In need of talented people! (Custom coded server!)

MrMdkrocks's Avatar MrMdkrocks2/18/14 11:40 pm
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2/21/2014 1:32 pm
MrMdkrocks's Avatar MrMdkrocks
Yes! I am in-fact in need of talented people!
Hello! I am MrMdkrocks Owner of "Gateway Network" and I am in need of talented souls, I am in need of the following ranks: Plugin Developers, Server Managers, Builders, and Server Designers.
What I need from these ranks are the following, I'll go down the list in order.

Plugin Developer:
We need plugin developers who are creative, smart, talented, and patient.
- We need people who are creative because we don't want people who just put a plugin together and it doesn't have any colors or anything. I think thats boring and un-attractive.
- We need people who are smart because if you don't know what you're doing, than you're useless to us! We need people who are experienced and enjoy what they're doing.
- We need people who are talented because if you're not good at what you do, than why call yourself a Plugin Developer.
- We need people who are patient because we don't want you rushing things. We want you to be quick, but at the same time, take your time.
Server Managers:
This job does the following:
- The main purpose of this job is to go on our server(s) and love up the players and report bugs, We need people who love up players and have a purpose and are bug finders. This job is a very important one, right next to Plugin Developers, you guys/girls make the players happy and make them feel at home.

This job does the following:
- This job is what it says, you build! If you love building and are good at it, then this is the job for you. We need people who can build very unique structures and enjoy doing it. This is another very important job we need filled. You will be building:
PvP Arenas.
Custom Trees/Mountains/Hills/LandMass's

Server Designers:
Your job is to think/brainstorm cool server ideas, Make a poll on our forums, gather input and then tell higher ranks. You guys are basically our writers, There will be a "Head-ServerDesigner" who makes the final decision and passes it on to the higher ranks. If we like the idea we will pass it back onto you guys and you will write up a "Report" on what plugins would be needed etc. and send it back to our Developers to determine the simplicity or toughness of the plugins.

Note: All these jobs will BECOME a paying job. We do not make income at all at the moment, so it is not a paying job, But we do plan on paying our Staff "handsomely", so stick with us and you could make a profit!

How to Apply:

> Name:
> Skype:
> Age:
> Time Zone:
> Country:
> What your applying for:
> Past History/Screenshots?:

Note: If you do not want everyone to see your Skype, Feel free to PM me VIA Website and I'll add you on Skype.

EX Application:

> Name: Michael
> Skype: Disclosed to Applicants
> Age: / (I need people who are 13+, for Server Manager, and Developers)
> Time Zone: EST
> Country: Untied States
What are you applying for: I am server owner!
Past History/Screenshots?: I am owner!
Posted by MrMdkrocks's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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02/21/2014 1:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrMdkrocks's Avatar
Anyone wanna apply?
02/20/2014 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrMdkrocks's Avatar
Bumpy Bump Bump!
02/19/2014 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrMdkrocks's Avatar
As many would say: "Bump!"
02/19/2014 4:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
yomamasofat's Avatar
> Name: Jamie
> IGN: OSjamie
> Skype: jamiebrahski
> Age: 11
> Time Zone: UTC+1
> Country: England
> What your applying for: Plugin Developer
> Past History/Screenshots?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gi9JbzVFLA Im the boy at 41 seconds. I'm on there the most
02/19/2014 3:22 pm
Level 40 : Master Kitten
BubblesAndSuch's Avatar
Name: Zachary C.
IGN and Skype: BubblesAndSuch
Age: 17
Time Zone: EST
Country: Untied States
What your applying for: Builder
Past History/Screenshots: Here's a link to photos of a lot of my work.
Things I am great at: buildings, furniture, spawns, redstone contraptions, command blocks, hidden lighting, cheater protection, decorations.

I am good at building almost anything. I have many small and big projects that I have worked on over the years and I have worked in both creative and survival. I've also used McEdit for quite a few years now too. I'm very knowledgeable of the inner workings of minecraft.
02/19/2014 4:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrMdkrocks's Avatar
I have sent the request.
02/19/2014 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrMdkrocks's Avatar
I am still looking for talented people! Apply away people!
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