Considering a new computer - help

devilcupcakes's Avatar devilcupcakes11/6/13 5:51 pm
1 emeralds 233 3
11/9/2013 3:37 pm
dubstepXO's Avatar dubstepXO
Hello PMC. Help please?
So, I would really really love a new computer. Mine SUCKS and I hate it. It's so slow and unresponsive and freezes like every 5 minutes. Plus, it doesn't run Minecraft well at all. If I'm really lucky I might get 20 fps but that's it basically.
I learned recently that my dad was looking at new computers for me because he knows mine deserves to burn in hell.
I need (yes, need) something that runs games well and has lots of space for me to store my random junk. But we don't have the money to spare for something super expensive, so can anyone recommend something for me that's on the cheaper side? My dad actually works with computers and knows loads about them but I would like hear suggestions anyways. Thank you!
Posted by devilcupcakes's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin

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11/09/2013 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
dubstepXO's Avatar
Well, I have a pretty good Asus desktop I built a few years back. It's got a 2 terabyte hard drive, 8 gigs of RAM, and an i7 processor. Not just for minecraft, but it generally runs all games pretty well (all parts were individually bought and put together). I hope this helped, good luck!
11/07/2013 5:52 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Randomness3333's Avatar
Exactly how much can you spend?
11/06/2013 5:53 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
If your dad knows so much about computers, why can't he help you buy parts and build it with you?

Also, you haven't given us your budget or the specs of your existing computer.
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