[Recruiting Actors and Builders For Minecraft Videos]!!!

XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar XxTheMinecraftExpert10/4/14 8:52 am
10/8/2014 8:51 am
MAJ_Confusion's Avatar MAJ_Confusion
Hello have you ever wanted to be in those films with ExplodingTNT or itsjerryandharry well now you can be in those type of films. All you have to do is sign up and we can create great videos and become big on youtube and to be very good friends.
(Once you Sign up I will give you info that you will need to know)



Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional)

How ofthen will you be able to get on:

What do you want to do in films: (Builder) (Actor) (Script Writer) (Idea Guy)

Why do you want to join:

Thank You hope you will join the team
Posted by XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Ninja

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10/04/2014 9:00 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
intothevoid's Avatar
Ign: EvertonBoyCallum
Skype: NINJACALLUM200119782014
Youtube: N/a
How often will u be on: Everyday
what do u wanna do: Actor, builder and Script writer
Why? I love making short films and helping others
10/04/2014 9:03 am
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Wow you sound Great to have on the team Here is my Skype add me

Skype: xxtheminecraftexpert i'll give you info there
Zion Crafters
10/04/2014 10:27 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Zion Crafters's Avatar
I will be able to get on at least every other day
I want to join because I like helping and building
10/04/2014 11:16 am
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Great To have You on the team Zion can't wait to have you on the team here I will add you to Skype
10/04/2014 11:21 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Luko567's Avatar
IGN: Luko567

Skype: DecryptTHIS

How often will you be able to get on: Everyday

What do you want to do in films: Actor

Why do you want to join: I have been in other videos I can link you too, also I just love acting.
10/04/2014 12:14 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
I look Forward to having you on the Team I will Add you on Skype now!
and you can me the videos if you want
10/04/2014 12:34 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
WaraxeManiac's Avatar
Do you have to have Skype?
10/04/2014 12:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Yes Please so we can talk while were doing it so it's less time consuming
10/04/2014 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RAISINS lol's Avatar

i dont have skype

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional)

How ofthen will you be able to get on:most of the time

What do you want to do in films:actor

Why do you want to join:i love being able to do random stuff
10/04/2014 6:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Great To have You on The team It's good to get a lot of Actors Please Get A Skype Account though it is really Recommended you do (don't worry they are free to call people if you call cell phones they cost money)
10/04/2014 7:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
SolomonCool's Avatar
IGN: SolomonHobbit

Skype: It got hacked sorry but my email is solomonbfinnon@gmail.com

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional):None sorry

How often will you be able to get on: 6-12 hours a day

What do you want to do in films: (Builder) (Actor) (Script Writer) (Idea Guy):Builder and an Extra

Why do you want to join: To help all you lovely people

10/04/2014 7:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
SolomonCool's Avatar
P.S if i get accepted DONT REPLY PM ME OR EMAIL ME
10/04/2014 7:59 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Great To have you on the Team Solomon everyone now who wants to join I will send you a message on pmc
10/04/2014 8:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
oh oops sorry solomon sent you one before i saw this message
10/07/2014 2:27 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
SolomonCool's Avatar
Hey bro i have Skype but i can't ring but can text My Skype is: solomonbegg
10/04/2014 8:10 pm
Level 22 : Expert Ninja
XxTheMinecraftExpert's Avatar
Ok Everybody Now Just Sign up Then once you posted the Sign up add me on Skype

Skype: xxtheminecraftexpert (this is just to make things much easier) ( Also still put you're Skype name SIgn up so I know it is you) Thank You
10/04/2014 8:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sir_creeper1d's Avatar
Ign: Sir_creeper1d
Youtube: N/a
How often will you be on: Everyday
what do you wanna do: Actor, builder and Script writer
Why? I enjoy Helping Builds and Building in general
Watchpiggy + Pig
10/04/2014 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Watchpiggy + Pig's Avatar
ign; WatchPiggy2002
Skype: It was deleted.. But my email is Pigsaeawesome@msn.com and my Steam is PigMayor02
Youtube/Twitch: None
How Often: about 6 - 10 hrs per day
What part: Actor
Why I want to join: id like to be in funny videos and bring videos to the community and i LOVE helping people!
10/05/2014 12:51 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
JumboCakz's Avatar
IGN: JumboCakz

Skype: Msg me on JumboCakz and ill send you the Skype name I use to talk (its my email Because of windows.

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional)

How ofthen will you be able to get on: Around 2 hours every day because of school

What do you want to do in films: Builder

Why do you want to join: Because I wan to be part of a team and help people out.
10/06/2014 11:59 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
Awesome_Dante's Avatar
IGN: Dant35tra5t

Skype: ricky_schlick

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional)

How ofthen will you be able to get on: an hour or two during non recording days

What do you want to do in films: (Builder) (Actor) (Script Writer) (Idea Guy)
set creator, writer, scripter, npc animator, Actor, idea tosser, lore specialist, weapons designer, monster developer, plotter etc etc I have a wide range of talents
Why do you want to join:
because I've pretty much mastered everything else mine craft has to offer, I'd like to try my hand at story creation and development over YouTube and show off my talents.
10/07/2014 3:23 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
phil14052's Avatar

IGN: phil14052

Skype: phil14052

Youtube/Twitch Usernam: xxphilplaysxx on both (but they are in danish) i also have a gfx channel called speedgraphics (not danish)
How ofthen will you be able to get on:
As much as i can
What do you want to do in films: A Actor and a Idea Guy

Why do you want to join: because i always wanted to join a team like this
10/07/2014 3:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rakasyakti13's Avatar

IGN : n/a
Skype : n/a
youtube : n/a
Gmail : rakasyakti13@gmail.com
Phone number : +6285945383677
how often could you be able to get on : when i am allowed to play (weekend)
What do you want to do in films : Actor
Why do you want to join : because i always wantet to be an actor in minecraft movies like Steve vs. Steve

i could just be a secondary actor, because im not online that much time. send me an E-mail if i am accepted.
10/07/2014 5:41 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Robot
pummelblocksmash's Avatar
Hello, when i saw this i was like... WOW! THIS IS SOMETHING FOR ME!
I love acting, i really love doing it in Minecraft, that's like... My job i love it. And i can't wait to join the team and i really hope you accept me.

IGN: My In game name is SlimeballHD

Skype: live:aleksandersasha_1

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/DatEnderman1

How ofthen will you be able to get on: I have a phone, just message me and i will come on ASAP

What do you want to do in films: (Builder) (Actor) (Script Writer) (Idea Guy): I would love to be an Actor, or if i really can't have Actor i will be Idea Guy. But i prefer actor

Why do you want to join: I want to join because i feel this is the job that i love, and i will do it passionately. And because when i act i have that little *PING* in my head saying: "This is the best day of my live" And i would love to continue.

I really hope i could join the team, And by really i mean I WANT THIS!!!
I hope i could get the job.

Greetings, SlimeballHD
10/07/2014 3:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
megaminerx's Avatar
hi i'm superzeroIT
Youtube: superzeroIT gaming
Skype: superzero-skype
How often i will be on: approx every day between 17:00 and 22:00 (italian time)
What i want to do: actor or idea guy(more the first one!)
why do i want to join: both because i want to play with other people and because i like making minecraft videos( although i don't usually post them), and i like to help other people
10/07/2014 6:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Nerd
minecraft_guy228's Avatar

Skype: MrRedstone (My profile pic is a redstone dust)

Youtube/Twitch Username: (Opitional) cardtricks01

How often will you be able to get on: At least a few hours every day.

What do you want to do in films: (Builder) (Actor) (Script Writer) (Idea Guy) Script Writer. I have written about ten scripts for other people, all of them have recieved great feedback.

Why do you want to join: I really want to get back into writing, and this is the perfect way of doing it.
10/08/2014 8:51 am
Level 40 : Master Nether Knight
MAJ_Confusion's Avatar
I would really like to join this!
Here's some info bout' me.

IGN: MAJ_Confusion
Skype: N/A (Now, I know you ask why don't I have a Skype? well It's because Skype always crashes my computer, and freezes it up.) (I have an email but if you would like that plz message me. )
YouTube/Twitch: MAJ_Confusion (Currently 42 Subs) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCStYo2 ... nZROPncupA
How often will I be able to get on: Um, On the weekends, practically all the time, but on weekdays I'll probably be on around 4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. and probably till' 7:00 p.m.
What do I want to do in films: I can be a -Actor- , -Builder- ,and -Idea Guy-
Why I want to join: I love making little skits and have the feeling a lot of people will enjoy our videos throughout the team! I also love being with multiple people and talking/chatting with everyone! I hope I can be accepted for the team!

EDIT: (P.S. I can make skins for all the people.)
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