Getting into skin making.

ign's Avatar ign4/16/19 2:40 pm
2 emeralds 243 6
5/4/2019 12:23 pm
sushikay's Avatar sushikay
hello everyone, I have recently tried to get into skin making however I do not know how to actually start creating the base skin itself and make it look decent, shade properly and what not. (I use PMC3D btw)

Any help is appreciated !
Posted by ign's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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04/17/2019 8:09 am
Level 35 : Artisan Archer
Kwanatla's Avatar
I sorta taught myself (I'm not great, but decent). I usually try to start with the torso and outer garment. I often do it in 3 steps: 1 is drawing a rough outline of where the garment is. Secondly I refine it, usually using a low-percentage (5-20%) noise tool. Finally, I do some shading, just darkening areas and lightening others, there's a handy tool for doing that in PMCSkin 3D. Anyway, I wish you good luck on your skinning journey!
04/17/2019 5:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ign's Avatar
THIS IS quite useful! One thing tho... where can I get color palettes?
05/04/2019 12:23 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
sushikay's Avatar
One way to find a cohesive palette is a palette generator from an image.
Find an image you like, such as an old thrift store, etc.
Submit it into this website, and it'll take colors from it and supply you with a palette.
And then add your skin colors and what not.

That's one way to do it, but I find it better to just experiment with colors and find what you like.
It's not about 'where you get palettes', it's about learning about color theory and finding cohesive colors yourself. If you want your skin to pop, use bright colors.
Now, your skin isn't going to be absolutely beautiful on your first tries, it takes plenty of practice.

Another thing is to find your aesthetic. For example, bums is an amazing skinner, and all of their skins consist of pastels. anxieuse tends to use bright colors and neons, and you can recognize their skins by their style.

As for style-

I just realized I got extremely carried away, hah, but anyways the palette generator is at the top ^
04/16/2019 4:55 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Thank you for the mention! 💗
04/16/2019 5:19 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Lemilas's Avatar
You're welcome!
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