Fablehaven RP ~Sign up~

BlackRoseO's Avatar BlackRoseO4/9/12 8:37 pm
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6/4/2016 8:51 pm
Chron's Avatar Chron
First off,

Fablehaven is a secret nature preserve protecting beings of myth and legend from the outside world. The treaty there ensured the beings safety under the retribution law. The Knights of the Dawn is an organization who was formed to combat the Society of the Evening Star, an evil organization who plotted to open the demon prison, Zzyzx. The Society almost succeeded, but the situation got out of control.
It is about 50 years after the triumph of the Knights of the Dawn and everything has calmed down. The artifacts have been relocated, new guardians placed, and Eternals with their guardians chosen. But everything is not at ease. A new organization has arisen and they are seeking to do the same thing the Society wanted to do; get the demon king to cooperate with them and ultimately rule the world. This new group is called the Order of Midnight Dusk. The Order has already overtaken one of the new secret preserves holding an artifact. The preserve they've overtaken was called Ruinstone Chateau, which was holding the Sands of Sanctity. No one knows whether the Order has found the artifact yet or not. The Knights of the Dawn have started taking action; they've sent trusted members to the secret preserves and known members of the Order are being tracked down. The caretakers of the new secret preserves are quite anxious, wondering if the Order will reach them.
(PS, don't forget to drink a glass of the milk.)

1. No trolling whatsoever.
2. You must have the spelling and grammar level of at least a fifth grader.
3. Do not argue with accepters. Their decision is final.
4. Backstories must be at least a paragraph. Two or more is more likely to be accepted.
5. Don't be too OP.
6. If your app is declined, you have three tries to get accepted. No less, no more.
7. Have fun!



Those who know about the magical creatures:
Full name:
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.)
Anything Else:

Those who don't:
Full Name:
Anything Else:

Magical Beings:
It would be extremely hard to list them all here. So I'll explain the most known ones.
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Large golden owls with human faces. They were the former servants of the Fairy Queen, and the bodyguards of the Fairy King. However, they were full of pride, and they failed in their duty, resulting in the downfall of the King, the fall of all male fairies, and subsequent rise of Imps, and their banishment from the queen's service. Only ninety-three of them exist, and six of them turned dark when they were banished. Their true forms are men in golden armor with large wings. Their regiment was called the Knights of the Dawn—the same name that the brotherhood in opposition of the Society took.

Magical beings in human form that can exert power over others through a bite, of which the myth of vampires was based. The three known types of blixes are the Viviblix, the Narcoblix and the Lectoblix. Viviblixes are able to temporarily re-animate the dead to do their bidding. Narcoblixes bite victims in their sleep, and can then control the victim when they sleep. Lectoblixes age very quickly, and have to drain the youth of a person to stay alive.

Brownies are fairies that look like humans, with the exception that they are much smaller. Brownies fix things that are broken, improving them where possible. Also, when ingredients are left out, they will bake something delicious, although they always attempt to make it into a dessert. Brownies invented the well-known, delicious dessert, brownies, which is how they got their name.

Strong and intelligent beings that are part horse, and part man. They are very noble and prideful. An insult is not taken lightly. A Centaur will duel anyone who insults them.

Demons are powerful beings of darkness. They differ in their forms, sometimes looking like giant frogs while others have three legs, arms and tails. One of the known demons is a froglike being named Olloch the Glutton. If he is fed, he will keep eating things until he ultimately consumes the person who fed him. There is only one known loophole to the consuming of the person who fed Olloch.

Dragons are large creatures that are described as the ultimate hunter. They have amazing intelligence, astounding strength and impressive agility. They are normally sought after for their tears and other excretions or ingredients that Potion Makers would die for. They normally reach 9 times the size of an elephant. Each has a unique Breath Weapon. It is known that they can take human forms. Their bones are milky and semitransparent, as if made of clouded glass or quartz. Only other dragons can properly dispose of the bones, as elements and time are no match. It is known that few are able to become dragon tamers, mainly because so many die on the job. Although dragon tamers are able to hold conversations with dragons, no one can really control a dragon. They are known as the most powerful race of magical creatures. They can live for thousands of years, growing to the size of apartment buildings. Deep magic is woven into every fiber of their bodies. Mortals, when in the presence of dragons, find themselves instantly transfixed, both their bodies and minds paralyzed. If one openly states that they have murdered a Dragon, they would become enemies to all Dragons. A Dragon only shed tears when they are mourning; thus cruel ingredient hunters would kill a Dragon's mother in order to force it's offspring to shed tears.

Wood Nymphs, who live in the forest and dress in flowing autumnal robes. They are beings of the forest as a whole, as opposed to hamadryads, who are linked to individual trees. They are more serious and stately than the hamadryads.

Short people who live underground and keep to themselves. Both the males and females have facial hair. Their preferred weapons are large hammers. Some can be skilled in powerful magic.

These magical creatures resemble tiny females with wings. They emit a gleaming light, and love their own reflection. They are often times vain and they will not stand an insult. Anyone who turns a fairy into an imp, even on accident, would be punished by other fairies.

They are, as the name implies, very large creatures that slightly resemble humans. Giants are often times brutal beings that do not care for the well-being of humans. Some giants include; sky giants, fog giants and snow giants. Sky giants are several time taller than any type of giant, making them the tallest of the giants. Fog giants are powerful, brutal and blood thirsty, but also slightly dim-witted and slow. They are usually taller than a tree.

Goblins are generally evil creatures that can disguise themselves. Some goblins however, can upkeep dungeons, often for a goose or two.

A creature made out of natural materials and given life by a powerful spell. They are typically servants who always obey their master. True golems have a will of their own, though they are loyal to their master. True golems were thought to be extinct until recently.

These are creatures related to dryads. However, they are linked to a single tree. They are more lively and carefree than the dryads are too. They are usually found being chased by satyrs.

Shriveled hags with bird wings instead of arms, and talons instead of feet. Their talons can inflict a deadly poisonous wound.

A monster with approximately 20 dragon-like heads. When you decapitate one of the heads, two more grow back.

Imps are fairies who have been captured and kept inside over night. Also considered a Fallen Fairy. Imps originally rose from fallen male fairies.

Jackalope are rabbits with antlers. Jackalope feet are said to be lucky. Yet, it wasn't very lucky for the Jackalope, was it?

Milch Cow
Every magical preserve has one of these amazing animals, which in everything but size, appear like normal animals. However, they are enormous. They are magical beings that create the milk the fairies drink. It is this milk that allows mortals to see magical creatures.

Or Water Nymphs. Beings that live underwater who live a life of mirth and frivolity. The naiads love to make fun of anyone else, and drown humans for fun. If a naiad steps onto land, she becomes mortal until she steps back into the water of the pond where she had come from. They are known to guard some of the shrines to the Fairy Queen.

Nipsies are related to brownies, but are only a quarter inch tall. They live in seven kingdoms and build their cities using natural resources. They have little magical ability, but they adept at cultivating poisonous plants to protect their domain.

Immortal beings in human female form. Some include the naiads, the hamadryads and the dryads.

Typically big and clumsy, though smaller than giants. They are known for devouring their victims.

Powerful creature that inhabits the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost, as listed by Agad, the caretaker. Phoenix arrow feathers, along with dragon breath and unicorn horns, are the only things that can kill the Eternals.

Pixies are a type of fairy. One type of pixie is known to shed their wings during winter. Those pixies make a cocoon to protect themselves and emerge in spring with new wings. The cocoons of this pixie can be used to enclose a person in an impervious shell that can only be broken from the inside.

A Revenant is essentially a Zombie, or a reanimated corpse. They usually radiate magical fear, something that cannot easily be overcome. Some are known to turn people into mute albinos.

Satyrs are part goat, part human creatures. They live fun and frivolous lives. Oftentimes, you can find one chasing a hamadryad.

Creatures that can take the form of any animal and are gifted with speech. They are charged with the protection of the Eternals. They often have one specific form they like, and usually stay in.

Humans that have the ability to shape shift into an animal.

These creatures actually start out as a fruit growing on a Stingbulb tree. The tree only produces a few a year. When touched, they obtain a tissue or blood sample - which is where the sting comes from. Then it takes them about 90 minutes to grow into a replica of that person. This copy only lives for 3 to 4 days after completing the metamorphosis. It keeps much of the memories of the person it is impersonating. It obeys its initial instructions to perform some mission before it dies.

Trolls are unfriendly, greedy scavengers that will typically live in forests, by rivers, in caves or underground. Some are lizard-like in appearance, burly and shorter than the average man. Others are huge and brutish. There are many types of troll. Some include the River Troll, Cliff Troll, Mountain Troll, and Hermit Troll.

White horses with spiraling horns on their foreheads. Unicorns are exceptionally rare and some considered them extinct. They represent purity, and their horns purify. A unicorn has three horns; kind of like humans with baby teeth. The third horn allows a unicorn to revert to its true form and is also a mental telepathy link to the Fairy Queen. Unicorns created fairydom and were its protectors.

These are mortal females who have turned to evil and dark magic. Witches can be called evil and not only dark because they willingly chose to become what they are; demons, on the other hand, are born as destroyers.

Dragons who became mortals to gain powerful magical abilities. 5 very powerful wizards were the ones who created the demon prison, Zzyzx. Archadius and Morisant are famous Wizards.

Powerful and dangerous creatures, like many of its neighbors, that inhabit the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost. They resemble dragons with wolfish heads and two feet.

You can use any of those... But a warning, do not make it too OP.

Alignment: (Light, Dark)
Anything Else:

Example Apps~
Don't even think of stealing.
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Full name:
Elaine Oren
She is a Knight of the Dawn.
Elaine grew up on a preserve in Texas. The preserve was called Everhope Oasis. Her parents ran and managed the preserve well. She learned of the magical creatures as a small kid. Everyday she would go out into the yard around the main house and play with the fairies in the garden. Once in a while, she would wander to the edge of the yard and stare out into the woods, wondering what else was out there. After 7 more years of peace and calmness at Everhope Oasis, a dragon started wrecking havoc. Elaine was only 12. The Knights of the Dawn sent some of their most talented Dragon Tamers to Everhope Oasis to stop the dragon. There was a total of 10 Dragon tamers. Elaine went along with them, without them or her parents knowing. 5 of the Tamers were eaten and 3 were injured when Elaine finally revealed herself. The dragon and her had a staring contest, in which Elaine won. She smiled as the dragon stopped rampaging and flew back to it's cave. The surviving Tamers were extremely impressed that such a young girl had actually gotten the dragon to stop. They told her parents that she would make an excellent Dragon Tamer. Then they left, and reported the details of the mission to the Captain of the Knights. Elaine spent another two uneventful years roaming the preserve and meeting more of the creatures there. Then when she was 14, the Knights formally invited her to join them because of her amazing Dragon Taming abilities. She gladly accepted and was sent on many Dragon related missions, until recently when she was sent back to Everhope Oasis to watch out for the Order and remain in the safety of her parents and the two other knights who were sent there.
Elaine is brave, intelligent, and naturally curious. She can be stubborn often.
Elaine has straight brown hair that curls slightly at the bottom. She wears a black aviator jacket and a bright orange tee shirt under that. Her favorite charcoal jeans have holes in the knees from various pricker bushes that she passed on her roaming trips.
Anything Else:

He is associated with light.
Verion is a regular satyr on the Everhope Oasis Preserve. He grew up, chasing the hamadryads, and annoying the dryads. When he was nine, he had some of the Brownies at Everhope make him a Pan Flute. He was very glad about how amazing the flute was and he played it every morning. He made good friends with another satyr and they stuck together. When the dragon started rampaging, Verion was only thirteen. His best friend was eaten by the dragon. Verion swore revenge on that dragon, and started preparing for an attack. However, the dragon was stopped before Verion was able to attack it. That probably saved his life, but he doesn't admit that openly. He met Elaine when she was wandering. She left shortly after he started flirting. He is currently trying to get some batteries to power an old Gameboy that he found the previous year. When he found it, it still had some power, which is how he found the game fascinating.
He is cunning, rash, very energetic and naturally loves to flirt with girls.
Verion has short, curly, blonde hair. He wears a gray jacket over a dark purple shirt, both made by the Brownies. His furry goat legs are white with small spots of brown.
Anything Else:


RP Thread:
Posted by BlackRoseO's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Mage

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06/04/2016 8:51 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Karrthus smh I expected better of you (necropost btw) /lock
06/04/2016 7:15 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
Full name: Karrthus, Dark ruler of all
Age: unknown

Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.) Chaotic Evil

Backstory: I am what you see when you close you eyes, I am in that spot you can see but are never aware of, I am behind you, i am under you bed, in your closent..in your head, I am that what is th void and darkness, you shall fear me

Personality: lighthearted, joker, crazy phycopath with murderous and chaotic desires

Appearance: normally human, occasionally a 2000ft high black dragon with red eyes that breaths lightingacidfire

Anything Else: im the true embodyment of evil and a perfect final boss for your server, why would you not want me
06/04/2016 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheHassassin's Avatar
Full Name: Hassan Abbas
Age: 15
Backstory: I've always lived a normal life, but one day, when i was around 13-14, I saw something I never forgot. I witnessed a huge battle (Battle between Civia and Torina the Lectoblix) and I knew something was up, especially when that girl was shot by a arrow, and burst into flames! I've been trying to figure out what was going on, so I tryed to follow them, and found them on a beach with a lighthouse. Soon a boat appeared and they were taken away, and I haven't had any leads since.
Personality: I am a bit of an introvert and like to do things on my own, but will alsso cooperate when needed
Appearance: Short, have glasses, black wavy hair, tanned skin color
Anything Else: N/A
10/23/2014 4:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wh72's Avatar
Name: Lucian Clemens
Species:human (dark charmer)
Alignment: (Light, Dark) Dark
Backstory: cast out by his parents he found himself needing to steal to live. A skilled thief capable of blocking out all light , seeing in the dark , breathing in water and ice , and several other abilities he became a dark charmer at age 17 when he was attacked by a lesser demon and he killed it after a hard fight however it had penetrated deep and he became a dark charmer while he holds little malice towards people and tries to avoid killing where possible he has little regard for rules of any kind and often makes a point of breaking them , while he is dark and lawless he has no love for demons nor the society and tends to side somewhere closer to the knights than the society but if he finds it profitable he has been known to swap sides
Personality: humorous , somewhat greedy , merciful , clever and somewhat cruel
Appearance: tall and thin with alot of hard muscle on him he has black hair and carries an air of mistrust (probably from being disowned as a child)
Anything Else: probably best not to let him figure out where the artifacts are
Metal Dragon
05/18/2013 7:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Metal Dragon's Avatar
Why is everyone Knights and Light? Being Dark is much more fun . Is that why so many people are denied? Cause everyone is a light Shapeshifter or Knight?
10/23/2014 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wh72's Avatar
I very much so agree although dont forget dark doesnt quite mean evil
Metal Dragon
05/18/2013 7:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Metal Dragon's Avatar
Alignment: (Light, Dark) Dark
Backstory: Sindest found out he was a Viviblixe a the young age of seven. His pet dog had died and he wished with all the heart he was back with him. A deep power resonated within him and his dog began reforming next to him. When he brought the dog up to his house his parents called him an abomination and threw him out of the house. When his parents did that something snapped in this poor young child. He threw up his hands and screamed and corpses started coming out of the ground all around him. The earth cracked at his feet, fire flew out of his eyes, so Sindests dad did the unthinkable with tears in his eyes he took out his dusty shotgun and shot his son. When Sindest woke up he was in the clutches of other Viviblixes. They took care of him and nursed him back to health. He has been with the Viviblixe ever since. He has a deep rooted hate for humans because of what his parents had done to him.
Appearance: His hair is Jet black, his eyes are as black as death, his skin is as pale as moonshine.
Anything Else: Even if you don't accept it has been fun writing this Thanks for reading.
05/11/2013 10:45 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ranger
TechnicalJenkins's Avatar
Full name: Charles Ranbow
Age: 24
Alignment: Knight
Backstory: I was never a normal kid. My parents were part of the Knights of the Dawn, and so, as you could imagine, i was accustomed to creatures of magic. At the age of 7, my parents and I were the sanctuary in Brazil, and i had wandered off. If i had not, i would of found out that my parents were traitors. They worked for The order of midnight dusk. But if i had, i never would of become a Shadow Charmer. Anyways, i was wandering deeper into a Domain that humans were not supposed to tread. A domain where I should of died. As i was walking, i began to hear noises that scared me. I saw things that still scare me today. I am not sure exactly what happened, but i remember monsters closing around me, and then i saw a sort of dark light. A figure was walking towards me....and as the figure walked, the creatures fell back. After that, i remember nothing. The only thing i can recall from the event is a name. The name was Seth Sorenson.
When i awoke, I was in the hands of the Knights of the Dawn. They told me that I was lucky to be alive after my parents took over the preserve. I did not know what they were talking about....And then it hit me. They were traitors. Over time i have learned what happened on that fateful night, and I vow to stop those who would harm the preserves.
Personality: I laugh and talk all day long, but when there is a serious matter at hand, I know when playtime is over. If somebody challenges me, I will not back down. I stand for Justice, and If i think someone stands in the way of it, I will stop at nothing to get them.
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes. I wear a Black overcoat over a pale t-shirt w/ pants. I am 5 foot, 11 inches tall.
Anything Else: I am a shadow charmer, I am familiar with magical creatures, especially dark ones. I am fascinated with Patton Burgess, and I will give my life for The Knights of The Dawn. (Btw i apologize for the paragraphs only being two, they have about the content of three, I simply didn't make a good spot to indent :/ )
05/11/2013 10:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EpicFace275's Avatar
Full name: Mark Bowstow
Age: 16
Alignment: Knight
Backstory: Mark lived with his family, didn't have any friends at school, and was bullied a lot. One day changed his life. He finally went to his uncle's secret preserve. He made friends with a few fairies, and started getting home schooled at the preserve. One day, he was invited to be a knight. One month later, a Demon escaped, killing his aunt and 3 Knights. His bravery with a sword saved the whole preserve.
His brother was never told any of this until he was 13. Although his brother wasn't a Knight until later, Mark was a very respected Knight. His sister never found out until she was 19, was she became fairy struck a month after she came to the preserve. (NOT trying to copy Kendra!)

Personality: Always happy, nervous at times, energetic, humorous, and caring.
Appearance: Strait and silky Black hair,always having fun.
Anything Else: Uhh.... let me think..... NOPE.
05/06/2012 11:41 am
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Name: Seve Lingered
Age: 594
Species: Hydra
Alignment: (Light, Dark) Light
Backstory: Backstory: Seve was born in the ocean as with most Hydra, but hated the sea, so chose to lead his life on land. ((Hydras are amphibious, right?)) He lead a dangerous life, stealing livestock. Most of his life he was being hunted, and he was caught once. His captors cut off his heads, then beat him half to death when that didn't work. Thinking he was dead, his captors left his near dead carcass to rot. When he awoke and managed to drag himself to his cave, he vowed to go on a path of good, glad he was given a second chance to redeem himself. When he was beat, it caused him severe head trauma, causing bipolarity, and random blackouts, followed by cases of amnesia. One of his heads had been beat up more than the others, and the tumor in that head caused it to become a mind independent of the rest of the body. He now tries to help anyone who he isn't eating.
Personality:Funny, kind. Bipolar. Sorta like the Hulk in his bipolarity.
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=hydra&hl ... s:23,i:223 Just with more heads.
Anything Else: Naw.
05/06/2012 11:36 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jaxand's Avatar
Name: Alexander Airiton
Age: 138
Species: Narcoblix
Alignment: Order
Backstory: I was trusted on magical creatures. I was a adventurer when I was young. Everyone thought I was human. for years I was part of the Knights, until one day I was awoken and to my surprise I saw the members of the Order . He knew what I was. That day is when he showed me the light the only true thing that matters is Zzyzx. Two years later I was hired at FableHaven. I started sending the Order Intel. I am still helping and hidden in the preserve waiting till the tell me to strike.
I also travel around pretending to help the knights
Personality: I act nice but I'm really evil.
Appearance: Blond handsome blue eyes tan skin.
Anything Else: Nope
04/16/2012 6:15 am
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
FoxOfDoom's Avatar
Suppose it's a somewhat derpy question, but I'll ask anyways. This is based off the book series, correct? If so, I want to at least read the first book before applying x3
04/15/2012 12:26 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Full name: Emma-Rose
Age: 14
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.) Neutral
Backstory: Left in Fablehaven when she was only one in a basket, the dragons and fairies raised her. When the evil first came, she was wounded. Then the nymphs and golems hid her in a tree hole and she stayed there for eight years. When another person was searching the forest (She is now dead) the woman found her.
She now lives in an apartment building with her foster mother and foster father, and her cat, Valderdorf, going to the high school (or whatever the rp thread school is or if there is even a school). On weekends, she skateboards to the forest and plays around with all the new fairies, dragons, ogres, ect. and tells them the story of how she got to know Fablehaven.
Personality: Sweet and shy, hates bullying and scary pop-ups. She is short tempered when she is woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
Appearance: http://www.iphoneappreviews.net/wp-cont ... school.jpg with a scar on her left arm.
Anything Else: She is new to the place.
04/15/2012 10:37 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
breedon12's Avatar
Full name: Falaren Tinuval
Age: 206
Alignment: light
Backstory: falaren is a royal elven ranger and the kings most trusted guard. he was from the silvermoon forest orgionaly and sent to explore the outer realms with a group of two others to discover new lands for the elves to move as silvermoon forest slowly dies 1 a warrior and the other an elven loremaster. but as approaching fablehaven his band was attacked by a band of order grunts made up of goblins and trolls and only using his ranger knowledge and skills was he able to escape. for days on end he traveled alone in an unknown land with his supplies dwindling he was sure it was his time. weak and near to death falaren collapsed to the ground and blacked out. falaren woke in a fortress of some sort with 1 man watching him from the corner he was a knight of the dawn and falaren sensed magical power upon him but the man did not move he just told him to drink the glass of milk beside him. as falaren did this he felt his power return and was able to stand. the strange man told him all about the knights of wan and there fight against the order and how falaren owed the knights of the dawn his life. falaren only has one choice and joins them in the fight against the order.
Personality: he stern for an elf and often defensive but also is a good leader. not many know much about him but trust in him all the same.
Appearance: he wears green ranger clothing a cloak and hood but without his hood he has sharp blue eyes and long blonde hair.
Anything Else: falaren has the power to control the weaker magical creatures and has amazing skills with the bow and daggers
04/15/2012 10:08 am
Level 28 : Expert Pokemon
catlover's Avatar
catloverOrphan hater.

Yup, believe me I have every reason to as well.

Meh, not gonna argue, and I have to admit it's cliche to be an orphan, but I don't have any thing against someone making an orphan character.
04/15/2012 10:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Pokemon
catlover's Avatar
Orphan hater.
04/15/2012 4:01 am
Level 28 : Expert Pokemon
catlover's Avatar
crimsoncreeper13Name:Zoe Dantis
Personality:Nice, Artistic and thinks out side the box
Appearance: http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1 ... 8_full.jpg
Anything Else: she has a cat that follows her she named it Trix

Yay, she has a cat <3
04/14/2012 11:19 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
Name:Zoe Dantis
Backstory:Zoe's parents were always there for her, until they were killed. The Day was horrific for her one car accident and both were gone.She had nowhere to go so the police sent her to her aunt who neglected her so she spent most time in her room shifting and training because earlier that month she was running after a butterfly and she shifted. so at midnight on her 18th birthday she had packed a small bag with her computer and some clothes and some money and food she set off and shifted into a large wolf and ran away from her past. But she doesn't know what is ahead for her.She has no idea that there are others or people protecting special items she just needs to find someone of somewhere where she will be treated kindly and learn about who and what she is.
Personality:Nice, Artistic and thinks out side the box
Appearance: http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1 ... 8_full.jpg
Anything Else: she has a cat that follows her she named it Trix
04/14/2012 4:47 am
Level 28 : Expert Pokemon
catlover's Avatar
machogarren04deny me then,you can suck my dick

Go finish your homework little Jimmy, then we'll talk about your behaviour.

04/13/2012 7:47 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
I wasn't being snappy, I was being sarcastic. There is a difference.
04/13/2012 7:49 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
b.n go on the thread i cant carry on till your there
04/13/2012 7:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
machogarren04's Avatar
deny me then,you can suck my dick
04/13/2012 7:57 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
You're visibly upset. It's just an RP.
04/13/2012 7:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
very mature.
04/13/2012 7:42 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
RoxthesoxLuke: Accepted as long as you don't powergame.

Macho: Denied, you're clearly trying to RP as Inuyasha. Make an original Character.

i wont trust me, he's too niave to actually kill anyone or beat them to a pulp
04/13/2012 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
machogarren04's Avatar
Name:isiah chain
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.)
Backstory:Abondened as a child,all i was left was a bag of items them items were a sword a lighter a axe and a peice of bread
Personality:like's to hunt with bows and swords.
Anything else: can start fires really fast can buildl shelter and i can hunt
Appearence:really long white hair and a red robe and claws
04/13/2012 7:07 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
Name: Ted Son (formally Son Ted)
Age: 12
Species: half monkey half boy (think journey to the West)
Alignment: (Light, Dark) Neutral
Backstory: Ted was a boy with extraordinary strength that matches that of a strong man! He was born with a monkeys tail and was left to die in the woods from a young age. He was later found by an old hermit who lived in the woods and took him in. The hermit is long dead and Ted lives in the forest by himself. He is friendly to just about anyone even during a fight! He is very agile and can use his tail to grab onto tree branches and such. (sorry if its short)
Personality: friendly
Appearance: (something i like to call the come at me bro stance)
Anything Else: nope
04/13/2012 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fookin_gumby's Avatar
Am I accepted?
04/13/2012 6:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
gagopaui's Avatar
oh.. sorry
04/13/2012 6:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Link on the first page, but if you are too lazy to find it, here you go.
04/13/2012 6:35 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
gagopaui's Avatar
bnrhdu which thread??
04/13/2012 6:32 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
I'm pretty sure, now shut up and go to the thread.
04/13/2012 6:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
It is called an avatar right? I read the books quite a while ago....
04/13/2012 6:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Thanks!!! This was the first Fablehaven thing I've seen on here so I was pretty happy I found it!
04/13/2012 6:22 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Please tell me I did this right... by the way it took FOREVER!!!! ;D

Full name: Rochelle Stonne

Age: 15

Species: Dragon Breath Power/Weapon: Lightning (dangerous and harmless)

Alignment: Neutral

Back story: Rochelle lived in Wymmroost until her mother Auriga was taken away to another Dragon Sanctuary. Then left alone at the preserve, she used her avatar to gain the information of where her mother had been taken. Rochelle journeyed secretly to the Dragon Sanctuary where she met some dryads. The dryads, so scared by her presence, revealed that a dragon hunter had killed her poor mother. So Rochelle, knowing how prized dragon tears were, hid herself to mourn. A Knight of the Dawn found her there and offered his service (all the while trying not to get killed ;D). Rochelle came with the Knight in her avatar form. Rochelle helped the Knights of Dawn to the best of her ability when she discovered that Auriga had been killed by an Order member. Though both Rochelle and the Knights would like Rochelle to become an official member of the Knights of Dawn, she must remain neutral because of her species.

Personality: Kind (for a dragon), clever, lonely.

Appearance: Dragon- black with specks of gold and gold belly, purple eyes Avatar- long black hair with gold tips, purple eyes.

Anything else: Likes to remain as her avatar, became obsessed with reading when a Knight showed her books (though they are hard to read as a dragon), likes being alone, writes poetry a lot, lives in the mountains in a cave while in her dragon form.
04/13/2012 6:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Shut your pie hole and get over to the thread.
04/13/2012 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fookin_gumby's Avatar
Name: Kyle Holland
Age: 15
Species: Skinwalker
Alignment: The Order of the Midnight Dusk
Backstory: The only child of divorced parents, Kyle was sent to live on a reserve with his grandfather after his father was found out to be abusive. His grandfather ran the reserve by himself so Kyle was used to help maintain it. As soon as he got to the reserve, his grandfather had him drink the milk and explained all there is to know about the magical world to him. As a Skinwalker himself, Kyle's grandfather showed him how to use his power of shape-shifting. Never really given love by his grandfather, Kyle secluded himself and often wandered around the woods in the reserve. One day he found a hermit troll living off on his own who he immediately befriended. The troll told Kyle about the Order of the Midnight Dusk and how it will soon come to power. Kyle immediately liked the idea of the Order and questioned the troll on how to join. After he convinced the troll that his curiosity was genuine, Kyle contacted the Order with his proposal. He gets to join, and he will sneak dark beings into the reserve's forest without his grandfather knowing. Ever since then he has been sneaking in dark beings and growing his own power within the Order, all the while being thought of as a model grandson by his grandfather.
Personality: Humorous, cynical, reserved, and spiteful.
Appearance: His animal form is a panther and his human form is shown below
[attachment=0]<attachment unavailable>[/attachment]
Anything Else: Although he is cynical and spiteful, he is adept at making people believe he is personable if need be.
04/13/2012 5:04 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
gagopaui's Avatar
yeah i guess... what kind of mods are we talking? i think the most important thing would be building the map. You dont really need mods for that.
this was just an idea though.. we shouldnt discuss this here. but if u know somebody hosting an rp server please send me a pm
04/13/2012 4:46 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
How would we manage that? We would need so many mods and plugins.
04/13/2012 4:41 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
gagopaui's Avatar
so how about this becomes a server rp? it'd be awesome(only my opinion)
this could become a gigantic adventure
04/13/2012 4:05 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
RoxthesoxY'all accepted, and bn there are no fire enchantments in minecraft.

There are:

It's called fire aspect.
04/13/2012 8:53 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
He likes his bow to be enchanted with the fire enchantment.
This isn't a server RP.
04/13/2012 8:48 am
Level 45 : Master Pirate
PlankGang's Avatar
Name: Dagmar
Age: 106
Species: Revenant
Alignment: Dark
Backstory: Dagmar was once a powerful warlock, working hard and destroying his Colleagues mind and will, his powers were devoted to the Order of Midnight Dusk, before he was betrayed by his own creations of evil, these creations were neither dead, nor alive, the perfect monstrocity, but power comes with a price, Dagmar's soul was resurrected, to live an eternity of pain and suffering as a Revenant, once killed, his soul will not go on into an afterlife, it will be trapped in the nearest object until that object is destroyed, then it will pass on the next item and so forth.
Personality: Cunning and Deceitful, his menacing face can be even thought of at the word 'Hate'.
Anything else: Yea, uhmmm... Thanks for reading.
04/13/2012 8:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Murnster667's Avatar
Full Name: Muri Firearrow
Age: 36
Species: Elf/Elven please? It doesn't say it on the list but i wanted to give it a try. If i can't, then just human.
Alignment: Neutral, but will fight for the light/knights.
Backstory: Muri as a child wanted to be the best elven archer ever to walk the lands. He always tried to make things into a heroic quest, for something as simple as getting bread out of a cupboard. But he was young, and did not realize that his whole family were wizards, and he was destined to be one too. The day his parents broke it to him, he was furious. All of his dreams and hopes were shattered. He thought he could show his parents that he was supposed to be a archer by killing a moose in the woods in the woods. His parents knew it was sudicide if he went into the woods alone, at his age, because the woods are infested with cruel beasts. So they followed him. Muri ran through the woods at a strong pace, and did not notice that he entered a bears land. His parents caught up to him but were too late, a bear was about to charge Muri and pulverize Muri, but as Muri put up his bow and fired a arrow hoping to protect him, the arrow ignited and was flaming as it him the bear and killed it. That day, when Muri speaks of it, he rememebers a voice in his head saying, " You are a archer Muri. You are a archer, Muri Firearrow". His parents knew where his destiny truely lied now, because that was a sign from the gods. They sent him to the elfs archery school far away, where he learned to be the master archer he is today. One day, he returned home, to find his home was destroyed and burned to ash. His family died in the destruction of his old home, and Muri only remaining connection to his family is the almost burnt diary of his fathers.
Personality: Cheery, but when fighting his arrows are sent into the throats of enemies with no remorse
Appearance: An normal Elf, blonde hair, tall, green clothing.
Anything Else: He likes his bow to be enchanted with the fire enchantment.
04/12/2012 8:44 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Full name: Alduron Elechurose
Age: 32
Alignment: Knight of the Dawn
Backstory: Alduron was raised as a child of a noble family. Always being watched, always being taken care of, angered him and made him feel so helpless. He wanted to do more for the world, and he enrolled himself into sword fighting and the art of assassination. He graduated these classes at the top, with the rank "Paladin", meaning Master of the Sword. He then left his home to go join an organization where his skills could be used, and sought after the Knights of the Dawn. After years of searching, he found them. It took a bit, but he was able to join the ranks. The rest is to be carved out upon tablets of the great deeds and evils to come.
Personality: He is kind hearted, but easily angered. He does not like being tricked, and won't let anyone get in his way to climb the ranks.
Appearance: He has thick, blonde hair. He is 6'4 with a very strong appearance. He wears a tunic of white and gold, with a descending half sun in the middle with a blade going through it. He carries his hand and a half blade with him at all times, along with a shield slung across his back. He has a scar underneath his left eye from a training accident, and he has hazel eyes.
Anything Else: Not really, I put as much descriptiveness into him as I could.
04/12/2012 8:26 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pirate
ThunderHooves's Avatar
ThunderHoovesI might as well add mine!

Name: Izarath the Soul Collector
Age: 853
Species: Demon
Alignment: Light
Backstory: -snip-
Personality: Rash, Serious
Appearance: Dark, Winged, Near skeleton body.
Anything Else: It's ok if you don't accept me. I probably won't get accepted with this character.

Eh. It may be just me, but I think that killing so many people might be a bit OP. Of course, I'm not used to demons and monsters in RPs. I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and let you be accepted, per say you promise not to be OP by killing a billion people in several seconds.

Yea, I didn't make it clear enough. I meant that in a span of a hundred years, he killed a few thousand. That's 10 a year.
04/12/2012 8:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
ThunderHoovesI might as well add mine!

Name: Izarath the Soul Collector
Age: 853
Species: Demon
Alignment: Light
Backstory: -snip-
Personality: Rash, Serious
Appearance: Dark, Winged, Near skeleton body.
Anything Else: It's ok if you don't accept me. I probably won't get accepted with this character.

Eh. It may be just me, but I think that killing so many people might be a bit OP. Of course, I'm not used to demons and monsters in RPs. I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and let you be accepted, per say you promise not to be OP by killing a billion people in several seconds.
04/12/2012 8:15 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pirate
ThunderHooves's Avatar

Can't tell if trolling or serious. If you're serious, declined. If you're trolling, even more declined.

Declined. Your powers are kinda OP.

I do believe that Aaron isn't trolling. Also, did you miss mine? It's at the end of page 11.
04/12/2012 7:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Aaron1818's Avatar
Full name: Knight,Aaron
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.) Knight
Backstory:i use to be the son of the king.. but my dad was over frown and killed
Personality: i have a sword in my hand 24 /7 but im sup nice (most of time)
Appearance: ugly
Anything Else: nope just ugly
04/12/2012 8:13 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Can't tell if trolling or serious. If you're serious, declined. If you're trolling, even more declined.
CutielaurenieName: Halen Elizabeak
Age: 17
Species: Half dragon Half hawk
Alignment: (Light, Dark) Darkness princess
Backstory: She wasnt always the dark princess. She was born on the light side. No-one knew what happened to her. She... turned. One day, Once she wasnt sleeping she looked up to the dark, starless night sky and said - Why wasnt life easier? Why couldnt I control the darkness... Suddenly, She was transforming. After she had finished transforming, She was under the Dark Lords command. She looked different, Acted different, And was different. She had turned evil since then. SHe was more powerful then ever...
Personality: Mean, reckless, A lack of harmony between humans. Oh and evil.
Appearance: Very black. Fire is greyish with white specs in it. She has white spikes and is very sleek and is good at camoflauging at night-time. She has red eyes.
Anything Else: Her powers! She can send a ray of darkness. She can turn day to night. She can see very well in the night. She can smell a human / prey from 100 miles away.

Declined. Your powers are kinda OP.
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