Recruit staff for new community

R4fiki's Avatar R4fiki1/20/15 3:22 pm
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1/20/2015 5:19 pm
Groundsie's Avatar Groundsie
Hello im Marcus 20yrs from sweden. I have a new project going. The main thing is to create a Minecraft middle earth adventure map that going to look exactly like the one in the movies/books. the map is going to include a mod like the Lotr minecraft mod but a bit diffrent. I want the world in the size 50kx40k blocks. thats like 50 times smaller than middle earth itself. The pepole on the map can do whatever they want, Build a base inside fangorn and explore, do the main quest line like find the arkenstone in erebor and then destroy the ring. So this is a really big world so i want them to have a lot of things to do so its not going to be boring, like do side guest for ex for Aragon in minas tirith or som retard at prancing pone etc. But later on i want a type of community, So when we have time or are done with the m-e project we start a new, Like building skyrim or the world of game of thrones or maybe harry potter. im exiting to start this first project but needs a lot of help.

To start with i need a lead crew with 5 persons, Later on ill be searching for more builders. All crew members will be like leaders of the community, Like decides what project comming next etc.

First i need a person that are really good with WorldPaint
Thing you going to do:
*Make a realistic Middle earth map with the mountains and rivers and later on
Other maps in other projects.
*If you want, you are also participating in the builds but the main thing you going to do is work with maps.

Then i need 2 persons that are really good with mods and stuff.
*Design/creat texture packs or change other existing ones.
*Working with the so called Lotr mod. This is advanced stuffs that i dont have a clue how to do so you need to be skilled.

The 2 last persons is going to be the cheif builders with me.
*Lead all the builds
*Build the more advanced and importent thing
*Design a ex Dale house so the builders know wich design they going to build after.
*Approve the buildings before they being placed in the main world.

So i havent a lot of demands of these persons but i want you guys to be atleast a bit mature and not like 9years old kids. If you speak swedish it a + but i dont care aslong as you can speak english. The builders shall be exeptional gr8 at building and design things. and its also a plus if the modders and the mapdesigner is good at building stuffs but its okey if you not.

Hope your guys intrested! Email me at Mackelarsson@hotmail.com or just awnser this post and we get to work!!
Posted by R4fiki's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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01/20/2015 5:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Groundsie's Avatar
I would love to help I am a very experienced builder and know basic perms
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