Medieval/fantasy/Technology rp idea/app thread

Darksoul128's Avatar Darksoul1284/12/12 8:14 am
4/16/2012 10:33 am
bnrdhdu's Avatar bnrdhdu
Ok while watching I-Robot ealier today I thought of something, all rps I have seen are modern, medieval, fantasy and supernatural and some futuristic. So I got to thinking why not combine these, a medieval world that has futuristic technology so the world advanced to technology of today and tomorow but then a cataclysmic event that destroyed civilisation and pushed it back to the medieval era. So basically technology is there in ruins of the old world hidden away and items from these are powerful and desired and worth a pretty penny. Also in this world magic advanced until technology caught up and then over took but it has now made a comeback.

Races(Both magical and not) If you think of any others please post saying their name and a backstory for them.
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Humans:The basic species of the world and the most common, they are smart and inventive and throught this they have flourished and control a large amount of the land but they are a young species and many others are wary of them.

Dwarves:One of the longest lived species of this land, they build great underground cities and towns carving their lives into the rock around them. They control the second largest amount of the land and the most wealth. However they due to their age they are still locked in the old ways and can take awhile to decide on a course of action be it in war or commerce, they are also at odds with the goblins, orcs and a few other species that are sworn enemies to dwarves.

Goblins: A old race and one of war and anger, they have been hunted by dwarves since the dawn of their existence due to them living close together and both wanting wealth. They are also despised by humans due to many myths surrounding them saying that they steal children and spread disease.

Orcs:An old and barbaric race, they once had a great kingdom but it was torn apart by civil war and now they are little but roving barbarians and nomads. Orcs earn respect among each other by fighting and raiding, they live peacefully with goblins besides a few duels here and there as both species are use to war, orcs in goblin camps are usually labourers. There are some orcs who live in human towns and a few other races welcome them, humans allow them to stay as they are hard working and strong but many an orc has been killed by humans in their sleep.

Arch Elves:The eldest race around they have been around since the begining along with the dark elves, dwarves and dragonlings. They control the forests of the land and build cities around trees of great importance as well as near sites of great magic, they are quite wealthy and they welcome all races except for the dark elves. They have great ties with the dwarves and humans. Their magic is centered around nature, water and healing.

Dark elves:While arch elves magic revolves around nature and helping, dark elves revolve around fire and death, their ties are to darkness and war, they are allies with the goblins. They are of equal age to the arch elves and many used to be Arch elves that turned to evil, they have no set home and wander the land they are welcome in human cities as they are vaguely wealthy and have many secrets and powers to share.

Dragonlings:An ancient race long thought extinct, the result of dragons evolving to combat there true forms offsets, in their human form they have scales covering their body and sharp claws, they also have a tail and serpentine eyes. They live in the mountains high above the clouds they also live deep in the earth near magma lakes. The ones that live above the clouds are the wind and water dragons and the ones living near the magma lakes are the fire and earth dragons. Both species as dis-trusted by the dwarves and they dis-trust the dwarves, those that live in the high halls hold much knowledge and power, those that live in the deep halls hold wealth and the best weapons around.

High angels:They hold the stongest magic around and the most knowledge of the world, they are the oldest race around and live in cities high above the clouds in floating cities, the angels keep to themselves and will rarely involve themselves in the lower worlds affairs unless it can affect them, they keep their cities floating via a large crystal filled with magic kept in the heart of the city in the high councils chamber. They do not use forges for their weapons and armor but instead use magic to forge, they rely on the other races for metals and food.

Trolls: An moderately aged race and very powerful, they are not the smertest around however and know much hardship. They wander the land doing what they must to survive, they are used as slaves by many and are often used for raiding due to their sheer force.

Dreaded:Free roaming undead that borke free from the power of those that ressurected them, they are despised by humans completely and have become enemies of all, they rely on trading but join with none and have no alleigance but to themselves. There weapons are crude but deadly relying on disabling their opponents rather than outright killing them, the Dreaded ranks consist of zombies, skeletons, liches and banshees.

Werwolves:A race that has survived but not flourished. They are cursed to become beasts at night, the shape of a man the appearance of a wolf, some are able to control these transformations while most cannot, contrary to belief they have full control over their actions in their true form. They can transmit the curse via a bite.

Vampires: Ya know what they are and blah blah blah, magic is ice and they slowly burn in sun only skin that is in direct contact. They are enemies with werewolves though some accept each other. Are able to turn into a mist form and pass though things.

Techman:A brand new race, the result of humans crosiing themselves with the machines in the old worlds ruins, they are shunned by most due to the mechanical parts and many say the old ruins are evil and cursed. They have advanced tech to fight and create, they live only in the olld world ruins.

Werepyres:A peculier race this one two ways to become one, first be afflicted by both curses with a day of each other and this is what you become, or be born the offspring of a werewolf and vampire and inherit both powers. They have a true form like werewolves although it has wings and fangs aswell, the size is of a werewolfs and the strength is equal to both. They control small amounts of air magic and when in human form can turn to a misty form like vampires to seep into places.

Cast Down Angel: Renegade high angels that were cast down from the cities for an evil deed. They can return to the cities but can not be near any place of importance and must turn in their weapons to an authority figure. Most are not very friendly and don't have much income.

Living statues:Very rare indeed, created by infusing a statue of anything with life magic and a soul they are near immortal as not much can harm them and the statue can be made of anything stone, metal even cloth. But the magic that keeps them alive dwindles outside of the city they live in so if they exert themselves then they are unable to move for some time, and of course they have different dias-advantages depending on what they are made of.((Know where this is from and I love you.))

Pixie:A small eccentric race, what they lack in sixe they make up for in every other way they can. They live in the forests and flower fields, they are hired as they are able to finely detail items be it armor or gem. Good that have had a pixie work on them are exspensive and magical.

How you rp:
Posted by Darksoul128's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe

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04/16/2012 10:33 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Aww man, I was really hoping I could RP as a goblin...
04/16/2012 10:29 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
04/15/2012 4:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Ok don't get mad at me but I have an idea will link when is ready but will take some time.
04/15/2012 3:43 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
I guess you could say it was a *puts on glasses* threadless death YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
04/15/2012 3:42 pm
Level 41 : Master Taco
Gargoyle's Avatar
The Reason for that is, You Never Made the RP Thread....
04/15/2012 3:26 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
04/15/2012 2:14 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Preety sure this died before it even began, Sad isn't it.
04/14/2012 8:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
Eves family is the highest ranking of the angels, her parents are both highly praised council members but Eve is different she likes earth more and is fascinated with humans but when there tech starts to destroy all magic they need a comeback so as the council wastes time and plans she doesn't care and gets ready to help magic's big impact on tech. But her power is opposite of tech, she is an angel that has control over nature, as tech polluted the world she grew weaker and was close to death when magic over came tech and she is now strong again... but who knows if she will live next time tech pushes magic.
04/14/2012 10:50 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Crimson accepted as long as you can add more backstory.
04/14/2012 12:17 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
04/14/2012 12:13 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
Name:Eve Lakewood
Race:High Angel
Backstory:Eves family is the highest ranking of the angels, her parents are both highly praised council members but Eve is different she likes earth more and is fascinated with humans but when there tech starts to destroy all magic they need a comeback so as the council wastes time and plans she doesn't care and gets ready to help magic's big impact on tech.
Weapons:Moonstone and crystal sword
Powers:She can grow things
Weaknesses: fire
How you rp:Eve sat in her home in the sky "Why is there nothing to do!"
(short back story i'm tired and need sleep ill add more if needed tomorrow or sunday)
04/13/2012 1:40 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
I will be making a story at some point if ya want to make one yourself go ahead.
04/13/2012 1:02 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
I would prefer that there really isn't a king or anything, you just do what you want.
04/13/2012 12:59 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
How about all the "Good" characters are lead by King Magnolen.
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And the "Evil" characters are lead by Lord Daarken.
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04/13/2012 10:52 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Skizzy doesn't shun it... he just sells it.
04/13/2012 9:54 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Okay, that's great.
04/13/2012 9:44 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Scraofar accepted, also you can leave the ruins but would need to find someone who does not shun the technology, so maybe some arch elves and stuff.
04/13/2012 7:41 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Even though I'll be a techman, would it be possible to leave the old world ruins? I'd like my character to interact with humans, mostly by being their servants/helpers and whatnot.
04/12/2012 7:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Scarifar's Avatar
Name: The Musician (Wyrden)
Age: 300
Race: Arch Elf
Alignment(Good/evil): Neutral, but helps anyone that's good.
Backstory: Wyrden was born without magic, and thus shunned. Wyrden was saddened, but knew he must now survive on his own. He learned how to hunt in the forest, when he stumbled upon a mysterious man in a snow white coat that somehow did not have any stains. He took Wyrden in and trained him in the use of a sword, and the use of speed. Of course, he was also taught how to play a flute. Why Wyrden was taught how to play it was a mystery, but he did not question it. After about 11-12 years of training, Wyrden was taught a vast knowledge of swordsmanship, mainly using speed to his advantage. The stranger then smiled and gave him an enchanted flute. Wyrden took it in gratitude, and stared at it in awe. When he looked back up, the stranger was gone, nowhere to be seen again. Wyrden looked around in alarm, then tears flowed from his eyes, convinced that he would never see him again. He started to wander the lands, traveling far and wide, seeing things others only dream of, and facing many formidable foes. Nevertheless, he persisted, aiding the weak and helpless, and taking down the corrupt, especially those who were rich because of it. He was whispered by many, gaining him his title, "The Musician".
Weapons: Enchanted flute that forms strong shields and/or confuses those he chooses, 3-ft long single-sided sword, similar to a katana, crossbow.
Powers: Enchanted flute, very skilled with a sword, quick.
Weaknesses: When hit on the leg, his speed decreases dramatically. When playing his flute, he must stay in one spot.
Appearance: White hair in bangs, brown hat with wide brim to cover blue eyes, brown robe over grey clothing, topped over a chainmail shirt.
How you rp: Wyrden found an injured bird on the ground. The bird, tried to run away, but Wyrden persisted in helping it, and eventually, the bird grew friendly and decided to let him help. He mended its wing and, after a week, it had finally healed. The bird soared away, never to be seen again.
04/12/2012 7:05 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
04/12/2012 7:02 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Accepted bn and Sand assassin sounds awesome I could make a story for them if ya don't mind.
04/12/2012 7:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Ok, that picture is boss... I'm going to go find something to scrape my jaw off the floor.
04/12/2012 6:57 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
I have a new race idea.

Sand Assassin:
An assassin made out of the scorching desert sun by evil wizards. Although very fast and agile, they rarely leave the desert. This caused the circulation of many legends and many believe that sand assassins don't even exist.

Note: The idea just popped into my empty head when I was looking at this.
04/12/2012 6:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Not MY werepyre, but it's a werepyre none the less. I think I might try something else though, get well rounded.

Name: Skizzy
Age: 32
Race: Goblin
Alignment: Money
Backstory: Like your typical goblin, he loves money. So he set out to get some. He does what ever he gets paid to do, whether is assassination, or theft. For a goblin, he is quite clever, and knows enough about the old gadgets to sell them straight off.
Weapons: Two daggers, and a short sword. Looks like a Roman Gladius.
Powers: N/A
Weaknesses: Money
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How you RP: Must you even ask?
04/12/2012 6:49 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Well, I might as well add this to my app:

Weaknesses: Electric surges and water.
04/12/2012 6:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
edited it to include the weakness
04/12/2012 6:45 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Name: 'Legion'
Age: unknown
Race: Cast down angel
Alignment(Good/evil): Neutral
Backstory: Legion was part of a rebel group to take down another angel who had too much power. After he was cast down he wanted nothing more than Redemption. He got a human blacksmith to make him a sword, a bow and arrow and a crossbow like weapon. The small crossbow strapped to his wrist. He is serious mostly and will disregard those who want to fight him. He helps those in need because his quest for redemption demands it. Before he was cast down his life was nothing different from any other angels until one day he snapped and joined the rebels. ((sorry its short this is all i know :S))
Weapons: Sword,bow and arrows, small Wrist crossbow
Powers: flight, strength
How you rp: ((you know this)) Legion flew a bit underneath the clouds, looking to the people below him.

Accepted also adding a weakness part to app so just do some for him.
04/12/2012 6:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
Name: 'Legion'
Age: unknown
Race: Cast down angel
Alignment(Good/evil): Neutral
Backstory: Legion was part of a rebel group to take down another angel who had too much power. After he was cast down he wanted nothing more than Redemption. He got a human blacksmith to make him a sword, a bow and arrow and a crossbow like weapon. The small crossbow strapped to his wrist. He is serious mostly and will disregard those who want to fight him. He helps those in need because his quest for redemption demands it. Before he was cast down his life was nothing different from any other angels until one day he snapped and joined the rebels. ((sorry its short this is all i know :S))
Weapons: Sword,bow and arrows, small Wrist crossbow
Powers: flight, strength
weaknesses: His tendancy to 'shoot first ask questions later', speed
How you rp: ((you know this)) Legion flew a bit underneath the clouds, looking to the people below him.
04/12/2012 6:24 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
I'll reply later, homework atm.
Nice to see you again, bnrdhdu.
04/12/2012 6:24 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Will do luke also added werepyres.
04/12/2012 6:22 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
Cast Down Angel: Renegade high angels that were cast down from the cities for an evil deed. They can return to the cities but can not be near any place of importance and must turn in their weapons to an authority figure. Most are not very friendly and don't have much income. (can you add or alter this? had the idea then mind blanked)
04/12/2012 6:20 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Werepyres came to me earlier about 5 mins ago I realised you would want one, also Gnomes yes but the suits no unless they were golems as the technology is shunned by a few and not many understand it.
04/12/2012 6:17 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
Gnomes: A magic based race with superior technology. Gnomes are smaller than Dwarves but a bit taller than Goblins they usually build robotic suits to increase their height by standing in them. They don't like to use weapons and prefer magic but some use specially designed weapons suited for their small stature. They have no race enemies.
04/12/2012 6:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Dammit, you know me, I NEED MY WEREPYRES!
04/12/2012 4:56 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Yeah, I was using it as an example. I was thinking guns similar to blunderbusses or musketoons, but primitive/steampunk/medieval feel.
04/12/2012 1:16 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Name: Nad Gettarfen
Age: Unknown/Forgotten
Race: Techman
Alignment: Good
Backstory: Nad used to be a human who lived fairly regular. He worked on robotics and technology for his whole life, after his father did. His work often got in the way of many things, including his attention span. Once he was so busy tinkering with a contraption on the side of the path, he wasn't paying attention and his arm was run over by a very heavy cart carrying boulders. It was completely ruined. He used his knowledge of robotics and technology to create for himself a new, bronze mechanical arm. After many more years of experiments, he finished his masterpiece. He converted himself partially to a machine. He was shunned by the village, and ran to the Old World Ruins, where he used dark magic to force the mechanics to himself further. He had advanced himself to the point of becoming a Techman.
Weapons: Mechanical, interchangeable hands. He can twist his hand off with a "click" and install a sword, hammer, battle axe, or even guns.
Powers: (n/a)
Appearance: Parts of him are human, others are robotic. His left arm is completely bronze, his right is from the elbow down. The left side of his face is robotic, with an extruding, focusing eye that looks like a modern/real life camera lense. Overall, he looks like a steampunk cyborg.
How you rp: Not sure how to answer this, really. I think you know, though.
04/12/2012 1:53 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
accepted but know that while guns are around the ammo is hard to come by and they are known to malfunction, this offsets the fact they hurt like hell.
04/12/2012 11:20 am
Level 41 : Master Taco
Gargoyle's Avatar
i Would Join
04/12/2012 11:03 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
All right thats one in will begin making apps when I am on my computer at around 5ish.
04/12/2012 10:54 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
It would most definitely be interesting. I'd sign up if you'd organize it.
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