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Required Resource Pack
Level 13 : Journeyman Zombie
Hello, I present to you a Datapack called "Rings" 0.1v.
First you need to create an iron plate:
Rings Minecraft Data Pack
After creating two iron plates, you need to throw them on the Blacksmith's Table, and we will get a ring for simplicity.
And then you need to create a Ring Maker:
Rings Minecraft Data Pack
In it, you already need to fill all the slots with a smooth stone of 16 pieces to get a Magic Stone.
Then the creation of the ring continues, and I will not write what they do yet, create and see, but I will sign all the rings after the release.
Rings Minecraft Data Pack

To get a dolphin fin, you need to kill it. (how cruel))

Next, the stones will be improved to their improved version with the help of a new workbench created on a regular workbench.

And then the crafting in the new crafter and the rings on which you can put these stones will be shown.
By the way, in order to improve the ring, you need to throw 10 gold, a ring (which needs to be improved) and an elemental stone on the blacksmith's table.

I will also be grateful to you if you write what ring I can add more.
Also, do not be afraid that everything in the datapack is in Russian, I will definitely add a translation to the release.

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by HAD 11/21/2023 5:25:46 amNov 21st, 2023

3 new rings
1 new workbench
and the ability to upgrade rings to the gold level

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11/02/2023 10:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Great pack, and I have an idea! how about a ring that increases damage put out, but decreases the players maximum hearts, like a trade off.
11/21/2023 5:42 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Zombie
I apologize that I could not answer for 2 weeks, and so there is a power ring in the datapack that gives increased damage but does not take away life, and it seems to me that I will not make rings with compensation, but still thank you for the commentary.)
10/21/2023 11:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I haven't tested this out yet, but if it isn't in there already you should make the One Ring which gives you invisibility
10/21/2023 9:22 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Privet :) That's cool ! I love this datapack , and also can ya add a farmer ring , that boosts your crops growing time , and has a chance to double the crops you get by breaking them :)
10/21/2023 10:08 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Zombie
hi, thanks for the comment, it seems to me that this is a good idea, I'll try to recreate it :)
11/09/2023 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
No problem :)
10/21/2023 9:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cool datapack
