A Manager And Other Staff Needed Of Our Show!

RunRampant's Avatar RunRampant2/7/15 10:09 pm
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2/21/2015 8:43 pm
Lunesoeily's Avatar Lunesoeily
Hello, were RunRampant. We are a small YouTube channel that comprises of independent Youtuber's and other members. Right now we have two shows, What You Story Time with Dylan and Might Have Missed. The ladder of which, What You Might Have Missed is our main show. It is about usually three hosts and maybe a guest discussing three major topics of the month.

In the past we have recruited many different people for the show, some have left to presume other things or what ever reason they had. Over the past few months we have had some success of getting loyal host/co-host and some editors, but we are becoming short of staff like graphic designers and time. Right now the director of the show is doing other projects along side of the show and needs a some to either assistant him or talk over his job in running the show. We also need people like graphic designers, researchers, and video editors as well. We have listed below the needed staff and a application you can fill out to apply.

Manager: A manager doesn’t have a overwhelming job at all, since the show is once a month his/her job doesn’t really kick off until two weeks prior to the show. He/she will have to first off do meetings to do things like decide the topics that are relevant to that month. Will have to do research on said topics, and will have to be able to keep staff members in the loop and make sure they come to meetings and the actual show. There are some other tasks they will have to do, but that is base of it all.

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Timezone:
4. Grade/level in School (7th, 8th grade, Sophomore, Primary, Secondary, or not in school):
5. Previous Experience in leadership roles:
6. Previous Experience in Youtube:
7. Current understand of copyright law:
8. How well do you work with others:
9. A paragraph about yourself:
10. Skype

Graphic Designer: A graphic designer will do things like make images for the video itself, thumbnails, and other normal graphic designer tasks.

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Timezone:
4. Grade/level in School (7th, 8th grade, Sophomore, Primary, Secondary):
5. Experience with Youtube:
6. Experience without image editing:
7. What program do you use to edit:
8. How well do you work with others:
9. A paragraph about yourself:
10. Skype

Researchers: They will have to of course research the topics that the host, co-hosts, and the manger decide on. They will have the help of the manager for this so they wont be on there own. They will have to be able to find relevant information, videos that are useful in either explaining topics, giving counterarguments, or just opinion videos that make good points. To summarize, they have to find the info that matters.

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Timezone:
4. Grade/level in School (7th, 8th grade, Sophomore, Primary, Secondary):
5. Current class in English (English Honors, English AP, Advanced English):
6. Current understand of copyright law:
7. How well do you work with others:
8. A paragraph about yourself:
9. Skype

Video Editors: Video editors will of course have to be able to edit videos using a professional program like Sony Vegas. They will also have to find playback videos to run during the video and know copyright so they don’t violate it when finding said videos.

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Timezone:
4. Grade/level in School (7th, 8th grade, Sophomore, Primary, Secondary):
5. Experience with Youtube:
6. Experience without video editing:
7. What program do you use to edit:
8. How well do you work with others:
9. A paragraph about yourself:
10. Skype:

If you are at all interested in any of these please fill out the application.
Posted by RunRampant's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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02/21/2015 8:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Lunesoeily's Avatar
Id like to help you guys add me on Skype; NASTY2DAWGS, i wont put any info about my self besides my skype since i dont want anyone, knowing mor ethan they need to
02/21/2015 2:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
RunRampant's Avatar
02/17/2015 6:50 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
sean123450's Avatar
Hey, I'm interested in this! Could you add me on Skype to talk about it please? Skype: porknetwork

02/15/2015 2:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
RunRampant's Avatar
02/08/2015 7:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
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