[-MCPixels-] Build Team Looking For Members!

SquirtMuffin's Avatar SquirtMuffin3/26/14 2:01 pm
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3/27/2014 10:34 pm
TheClarityMC's Avatar TheClarityMC
Hello everybody, SquirtMuffin here, and as you may know, I have a build team known as MCPixels. I am looking for members to join that can be on at 4:00-8:00 am EST. If you do not know how to convert your timezone to mine, that is another reason we have this thing called the internet. I just need you to fill out the following application:

What you specialize in: (Mini-games, buildings, etc.)
How long you've been building:
Redstone skills: (1-10)
Servers you've been a builder on: (Be honest, it doesn't matter)
Best way of contact:
Why I should hire you: (At least 3 sentences)

Please reply, and I will get to you ASAP, and we can start our build.
Posted by SquirtMuffin's Avatar
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal

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03/27/2014 10:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
TheClarityMC's Avatar
In-Game-Name: Bl00dfrenzy0
What you specialize in: Redstone
How long you've been building: Since early 1.3
Redstone skills: 8
Servers you've been a builder on: I've been admin on 6 servers.
Best way of contact: Skype Name: TheClarityMC
Why I should hire you: I'm more then qualified to help you accomplish whatever it is you are doing.
03/27/2014 5:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
river58's Avatar
In-Game-Name: river58
What you specialize in: MiniGames, Ideas, Building
How long you've been building: 1 to 1 and a half years.
Redstone skills: 6
Servers you've been a builder on: Mine
Best way of contact: Skype: river5822
Why I should hire you: I am a nice person, a good redstoner and a minecraft EXPERT!
I have experience with servers as i hosted my own server. Also I am a trustable person!
03/26/2014 9:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
CrazyzT98's Avatar
Hey SquirtMuffin, nice name, I like it.
I am recruiting for the InfectedNetwork build team. If you would simply like to join us, that would be great. Your team will work along our current team to set up all the builds throughout the network of servers.

Add me on Skype if your interested, crazyzt98

~InfectedNetwork Staff.
03/27/2014 8:42 am
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
SquirtMuffin's Avatar
I would love to work alongside your build team. I will let everybody in MCPixels know. Also, if you would like, add our server (I can't remember the IP, I will get it to you soon).
03/27/2014 5:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
CrazyzT98's Avatar
Awesome, I'm sure you you will love your new team!
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