Zombie Invasion With Command Blocks?

seriouswarrior's Avatar seriouswarrior5/17/16 1:34 pm
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6/13/2016 10:20 am
a_creeper_won's Avatar a_creeper_won
So I know there's a whole lot of " 'X' IN A SINGLE COMMAND! " things out there, but I can't seem to find one that makes it so that I can have a zombie invasion.

Please allow me to clarify:

I am trying to find a command or something that I can make so that every time the sun goes down, the world floods with zombies - all sorts of zombies. Armored, armed, pumpkin-headed, mini, GIANT, slow, fast... You get it. I don't want a lot of spiders, skeletons, creepers, etc - just zombies. Zombies everywhere, and more than usual. Enough so that it is very dangerous to go outside at night (more so than the normal amount of danger).

I just want zombie hordes at night. That's basically it. That, and the ability to keep the other normal hostile mobs from spawning (neutral/passive mobs are okay). I also don't want them to be spawning in, say, a well-lit area, like my house, or a torched-out cave, know that I mean?

If anyone has any leads, links, commands, or whatever, hit me back here on the forums.

Thanks in advance!

Posted by seriouswarrior's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Fox

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06/13/2016 10:20 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
a_creeper_won's Avatar
Use the classic daylight sensor, tag the zombies (So you don't have zombies constanty switching armor) and use /entitydata
06/06/2016 11:33 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fox
seriouswarrior's Avatar
Click to reveal
BertiecrafterIt's actually very easy.

Make a redstone clock (you can google this), one second delay should be enough (1 repeater*).

Then you run a line of redstone from the clock.

And get repeaters facing away from it, like a fish bone (or whatever that's called).
On every repeater you place two command blocks on top of each other.
The first command is connected to the repeater, the second one is on top of the first one.

/execute @e[type=Spider] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Spider]

/execute @e[type=Skeleton] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Skeleton]

/execute @e[type=Creeper] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Creeper]

/execute @e[type=CaveSpider] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=CaveSpider]

And of course you can add more if you want to.
This is limited to spawning vanilla random zombies though (with all armor combinations that are available for zombie spawns in the game).
That means that the variety of zombies will change when you increase your difficulty level.

* 1 repeater causes 4/10th of a second, add the torch (of the redstone clock) to it and you get 5/10th of a second. Your redstone line has to turn ON AND OFF, before it can turn on again, so this way you will get your full second: 2 x 5/10 = 10/10 = 1 second.

It sounds like I could use this... except for the fact I only need the zombies during the day (*EDIT: I MEAN NIGHT)... but that should be too tough of a fix. And I THINK I understand what you're saying. It certainly seems like you know what you're talking about, but it would be a lot easier to understand if I had some sort of example to look over, like a picture or video or map... :3
06/06/2016 11:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fox
seriouswarrior's Avatar
AlbinoTeen. . . Also I think you got this idea from Terraria maybe.

Actually, I don't play Terraria... but I certainly want to try and get into it. :3 You thinking about working on the command?
05/24/2016 1:33 am
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
It's actually very easy.

Make a redstone clock (you can google this), one second delay should be enough (1 repeater*).

Then you run a line of redstone from the clock.

And get repeaters facing away from it, like a fish bone (or whatever that's called).
On every repeater you place two command blocks on top of each other.
The first command is connected to the repeater, the second one is on top of the first one.

/execute @e[type=Spider] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Spider]

/execute @e[type=Skeleton] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Skeleton]

/execute @e[type=Creeper] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=Creeper]

/execute @e[type=CaveSpider] ~ ~ ~ /summon Zombie
/kill @e[type=CaveSpider]

And of course you can add more if you want to.
This is limited to spawning vanilla random zombies though (with all armor combinations that are available for zombie spawns in the game).
That means that the variety of zombies will change when you increase your difficulty level.

* 1 repeater causes 4/10th of a second, add the torch (of the redstone clock) to it and you get 5/10th of a second. Your redstone line has to turn ON AND OFF, before it can turn on again, so this way you will get your full second: 2 x 5/10 = 10/10 = 1 second.
05/23/2016 8:07 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
AlbinoTeen's Avatar
Hey I do command blocks, but i'v never done something like that and even tho something like that wouldn't be the hardest thing nor the easiest.... Also I think you got this idea from Terraria maybe.
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