Minecraft: Attack Of The Dead Machinima Recruiting

GtbMC's Avatar GtbMC9/28/13 8:02 pm
10/3/2013 6:28 am
parkour brad1's Avatar parkour brad1
Hey guys Gtb here! I need alot of help for my new series (alot like the walking dead). It will have multiple seasons and will need alot of voice/nonvoice actors. Other help needed too including: Camera Men (2-3 People), Script Assistents, Set Builders (4-5 people), Editor/assistent editors, skin artists, Graphic designers, Server hosts, etc.

Application for Camera Man/Woman
Click to reveal
What do you record with?-
How much FPS do you hit while recording?-
Do you have any experience?-

Application for voice actors (must be fluent in English) (atleast 4 in season one)
Click to reveal
Do you have any acting experience-
Voice Maturity (1-10)-
Why do you want this role?-
Do you have a good quality Microphone?

Application for body actors-
Click to reveal
Do you have any acting experience-
Why do you want this role?-

Application for Builders-
Click to reveal
Youtube or websites that showcase your builds-

Application for Editors-
Click to reveal
What do you edit with?-
Youtube (optional)-
How good are you?(1-10)-

Application for GFX-
Click to reveal
What programs do you use?
How good are you? (1-10)-

Application for skin designers-
Click to reveal
Link me your recent creations-

Application for script assistants-
Click to reveal
What grade are you in?-
What level english do you take?-
Are you in advanced english/language arts?-
Correct the following-
Unfortunately my mother she often complains that I don't keep my room tidy.

You MUST HAVE SKYPE for any of the roles.
My skype- gar_rett_bai_ley
Posted by GtbMC's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter

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09/28/2013 9:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nicohlas's Avatar
Age- 14!
Name- Nicohlas!
IGN- Durpifell
Skype- nick.hopp1
Do you have any acting experience- Yes I worked with my schools acting, and I worked for some of my videos. I never posted them :s to scared of people giving me crap.
Why do you want this role?- Because it would be a pleasure to do this body acting ^-^! I mean its all for fun for me, and to see the final product. Anything you want me to do I will do!
Jomaster II
09/28/2013 9:18 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Jomaster II's Avatar
Age- 13
Name- Josef
IGN- JomasterII
Skype- JomasterII
Do you have any acting experience- I was a lead in the school musical.
Why do you want this role?- Because... Well...

My animations suck. And I want to act.
Voice Maturity- Good for a 13 year old.
Do you have a good quality Microphone?- Decent.
09/29/2013 1:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
GtbMC's Avatar
09/29/2013 2:56 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
PixelHor's Avatar
Age- 15
Name- Paul
IGN- frillhouse12
Skype- PixelHor
Do you have any acting experience- None but I want some and I think I'll sound like I'm experienced
Voice Maturity (1-10)- 9
Why do you want this role?- Because this sounds like an awesome project!
Do you have a good quality Microphone? blue Yeti!


Age- 15
Name- Paul
IGN- frillhouse12
Do you have any acting experience- None but I think I'll be good at the job!
Why do you want this role?- and again Because this sounds like an awesome project!
09/29/2013 6:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
GtbMC's Avatar
09/29/2013 9:49 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
SpectralK's Avatar
Click to reveal
What do you record with?: FRAPS

What FPS do you hit while recording?: 120

Do you have any experience?: A little bit, yeah. I've been trying to get into Machinima recording more.

Skype: SpectralK

Age: 14, 15 here in October.

IGN: SpectralKnife

Script Assistant
Click to reveal
What grade are you in?: 12th grade, I'm a senior in high school. Now, before you ask... I was in an online school in the 5th grade. I completed my 5th and 6th grade years in one, so I got advanced a little bit. I skipped 8th grade, so I'm ahead of what I should be at.

What level English do you take?: I finished English. I'm finishing up my last year of high school now, but I don't need to take English as a course anymore.

Are you in advanced English/Language Arts?: Well, I have an advanced understanding of the English language. I'm not really an English major, though.

Experience?: I used to write scripts a lot, I can't say they were ever used, though.

Correct the following: Unfortunately, my mother often complains that I don't keep my room tidy enough.

Also, I couldn't help but notice you spelled "assistant" wrong in the OP.
10/01/2013 3:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
GtbMC's Avatar
10/01/2013 3:42 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Robot
BrianCobbMinecraft's Avatar

What do you record with?- FRAPS and CAMERASTUDIO MOD in game..
How much FPS do you hit while recording?- Well, i normaly have the settings on 50fps.. But i can do higher.
Do you have any experience?- I've been making many minecraft films myself, and a couple of years now i've been intrested in the making of movies.. btw you can also check out my youtube channel to see my work..
Skype- a_film_by_briancobb
Age- 16
IGN- TheGeneralEvil


What do you edit with - Videopad editor when it comes to simple editing (cause it's really fast and yeah i like it).. But when it comes to more complex things i use Adobe After Effects
Youtube (optional)- http://www.youtube.com/user/briancobbminecraft
Skype- ^^^^^^
How good are you?(1-10)- 10 .... Hhaha.. i dont know but i've been editing for years now.. and.. yeah i'm really good at it.
10/01/2013 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AmadarouCrew's Avatar
Age- 14
Name- Anthony Catanzarite
IGN- vento95
Skype- anthonycatanzarite
Do you have any acting experience- Yes. I have been in multiple youtube series and machinimas for my own channel (http://www.youtube.com/amadaroucrew).
Why do you want this role?- Because i love being in machinimas. You seem like a pretty cool guy and your series sounds AWESOME so i would love to be in it.
10/01/2013 8:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
GtbMC's Avatar
10/01/2013 8:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
ilovebpl's Avatar
Age-11 ( they said I however am matured like a 15 year old and speak like a 15 year old)
Do you have any acting experience-yes
Why do you want this role?-I Believe I can express the script in detail
10/01/2013 9:08 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
ThePwner's Avatar
I will take either of these or both of these (Body acting recommended for me)
Application for Voice Acting:
Age- Almost 14
Name- Faris Khan (Far-is)
IGN- Nova_C_
Skype- faris.khan99
Do you have any acting experience- Yes as a matter of fact I did a a 4 month elective of acting in my middle school and it increased my acting experience. I've also always been fond of acting.
Voice Maturity (1-10)- 8 (I have an abnormally deep voice)
Why do you want this role?- I want this role because I think that this role will put my skills to the test. I've always wanted to do either voice acting or acting and this is my one chance to shine and show everyone who I really am. I also have a youtube channel and I think this will extend my knowledge when it comes to the category of acting.
Do you have a good quality Microphone? Yes, I think. No one has told me yet.

Application for Body Acting:
Age- Almost 14
Name- Faris Khan
IGN- Nova_C_
Skype- faris.khan99
Do you have any acting experience- Yes as a matter of fact I did a a 4 month elective of acting in my middle school and it increased my acting experience. I've also always been fond of acting.
Why do you want this role?- I want this role because I think that this role will put my skills to the test. I've always wanted to do either voice acting or acting and this is my one chance to shine and show everyone who I really am. I also have a youtube channel and I think this will extend my knowledge when it comes to the category of acting.
10/01/2013 10:30 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
sithlordRED's Avatar
Age- 17
Name- connor
IGN- sithlordRED
Skype- reddog765
Do you have any acting experience- no but its something i want to try and see if im good at it. it also sounds like fun.
Voice Maturity (1-10)- 8
Why do you want this role?- becuase iv seeen minecraft machinimas and they look realy cool and i want to be part of one.
Do you have a good quality Microphone? yes i do.
10/02/2013 3:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Markme's Avatar
Skype-can get if nessesary
Do you have any acting experience- school play maybe
Voice Maturity (1-10)- 8
Why do you want this role?-Its my dream to make a mc vidio
Do you have a good quality Microphone?Exellent
Pm me or email me at markmeorigins@gmail.com
parkour brad1
10/03/2013 6:28 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
parkour brad1's Avatar
Age- 13
Name-Dejan (hard to say- deyan)
Do you have any acting experience- Yes im making a movie, also like the walking dead, and i speak english very good for a person from this country.
Voice Maturity (1-10)- I would say like from 5-7
Why do you want this role?-Because i really like speaking english, and i also really like acting. I'm also go really deep into my script like and actor sooo... yeah.
Do you have a good quality Microphone? It's pretty good. And not bad.

Skype- dejan_ty
Link me your recent creations-I can't. I can send them to you on skype.

Skype- dejan_ty
What grade are you in?- 8th grade (plz don't get confused)
What level english do you take?-What do you mean? Well i am advanced.
Are you in advanced English /language arts?- Yes, i am. I have had A+ for 7 years in a row.
Experience? As i said, i am making a movie and i am writing the script on my own and it's turning up pretty good. I suggest Adobe story.
Correct the following-
Unfortunately, my mother often complaints that I don't keep my room clean.
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