Minecraft Data Packs / Extensive

oyulite, a vanilla-ish classic-style overhaul

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • check_circle Predicates
  • check_circle Recipes
  • 318 views, 8 today
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Required Resource Pack
Level 31 : Artisan Spleefer


- Make technical xp/item farming less necessary
- Add unique rewards for exploring and progression
- Make inventory management easier
- be a little silly :3

Some Notable Changes

Blood Moon
Every full moon is a Blood Moon!!! Mobs will have buffed stats, and all XP is doubled. A Blood Moon can be started at any time using a Lunar Tablet. Also note that Phantoms only spawn on Blood Moons, which are crucial to craft Beds.
Classic Combat
Say haiiiii to blocking with swords, and baiii to attack cooldowns.
Rainbow Dye
R.I.P. Magenta dye... You have been replaced with Chromatic Dye, crafted from Chroma Fruit.
Copper Boxes
Forget Shulkers! We craft boxes out of copper here. You can finally carry more stuff without beating the game first!
D.I.Y. Villages
Villages and villagers no longer generate naturally, but Villager Spawn Eggs can be crafted.
Compressing Stones
Four Cobblestone make one Cobbled Deepslate, and vice versa. Four Cobbled Deepslate make one Blackstone, and vice versa.
"Monster Room" dungeons are now extremely common, which makes caving feel a bit more fantastical.
XP Changes
XP orbs have twice the amount of XP by default (4x on Blood Moons) and all XP is lost on death even with keepInventory.
Quick Concrete
You can drop powder concrete into water or a water cauldron to instantly turn it all into concrete.
...and a bunch more stuff!
Crediti modified the pillow texture from somewhere i dont remember sorry. lunar tablet texture is from terraria, and phantom sounds are from swiss cheese halloween 2002
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

1 Update Logs

1.1 : by oyu 01/14/2025 4:30:30 amJan 14th

spawner + spawn eggs fix

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