Artics of Life [RP]

Alek165's Avatar Alek16511/3/12 9:43 pm
11/4/2012 8:23 am
Alek165's Avatar Alek165
Hello! Sorry, i did this wrong, i am moving this to a new thread
Posted by Alek165's Avatar
Level 35 : Artisan Artist

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11/04/2012 8:23 am
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
Chapter 2
11/04/2012 8:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
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I will continue this, but this is more of a story contribution. Go to the other thread for real roleplay

The duo took the guards armor and the strange weapons. They ran down the musky hall and turned right. Bad move. The 4 guards look at them puzzling. Then they attacked. But they stopped before they could reach martha and Juan. The guards' brains exploded. Martha and Juan ran past the demented corpses and through the hallway. They wandered for hours, killing guards and hiding from Sky. Eventually they found their way out. They stepped out into the light... artifical light, and dropped to their knees. Their home, their city, their only place to stay and survive, was gone. The sky was a dark pulloted red. Many smokestacks climbed up the ruined horizon. The once warm households were now piles of dirt and ash. Vehicles made of a large blimp attached to a ship were cutting through the air. And Martha and Juana were spotted. Thats when the bullet went through Juan chest, killing him.
"Juan!!" Screamed Martha "No!!"
"Martha! Martha!" Called a man "Wake up Martha!" Marthas eyes opened,then close rapidly.
"Wha-what?" She said "where am i?"
"Martha-its me," the man said "Proffesor Greenwald"
"Proffesor? Where are we?" She inquiered.
"We're home." He replied.
11/03/2012 11:29 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
Martha threw her hands forward, outstretching her fingers. For a second, the guards just stood there, but then one began to choke, quickly followed by the other guard. After a few seconds blood began to ooze from their eyes and mouth. They were dead.
Juan looked at Martha as he were saying "why? Why again?"
11/03/2012 11:20 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
"Lets get you out of this place," Juan continued, as he stepped out of the darkness of the room. He was dressed oddly, his hat made out of somekind of metal fiber, and his tunic looked like a captians dress. They both took out the two guards watching the door with Wind Tunnel blows, and took their weapons. They both had a gun, and they were odd ones. The had a curved piece under the hexagonal barrel and a small cartridge holding a strange blue element- Xenon, proably.
11/03/2012 11:12 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
"You make me sick" Sky spat, as he walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. Martha waited. And waited. A few hours later a gaurd brought a meal. The meat was rancid and the bread was stale. The water tatsed like drainage.
"Psst....Martha!" Someone said. Martha turned her head, and saw the man talking to her. It was Juan.
11/03/2012 11:04 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
Sky took his hands off Martha's shoulders and sat down on a chair that wasn't there five seconds before.

"Now, Martha" said Sky, his voice was warm and soothing, "no use hiding. We've found you. Stop running away from us."

Martha blinked back tears and stared at the chair that Sky was sitting on. Suddenly, it disappeared, making Sky trip and fall over. It would have been amusing, but she was too scared to laugh.
"Get me out of here, Sky" implored Martha, "these dream worlds are too much"

Sky scowled, his once charming visage replaced with a look of pure and utter hatred
11/03/2012 10:46 pm
Level 49 : Master Narwhal
Boboonski's Avatar
Is this going to end weirdly? I can't see how it wouldn't... whatever.

Martha laid back on the soft velvet couch, knowing that in reality, the room was as empty as could be. She had seen the psychiatrists, she had seen the doctors. Here condition was a mystery to everyone. Or maybe it wasn't a condition. Maybe Juan was actually standing right in front of her, as real as could be. He looked real to her. She could feel his warm touch on her skin, his misty breath in the air. Was she going crazy? Or was she special. Was he her imagination? Or had he chosen her?
11/03/2012 10:44 pm
Level 26 : Expert Ranger
Revolver_Ocelot's Avatar
((we would if this was done right.))
11/03/2012 10:22 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
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keep it going guys! Come on, post!
11/03/2012 9:53 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Artist
Alek165's Avatar
"Here, let me take your jacket off." Juan said as he reach for the sleeve of the jacket. Martha obliged and let Juan take of the soaked jacket. Martha then took of her clothes and sat by the crackling fire to warm her frozen bones.
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