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    Racke7's Avatar Racke7
    Level 25 : Expert Miner
    This datapack removes the world-generation of Mineshafts, Ravines, and Caves.

    However, it doesn't remove UNDERWATER caves and ravines (trying that caused it to try and start me in "safe mode"), and it doesn't remove underground lava-lakes and underground lakes (those don't bother me).

    The reason for this is simply that I don't like spending 90% of my time running around trying to light everything up as mobs chase me everywhere. And that I don't like hitting biome-sized cave-systems whenever I try digging in any direction.

    So this is for anyone who might be of a similar opinion.

    (And if you want to use it with an earlier version of Minecraft, all you probably need to do is open up the "pack.mcmeta"-file in a text-editor and change the number "7" to an earlier number.)
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
    toMinecraft 1.18

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    10/23/2021 8:53 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Cocytus88's Avatar
    hey there, for whatever reason i'm having trouble getting this to run.
    it's my first datapack i tried to install and going by the procedure of:
    -downloading it
    -creating a new world
    -selecting the data pack option
    -going to the datapack folder and putting the downloaded .zip file there/dragging the zip onto the menu and hitting yes on the prompt if i want to add the data pack
    -starting up the world

    and i'm still getting ravines and caves everywhere =/
    if it helps, i'm using 1.17.1 + optifine and the data pack simply won't show up in the list after adding it
    10/30/2021 2:54 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Miner
    Racke7's Avatar
    I'm using the exact same version of Minecraft.

    - download the zip-file
    - EXTRACT the zip-file (it will give you a folder called "NoCaves" with a second folder called "NoCaves" inside of it, that second folder is the one that you want)
    - open the game and click "create new world"
    - go into the datapack-option
    - open the datapack-folder by clicking the button
    - copy-paste the "NoCaves" folder into that folder
    - it should now show up as "NoCaves" in the list of "available" datapacks
    - select it so that it appears in the "selected" part
    - click "done"
    - it should give you a very short loading-screen saying that it's validating the datapack
    - you're free to tinker with the rest of the World-settings
    - click "create new world"

    If you've enabled cheats, you can go into spectator-mode by typing "/gamemode spectator". It should show that there aren't any caves.

    It WILL however still have caves around ocean-biomes and the like. Can't change that. So move away from those before bothering to check what it looks like underground. (The screenshot of this mod is taken in spectator-view.)
    07/31/2021 9:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ZobrAz's Avatar
    I have something lake that, but not fully removed caves & ravines...
    Probability lowered to 0.008 for caves, 0.006 for ocean (dry) caves, 0.001 for ravines and mineshafts. And I've also completely removed small water and lava lakes generation.

    This way world is much more pleaseble for me - no swiss cheese anymore. Caves rare and more memorable. And also game become more challegeable, mobs spawns on surface much more aggressively even in day time at any available shade. For example, desert temples become deadly and loot chests almost every time blowin up by random mob stepping pressure plate. Also lava became a high deficit resource due to luck of lava caves.
