A Minecraft RPG Update Forum!

SneakyLunatic69's Avatar SneakyLunatic693/25/14 1:17 pm
4/5/2014 4:31 pm
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar SneakyLunatic69
Story (Spoilers!)
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The Story (1/3)

You start off not knowing where you are, a voice explains that you're family has been killed but the creature that did it had missed you and you were able to escape with amnesia from the major trauma of
your family being killed. The voice told you where to go to start your journey for revenge and you listened, you had nothing left to lose...

As you traveled you met a mayor of a luxurious town. He seemed a little strange when he first met you, and when he took the note he was surprised. In no time flat he was telling you to go into this
awful dungeon to risk your life trying to kill these horrid creatures that where trying to eat you. You managed to survive with a small scratch on your left arm. Was that there before? You ask yourself, shrug, then continue
on your way to talk to the mayor again. When he sees you've survived he is very happy, but also still very surprised. After a little celebration he sends you off again to tal to some "Secret Sam"...

Off you went through Dezmer forest, watching out for skeleton hunters and deadly spiders. When you finally reached the Village of Fridel you where exhausted, the last thing you wanted to do was go
adventuring again. So that night you stayed in the inn and went to see Sam the next morning. As you were talking to him, many people came out of there houses looking very shocked as they were staring right at you.
Sam could tell you were weirded out by these people staring at you so he cut to the chase and told you to head into the Bloomidaze ruins.

After a long trip trying to find your way into the ruins you then find yourself standing face to face with a crazy looking, but also quite lifeless looking scientist.
You realize that you are being surrounded by many of the same undead creatures trying to eat you before, only this time they were glowing in the dark as if they were mutated in a way.
You knew you would have to fight for your life so you once again began hacking and slashing away at the undead horrors. Then at the doctor who was defenseless without his undead army helping him.
This time, after defeating the creatures you left with a burn mark on your right arm, having thinking that it also had been on your arm before. After the deja vu had passed you found a book.
Some of the pages where ripped up and barely legible but you could make out this one part:

Yes... If I kill him before the
"voice" does I will be recognized
as all powerful, they...

You couldn't make out any more of the transcript and you wondered who "they"
were and if it was talking about killing you. Once again you shrug and run back to Sam and he then tells you to go off again in search of a massive city named Reznald.

As you arrive in Reznald you hear a voice that sound like the one you heard when you awoke mumble "Dr. Evilspawn is dead? He is more powerful than I expected..."
You try chat with some of the townsmen about the legendary beast, but many of them didn't know what you were talking about and the rest said it was bad luck to talk about it. Eventually
you meet one fellow who overhears you talking about the beast. Without saying much, he hands you a book. You try to ask him something but he disappears. You look for him around the city but can't find him anywhere so
you decide to read the book hoping for some answers:

Hello Nick. Yes, that is your name. I, the man you met in the city, have prepared this book for you to explain what is going on.
The reason I didn't speak to you is because I have traveled into the realm using special magic, but I was only able to bring a
spiritual part of me that only you could see to the realm. If I had brought my physical body, I would have been seen and killed
by the evils of the realm, and if I had talked the same fate would've occurred...

Don't try to look for me, I will leave the realm to avoid any chance of being caught once I give you this. Just read on
to learn the truth about this place.

The voice you heard. It is actually the beast trying to kill you by taking you through this "world" he created with all the evil
creatures he has spawned throughout it. At first it was a game to him, he wanted to see if you could beat your great great... grandfather
Sir William Rogerson "score" Now that you've made it this far however, he is serious. You see. The reason he doesn't just
kill you himself, is because he isn't as powerful as everyone thinks. He has the power to create things like the monsters you have fought
and to create worlds, but I takes him 1000 years to regenerate his powers. That is also why we though Sir Will had defeated him.
Truly, he is a weak creature with many bodyguards. If you can make it past them, you will be able to kill him.

I could tell you more, but we don't have much time. If you continue listening to the villagers, you could end up like
Will, but if you follow where I tell you to go, I can show you a faster route to him so you can kill him once and for all. Before he
gains enough power to send his creations to our real world.

It was your choice. Listen to the voice, or the crazy old man that gave you a book...

End of part 1.

( 3.0 (WIP 2.3) is available for download here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/fsd76 ... 2.3%29.zip

Project Link:http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/a-minecraft-rpg-beta-10/

YouTube Series where I show you how I make my Adventure Maps:

It's been awhile since I last posted about updating A Minecraft RPG but now that I have quite a bit done I thought I should probably tell you guys that this project is still on!

3.0 Change log


-New town and quests
-Main Quest leads to a city of ruins
-Secret underground passage and city
-Parkour tower [There is an easy way if you are bad at parkour, don't worry, be happy]
-Remaking all the shops and recreating the weapons and armour [List Below]
-Adding 6+ new side quests throughout the map
-Remaking all the mobs, aggressive and passive
-New mobs in the forest outside of Dezmer
-New hidden chests around the map
-Expanding the story line so it's not as short as before [New puzzles and Challenges!]
-Teleporter from Dezmer to Kelm Village (Not the other way around)
-Teleporter from Fridel Village to Dezmer or Kelm Village (Not the other way around)


-Boss in the underground city
-New Mobs in the Ruins


General Store - Has a little bit of everything

Blacksmith - Weapons and Armour

Farmer - Food

Junkyard - Sell Armour and Weapons

Bank - Trade lots of lower value coins for less higher value coins

Mining Stores - Trade mined ores for cash

(Removing other stores because they are sort of useless; enchanter, toolmaker, enhancer, merchant, etc)

(You can still make your own weapons and enchant them with anvils)

Weapons and Armour


LV.1 Wooden Shortsword [4 DMG]

LV.2 Splintery Shortsword (Sharpness I) [5.25 DMG]

LV.3 Stone Saber [5 DMG]

LV.4 Rocky Rapier (Sharpness I) [6.25 DMG]

LV.5 Golden Longsword (Sharpness I, Smite I) [5.25 DMG + 2.5 Smite DMG]

LV.6 Shiny Longsword (Sharpness II, Smite II) [6.50 DMG + 5.0 Smite DMG]

LV.7 Iron Broadsword (Sharpness I, Looting I) [7.25 DMG + Looting Bonus]

LV.8 Metallic Broadsword (Sharpness I, Looting II) [7.25 DMG + Looting Bonus 2]

LV. 9 Diamond Sabre (Sharpness I, Smite I, Looting I) [8.25 DMG + 2.5 Smite DMG + Looting Bonus]

LV.10 Crystal Claymore (Sharpness II, Smite II, Looting II) 9.50 DMG + 5.0 Smite DMG + Looting Bonus 2]

End Game: Diamondback Blade (Sharpness X) [19.5 DMG]

Special Swords

LV. 2 Dmitri's Splinter (Sharpness III) [7.25 DMG]

LV. 4 Charles's Rock (Sharpness I, Knockback II) [6.25 DMG + Knockback]

LV. 6 Blaze's Flame (Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I) [6.50 DMG + Fire DMG]

LV. 8 Flint's Dagger (Sharpness II, Smite III) [8.50 DMG + 7.5 Smite DMG]

LV. 10 Athena's Claymore (Sharpness IV, Looting V) [12 DMG + Loot Bonus 5]

Alternate End Game: Rogerson's Rapier (Sharpness XX Knockback M) [32 DMG + Insane Knockback]

Boss Weapons

Knocken's Sword
(Knockback II) [5 DMG + Knockback]

Dr. Evilspawn's Doomstick
(Sharpness I, Knockback I, Smite I, Flame Aspect I) [7.25 DMG + Knockback + 2.5 Smite DMG + Fire DMG

-More Bosses Soon-


LV.1 Peasant's Set [Leather Armour]

LV.2 Chain mail Set [Chain mail Armour]

LV.3 Shiny Set [Gold Armour /w Protection I ]

LV.4 Metal Warrior Set [Iron Armour]

LV.5 Crystal Knight Set [Diamond Armour]

End Game: Diamondback Paladin [Diamond Armour /w Protection VIII ]

Special Armours

LV.1 Dmitri's Clothes [Leather Armour /w Protection II ]

LV.2 Charles's Chainmail [Chainmail Armour /w Protection II ]

LV.3 Blaze's Protect [Gold Armour /w All Protections I ]

LV.4 Flint's Plate mail [Iron Armour /w Protection III ]

LV.5 Athena's Suit [Diamond Armour /w Protect V + Feather Falling X]

Althernate End Game: Rogerson's Spikemail [Iron Armour /w Protect VIII + Thorns X]

Boss Armour's

Knocken's Chestplate [Iron Armour]

Dr. Evilspawn's Labcoat [Leather Armour /w All Protections + Thorns II]

-More Bosses Soon-

Axes and Pickaxes will not be sold at stores anymore, instead you will be given diamond ones in the beginning chest.

Mob Types

(HP = Hit Points. Armour does not affect them, it just reduces damage the mob takes)
(DMG - Damage. The No. listed does not include the increased damage from weapons.)

LV.1 Zombie (No Armour/Weapons) [25 - HP, 3 - DMG]

LV.2 Peasant Zombie (Leather Chestplate/No Weapon) [30 - HP, 3 - DMG]

LV.3 Villager Zombie (Leather Armour/No Weapon) [40 -HP, 2.5 - DMG]

LV.3 Miner Zombie (Leather Leggings and Boots/Stone Pickaxe) [30 - HP, 3 - DMG]

LV.3 Undead Prisoner (Full Leather Armour/Stone Shovel) [30 - HP, 3 - DMG]

LV.3 Skeleton Prisoner (Leather Chestplate/Bone) [20 - HP, 2 - DMG]

LV.4 Undead Guard (Iron Chestplate/Knockback Stick) [35 - HP, 4 DMG]

LV.3 Undead Riot Officer (Protection I Iron Chestplate/No Weapon [40 - HP, 1 DMG]

BOSS Knocken (Iron Chestplate/Knockback II Stone Sword) [100 HP, 3 DMG]

LV.4 Forest Spider (No Armour/Weapons/+Speed) [10 - HP, 4 DMG]

LV.4 Forest Skeleton (Leather Helm /w Protection I /Bow) [20 - HP, 2 DMG]

LV.4 Ruins Spider (No Armour/Weapons) [25 - HP, 3 DMG]

LV.5 Ruins Skeleton (Chainmail Chestplate/Bow) [25 - HP, 2.5 DMG]

LV.5 Ruins Zombie (No Armour/Stone Sword) [35 - HP, 3.5 DMG]

LV.1 Rotting Corpse (No Armour/Weapons) [5 - HP , 1 DMG]

LV.1 Little Cave Spider (No Armour/Weapons) [5 - HP, 2 DMG]

LV.5 Decayed Villager (Chain Armour/No Weapons) [40 - HP, 3 DMG]

LV.5 Bones (Chain Helm/ Power I Bow) [30 - HP, 3 DMG]

LV.6 Scientific BioZombie (Leather Armour /w Random Enchants) [75 - HP, 4 DMG]

LV.6 Scientific BioBones (Same as BioZombie) [50 - HP, 3.5 DMG]

BOSS Dr. Evilspawn(Leather Armour /w All Protections + Thorns II /Magic Rod a.k.a a stick with fire enchantment and knockback.) [200 - HP, 4 DMG]
(Every once and awhile enemies will spawn while fighting Dr. Evilspawn)[/b]
Posted by SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb

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04/05/2014 4:31 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
BETA 3.0 (WIP 2.1) Is now available for download!
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dlv9af ... P_Versions


-Changed Gray Dye to Flint (Silver)
-Changed Yellow Dye to Gold Nugget (Gold)
-Fixed Chests
-Added hidden chests with Copper and Silver
-Added hidden chests with Dmitri's Special Items (LV.1 -LV.2)
-Fixed some Mob Spawners to decrease spawn rate
-Need to get bridge access from James to get into Dezmer (Prevents quest skipping)
-Minor Fixes and Changes
04/03/2014 9:47 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
I have written out a part of the story for you guys to read. Enjoy it!
03/30/2014 12:24 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Download the 3.0 WIP here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k5jwb ... 1%29.rar#1).rar

03/29/2014 2:47 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
iSayCr4pAlot's Avatar
This is pretty nice!
03/29/2014 8:28 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Thanks! I'm releasing a WIP version in an hour or so. Check it out!
03/29/2014 2:27 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Puncher
Nytroh's Avatar
please try to convert it to xbox 360
03/29/2014 2:46 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cake
Jrcarp's Avatar
I think thats impossible until alot more stuff is added in xbox edition
03/29/2014 8:27 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
I have no idea how to do that, plus it's impossible until Xbox comes out with Command Blocks and other things... Sorry about that!

If Xbox Minecraft ever updates with the stuff that is needed then I will sure try
03/29/2014 1:55 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Releasing 3.0 WIP #1 Tonight!

-Main and Side Quests all the way up to right before the Serpent Dungeon.
-New Mobs
-New Equipment
-Many small fixes to the entire map
03/28/2014 7:32 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
21 Enemies and only about 1/3 of the map is done! When it's finished I plan to have over 60 Different enemies (Including Bosses) to fight!

I asked someone who played what they thought of the map:
"4/5, but I think I few things should be fixed"

(He was rating an unfinished version of the next update)

It's going to be awhile for the update but I am going to release WIP Versions so you guys can see the new weapons, mobs and quests!

I plan to upload the first one tomorrow if things go as planned
03/27/2014 3:25 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
03/27/2014 12:39 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Apparently you guys in the polls are hungry... XD

So soon I'm going to be starting a YouTube channel. My first series will be the process of making an adventure map.

I will post a link as soon as I get the first video up.
03/25/2014 3:28 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragonborn
SimplisticZ's Avatar
Is this a map or can it be played on a server?
03/26/2014 1:09 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
It's a downloadable map played in single player. You can play it multiplayer, but it is made as a single player map and would be really easy with 2+ people.

Later I might make a multiplayer version depending on how popular it is when it's finished!
03/25/2014 1:48 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Birb
SneakyLunatic69's Avatar
Thank you for the cheeseburger vote!
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