New Minecraft Series Looking For 1 More Contestant!

ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar ItsMeKaylaMarie1/16/14 6:10 pm
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1/25/2014 6:12 pm
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar ItsMeKaylaMarie
[center][size=150][b][u]Hello Everyone![/b][/u]

This post is about my new Minecraft series, The Build Off!
The Build Off is a competition to see who is the better builder.
At the moment I am looking for a total of 6 contestants.
There will be more info in the next few paragraphs.

Every episode of the series there will be two contestants creating
builds that go with that episodes theme.
There will be one episode for the building and another episode for
the judging. During the judging there will be a final build off to
try and convince the judges to save the contestant.
There will only be one save per season, so the judges will have to use it wisely.

To enter as a contestant you must follow the given template.
Minecraft Username:
Age(At least 12):
About You:
Youtube Channel(If you have one):
Build Screenshots(At least 5):

If you have any questions please post them in the comments and I will
try my best to answer them. Do not post in the comments if you are not
interested in applying or have no questions for me. Do not spam my inbox,
if you do you will be immediately disqualified and will NOT be on the series.

Contact Me:

Youtube Channel: ItsMeKaylaMarie
Skype: ItsMeKaylaMarie
Email: [url=mailto:itsmekaylamarie@hotmail.com]itsmekaylamarie@hotmail.com[/url][/center]
Posted by ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner

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01/25/2014 12:06 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
PureNerd's Avatar
Name: Ethan
Minecraft Username: PureNerd217
Age(At least 12): 14
Timezone: Eastern
Skype/Email: PureNerd217@gmail.com
About You: I love anything to do with creating something, I draw, I Build, I Skin, I texture, I made Pixel art etc, etc
Youtube Channel(If you have one): nope
Build Screenshots(At least 5): I don't keep pics of my work, but I could show you if you find a server I'll Build soemthing
01/25/2014 6:12 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
thank you for applying
01/25/2014 11:54 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Bumps :3
01/20/2014 3:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CallumTheLlama's Avatar
Name: Callum CD
Minecraft Username: DragonRider557
Age(At least 12): 15 until March
Timezone: GMT
Skype/Email: Callum_C-D
About You: I have a dog, I live in the countryside in Wales, UK and I like making art and longboarding.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): CallumTheLlama (Don't use it much though)

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge?
- I think it'll be quite fun looking at other people's builds rather than just building myself. I lost all my builds a few weeks back though because my HDD wore out.

Are you mature?
- Hmm....When I need to be mature I'll be mature. I'm friendly and I can take a joke, even when it's aimed at me intending to be offensive.

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge?
- Yup, Not much point in being a judge if I'm just going to pick 1 person whatever they build.

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times?
- Maybe, I'm free all days except Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM GMT. I could do with a day or two notice to check I'm free.
01/20/2014 8:33 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
We are no longer looking for judges, sorry.
01/20/2014 1:48 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
billspro10's Avatar
Ooooo she caught yah
01/20/2014 11:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
kiki_vakama's Avatar
Funny because I have already made series with the same concept, again called "Build Off". I suggest picking a different name, that will be better for you too, because people will not be confused by the different videos. Plus, that way they will not call neither of us a copier.
01/20/2014 12:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
It was just a suggestion, the name wasn't final. Plus a lot of people use that name for their building competitions, your not the only one who has done it.

P.S. you don't have a series on your channel called the build off, i looked
01/19/2014 4:16 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Switch-jay's Avatar
Name: Jay
Minecraft Username: Switch_jay
Age(At least 12): 18
Timezone: Eastern United States
Skype/Email: switch_jay/boom.bears@gmail.com
About You: I am a new youtuber that wants to get his name out there
Youtube Channel(If you have one):
Questions(Please answer in complete sentences): Ok isn't the colon a bit useless here.
Why do you want to be a judge? It'll be a new that I haven't tried and I usually don't take sides with anybody til I get all the facts, so i think I would be a great judge if i implement that way of thinking.

Are you mature? Maturity is a person that is not arrogant for annoying and doesn't make weird noises. The only one of those that I do a bit of is the noises.

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge?
Yes like I said I don't take sides unless I know all the facts.Which would be treating people fairly

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? I can do any week day and weekend except for nights on weekend.
01/20/2014 9:15 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
I'm sorry but we are no longer in need of judges.
01/18/2014 5:50 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar

We only need 5 more contestants for our series to start!
I will be picking the judges later today or sometime tomorrow.
I will pm/skype everyone, i'm sorry if some people do not get accepted.[/center]
01/18/2014 5:16 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Aman671's Avatar
Those last 3 your gonna have to download because that's not the full image
01/18/2014 5:14 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Aman671's Avatar
Name: Ashton
Minecraft Username: Aman671
Age(At least 12): 13
Timezone: South Carolina
Skype: Ashton Jon Manibusan (if that doesn't work then try this) Aman671
Email: ashton.manibusan@yahoo.com
About You: Im am from guam and I do swimming, jiu-jitsu, and drumming
Youtube Channel(If you have one): https://www.youtube.com/user/GamingInDa671
Build Screenshots(At least 5):

01/18/2014 5:21 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying, your screenshots are very nice.
01/18/2014 3:52 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
01/18/2014 4:38 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying.
01/18/2014 9:16 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
BandoroName: Christopher
Minecraft Username: Bandoro
Age(At least 12): 15
Timezone: GMT +1
Skype/Email: christopher bandura/christopherbandoro@gmail.com
About You: I have a small group of friends i love gaming and drawing and above all making youtube videos.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): http://www.youtube.com/bandoroplays

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge? I am a fair judger, and i can take a laugh

Are you mature? Yes i am mature, but i still know when something is ment as a joke

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge? Of course i will do that cause its not nice to be treaten unfair.

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? Yes

Thank you for applying
01/18/2014 7:52 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Bandoro's Avatar
Name: Christopher
Minecraft Username: Bandoro
Age(At least 12): 15
Timezone: GMT +1
Skype/Email: christopher bandura/christopherbandoro@gmail.com
About You: I have a small group of friends i love gaming and drawing and above all making youtube videos.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): www.youtube.com/bandoroplays

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge? I am a fair judger, and i can take a laugh

Are you mature? Yes i am mature, but i still know when something is ment as a joke

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge? Of course i will do that cause its not nice to be treaten unfair.

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? Yes
01/18/2014 7:03 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Minecraft Username: MrMalum
Age(At least 12): 15
Timezone: EST
Skype/Email: LTLsnickers LTLanimation@gmail.com
About You: Animator in the works. Also I do minecraft if you couldn't guess.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): http://www.youtube.com/user/alionnamedlarry

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge?
I want to be judge, because I would be able to easily tell who has the better build, I've been in contests like this before, and I've always been a builder. So I want to try being a judge this time around.

Are you mature?
Yeah. I try not to be the annoying young person on the internet.

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge?
Yeah, I would try not to talk to the people and get to know them much, so I wouldn't want to pick this guy because he has a cute dog or something. (lolwut)
Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? I'm pretty much always available.

Thank you for applying, your application is nice and you seem very experienced.
01/18/2014 1:25 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
faredx's Avatar
Name: Fared
Minecraft Username: faredX
Age(At least 12): I prefer to keep this private for personal reasons, but I can assure you I'm above 12.
Timezone: GMT +3:00
Skype/Email: xfaredx
About You: Well I'm faredX of the Xenos Build Team. I'm a graphic designer, video producer, android application developer and a decent builder.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): http://www.youtube.com/thexenosmedia
Build Screenshots(At least 5):

01/18/2014 7:07 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying, your builds look very realistic and professional.
01/18/2014 1:17 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
JarSwag's Avatar
Name: Sven
Minecraft Username: derp_awesome
Age(At least 12): 13
Timezone: One of them IDK
Skype/Email: nooblyawesome
About You: I am sven
Youtube Channel(If you have one): no
Build Screenshots(At least 5): sven no have screenshots, svne sad
01/18/2014 7:04 am
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Sven, if you could build something and then take screenshots then add them to the post, that would be fine. ^^
01/18/2014 12:49 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrMalum's Avatar
Minecraft Username: MrMalum
Age(At least 12): 15
Timezone: EST
Skype/Email: LTLsnickers LTLanimation@gmail.com
About You: Animator in the works. Also I do minecraft if you couldn't guess.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): www.youtube.com/user/alionnamedlarry

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge?
I want to be judge, because I would be able to easily tell who has the better build, I've been in contests like this before, and I've always been a builder. So I want to try being a judge this time around.

Are you mature?
Yeah. I try not to be the annoying young person on the internet.

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge?
Yeah, I would try not to talk to the people and get to know them much, so I wouldn't want to pick this guy because he has a cute dog or something. (lolwut)
Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? I'm pretty much always available.
01/17/2014 11:51 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar

I have decided that instead of 20 contestants there will only be 10,
but there will be twice as many episodes in the series!

This is how it will work:

Each episode there will be two contestants facing each other in a build off.
The loser of that build off will face the loser of the next episode's build off.
After the two contestants face each other the loser of that build off will be
eliminated if the judges choose not to save that contestant.
At the end of the series there will be 3 finalists and there will be a three way build off.
In the three way build off there will be 3 themes the contestants must build.
At the end of the episode the judges will declare a winner.
01/17/2014 11:56 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Sounds good to me.
01/17/2014 11:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
gunkevie's Avatar
Name: Yoran

Minecraft Username: gunkevie1

Age(At least 12): 20

Timezone: GMT + 1:00

Skype/Email: gunkevie

About You: I am like i said 20 years old, i am currently unemployed thats why i started playing mc in the first place (again that is), and a friend of mine told me i should do youtube videos, but well my graphics card and processor are the things that hold me back from that , so he told me i should go take a look on this forum and maybe join someone in a youtube series or a build, or like this be a judge of builds.

Youtube Channel(If you have one):
Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge?
I started playing minecraft when i was in the early beta release, back then there wasnt realy much to do but mine/defend and survive. Since creative came me and my brother started building things. We first started out pretty small, and later on we got bigger and better. We build things from a simple house, to the Notre Dame de Paris. I think i would love to judge people that build things. Even if its "pretty bad" i still can tell them what i know how to "improve" improve their constroctions.

Are you mature? i concider myself pretty mature yes. But that might depend on anyone's vision, I can be very pessimistic somethimes, but well who doesn't have his or hers fauls?

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge? ofcourse thats the whole meaning on beeing a judge isnt it ? I never liked favor picking or bribing and stuff . if there is a build of and i think that person is a winner for me than he wins even if the other one is one of my best friends, but his build is not that good, that wouldn't affect me at all fairness is the whole thing, a thing the world needs more

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? ofcourse if they dont interfere to hard with where i life i don't wanna wake up at 3 in the morning to do a recording if i am still awake then i'll be there, if there is a problem with the recording schedule i also would immidiatly notify you and say what "doesn't suit" me

ps: sorry if there my be grammatical incorrect sentences, something my english isnt that good (not the native language you see)
01/17/2014 11:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying, your application looks very nice.

P.S. Your grammar isn't that bad, it's actually pretty good compared to what what I've seen lately.
01/17/2014 10:55 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Just want to know, when do you think the series will start?
01/17/2014 11:00 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Whenever we have enough contestants to start the series, i'm thinking of lowering the number of contestants needed to 10 and doing twice the amount episodes instead
01/17/2014 11:13 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Okay. Sounds cool. Will you pick the judges when you have 10 contestants?
01/17/2014 11:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
If we get to 10 accepted contestants before i find 2 accepted judges, i'll probably ask a friend or my brother to judge with us. But I don't think I will have that problem.
01/17/2014 11:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Sounds fine to me.
01/17/2014 10:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
bearcatpaws81's Avatar
Minecraft Username:bearcatpaws82
Age(At least 12):12
About You:I Love....Minecraft
Youtube Channel(If you have one):www.youtube.com/user/bearcatpaws81

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):I have no further questions.

Why do you want to be a judge?i like being fair

Are you mature?Totally

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge?Yes

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times?Yes (i have like no social life )
01/17/2014 10:59 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying
01/17/2014 10:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Name: Mollie Warden
Minecraft Username: Fluffeh_101
Age(At least 12): 12 (I'm cursed with my family genes and forced to slowly aged causing smallness and high voice. Dang.)
Timezone: Central
Skype/Email: I'll PM it to you if I'm accepted.
About You: I have two dogs, I live in a normal suburban home with a middle class family, a small group of friends at school, and I take saxophone lessons. I also am a bookworm and I love fandoms.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): No YouTube channel

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge? I want to be judge because I love meeting new people, I have an EXTREME obsession with detail, and I just like being part of a community.

Are you mature? I know when to laugh or make comments, but I also know when and how to keep quiet and listen.

Will you treat people equally and be fair to others as a judge? Yes, when I was little, My sister, my sister's friend, and I would have doll pageants with barbies.(I was 4, give me a break.) My sister would always be judge and pick her friend no matter how hard I tried. I know how it feels to be unfairly judged and I don't want to make anyone feel that way.

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times? I have a pretty empty schedule, so yes.

Hope to hear from you soon
01/17/2014 10:36 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
I like your application, it's really nice. I'll keep you under consideration.

P.S. I used to play with barbies too when i was a kid, it's not weird
01/17/2014 10:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
Yeah, I used to save up for every set when I was little I eventually gave them away to other little girls though
01/17/2014 10:45 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
I did that too, my mom sold all my barbies at a garage sale for $10... I was pretty upset at her for a while because all of the barbies together were at least worth $50.
01/17/2014 10:47 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Fluffeh101's Avatar
I know right? The logic of garage sales...
01/17/2014 9:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
JumpyAcorn's Avatar
Name: Ian
Minecraft Username: JumpyAcorn
Age(At least 12): 14
Timezone: Eastern
Skype/Email: JumpyAcorn
About You: I like to play baseball, and tennis. Video games are my life. Awesome youtuber that likes to have fun.
Youtube Channel(If you have one): https://www.youtube.com/user/JumpyAcorn
Build Screenshots(At least 5): Just add me on skype and i will give you the ip to my server. And everything there is pretty much built by me. And some of the buildings are by my friend.
01/17/2014 9:59 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Nice application, i'll add you on skype. ^^
01/17/2014 3:09 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
TobyTDS's Avatar
Name: Toby
Minecraft Username: TobyTDS
Age(At least 12): 14 (Squeaker Voice)
Timezone: Canadian Mountain Time
Skype/Email: Skype: snowywolf54 Email: tobytds@gmail.com
About You: canadian youtube gamer that loved to play and record minecraft
Youtube Channel(If you have one): youtube.com/thetobytds

Questions(Please answer in complete sentences):

Why do you want to be a judge?: because i would like to help out your series!

Are you mature?: yes!

Will you be an impartial judge?: yes

Are you able to attend recordings at specific times?: anytime!
01/17/2014 4:10 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Thank you for applying to be a judge. Your application looks good
01/17/2014 5:00 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
DantheR1ghtman2's Avatar
Ask him what impartial means. That should be enough.
01/17/2014 5:37 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
Haha, that should be in the questions... I might need to explain what impartial means... >.>
01/17/2014 1:05 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Skinner
ItsMeKaylaMarie's Avatar
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