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Upgrader Shield V.1.6
Made by LightningCK
idea by Iophunk
This Datapack Shield will become more durable. when you upgrade it.
Lastest Update : 19/11/2022
Recipes : Craft in Crafting Table
Shield at the middle + Iron Ingot x8 = Iron Shield
Shield at the middle + Gold Ingot x8 = Golden Shield
Shield at the middle + Diamond x8 = Diamond Shield
Shield at the middle + Netherite Scrap x8 = Netherite Shield
Recipes Has in Picture. Gold , Diamond And Netherite Shield can craft by replace iron in the picture!
If You craft this recipe but not get shield use this command :
/function lightning:reload-fixing
File Name : upgrader-shield-v1-6.zip (Don't Unzip File, Or Datapack Won't Work!)
This Datapack has tested in
- 1.16.5
- 1.17.1
- 1.18-1.18.2
- 1.19-1.19.2
if it's not work in other version you can tell me in comment!
And you can tell me what you want new release datapack!
Made by LightningCK
idea by Iophunk
This Datapack Shield will become more durable. when you upgrade it.
Lastest Update : 19/11/2022
Recipes : Craft in Crafting Table
Shield at the middle + Iron Ingot x8 = Iron Shield
Shield at the middle + Gold Ingot x8 = Golden Shield
Shield at the middle + Diamond x8 = Diamond Shield
Shield at the middle + Netherite Scrap x8 = Netherite Shield
Recipes Has in Picture. Gold , Diamond And Netherite Shield can craft by replace iron in the picture!
If You craft this recipe but not get shield use this command :
/function lightning:reload-fixing
File Name : upgrader-shield-v1-6.zip (Don't Unzip File, Or Datapack Won't Work!)
This Datapack has tested in
- 1.16.5
- 1.17.1
- 1.18-1.18.2
- 1.19-1.19.2
if it's not work in other version you can tell me in comment!
And you can tell me what you want new release datapack!
Compatibility | Minecraft 1.16 |
to | Minecraft 1.18 |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by LightningCK 11/19/2022 5:01:13 amNov 19th, 2022
Lastest Update : 19/11/2022
- Fixed Bug
- You can use /reload if you get bug
- Update to 1.19.2 and 1.20 snapshot
- Fixed Bug
- You can use /reload if you get bug
- Update to 1.19.2 and 1.20 snapshot
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what does it do
is it worth it
and does it work
And Craft Like Picture!
Shield will have unbreaking
Iron -> Shield Unbreaking I
Gold-> Shield Unbreaking II
Diamond -> Shield Unbreaking III
Netherite Scrap -> Shield Unbreaking V
In Normal Survival has Only UNBREAKING III but this datapack it's has Unbreaking V.
And It's Work in 1.17.1 (I tested by myself) in other version i think it's work
if it's not work in other version you can tell me in comment! (if it correct ,it will work 1.13 to 1.18)
so it has 3 fixing ways (using only 1 way does work!)
1. Reload Datapack (if not work, using the second and third way)
2. using /recipe take @a lightning:iron_shield (change to golden,diamond and netherite_shield)
3. download again to get upgrader shield v.1.5 and using /function lightning:reload-fixing
Sorry about late reply :(