The best troll ever [recruiting]

Roseora's Avatar Roseora10/13/14 6:31 pm
10/13/2014 7:04 pm
10Andrew's Avatar 10Andrew
Despite the title, this probably wont be the best troll ever. Anyway I can try, cant I? Im going to video the whole thing, but I might need some help.

Ive just decided to make a youtube channel for minecraft vids, and thought it would be fun to start off trying to convince my friend that herobrine was real. He doesnt know im planning anything.

Anyway sofar I built a weird house at spawn, made of netherbrick and wood, and with a secret tunnel under the basement, that will hopefully be opened by a tnt trap if stuff goes to plan. Its just a long tunnel with redstone torches.

I also found nother island nearby, and have decided to disable cheats (for my friend only though ) on the server and pretend I have as well, and pretend I spawned in a different place to him. He will think this is wierd as well as wondering why the house was there. I will just act cool as if I have no idea whats going on.

I also messed around with the custon world settings, so I made all the ores weird (theres lapiz everywhere underground) but I dont think my friend ever does more than switch to creative and click play. I doubt he has any idea that even exists.

Anyway, to the point, does anybody have any ideas so I can make this work? Or does somebody want to stick on a herobrine skin and sneak around?
Credit will be given if thevid works out
Posted by Roseora's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist

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10/13/2014 7:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
10Andrew's Avatar
Best to get someone with a Herobrine skin and mess around I would advice getting mob disguise and choosing the player "Herobrine" so that the name does not give it away.
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