!
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.18

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08/03/2021 4:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I tried this in a few worlds in creative and like it! Unfortunately it seems unsuitable for survival.

Every single time I step on bedrock in the overworld, it'll put me close to caves in this dimension but actually stuck inside rock, so in a survival world one would choke immediately.

The teleportation algorithm should look for an open space near your coordinates to prevent one from being teleported inside rock.

As for the suggestions below for teleporting when hitting bedrock. Possibly do something like when crouching on Bedrock? That way it needs to be a conscious action and prevents accidental teleports for people trying to mess with bedrock (e.g. bedrock breaking).

Also note some worlds have no bedrock, for instance when one uses Immersive Portals and uses the option to connect the Nether to the Overworld. Bedrock then gets replaced by Obsidian so you can actually "mine"your way to the Nether.
I'm guessing in this scenario your Datapack would not trigger and an alternative teleportation method may be required.
08/02/2021 3:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
is there a way to disable the feature of stepping on bedrock in the overworld brings you to the dimension?
I'd really appreciate it
07/14/2021 12:09 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dolphin
Maybe a version with just the worldgen features, and not the mega caves and crazy y level for potato pcs
07/09/2021 4:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
This is pretty cool. It's impressive how big it is. There does seems to be an issue when you're above the vanilla build height (256). It seems to cause weird flashing. Everything flashes blue. To me it looks like everything is disappearing for a split second and i'm just seeing the blue of the sky. I don't have this issue the further down I go and it does sometimes happen even when you are below 256 so idk what the cutoff height is.

Also is there anyway to re-enable mobs and maybe disable brightness? I've tried going through the different files to see if i could find the settings but I couldn't. I don't have any experience working with datapacks so i'm not sure where or what to look for to begin with. It would also be nice if you need to shift or do something else to get into the dimension. Just so I can stop accidentally entering it.
08/02/2021 3:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I would really like there to be a way to enable or disable needing to shift on bedrock idk if there is something like that
07/08/2021 6:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
