Best dubstep/Dj program (Need suggestions!)

PURE0WNAGE's Avatar PURE0WNAGE5/14/13 7:01 am
5/14/2013 3:36 pm
Hello everyone!,
I recently started thinking about making dubstep on my computer but I'm not sure where to start or which program I should use maybe you guys have some ideas!
P.S I use a MACBOOK AIR and run OSX
Thanks for stopping by!,
Posted by PURE0WNAGE's Avatar
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect

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05/14/2013 11:09 am
Level 49 : Master Narwhal
Boboonski's Avatar
If you like music, you can ignore the musical theory, as it will come to you as you make your songs
05/14/2013 11:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bloodrose754's Avatar
.... while that's sort of true.. i was talking more about, you know, gaining knowledge though studying as well as through experimentation and practice.. music theory is incredibly useful..

i mean it's up to the op but it's a serious suggestion.

... this post is turning more passive aggressive, sorry. dvbsdjhfvbsdvsdfkvhbsdfkerhbfverfg. /very sensitive around music related things
i apologize if i seem rude..
05/14/2013 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bloodrose754's Avatar
Hey there~

[This is gunna be a long message, so just skip to the bottom if you want the tl;dr]

I'm a dj/producer and i've been making music for a few years now.
if you wanna make good dubstep, the first thing you need to know is: music theory. if you know more about music theory, you'll be able to make much more interesting and complex tracks.
The second thing you need is a DAW [digital audio workspace/workstation]. There are many daw's out there [Live, Reason, Logic, FLStudio, Reaper, Sonar, Garage Band, etc] and the very best one is...... all of them. There is no best daw. They all have pros and cons, and it's usage depends on you. My suggestion is to go out and try demos and look at reviews, and find whichever one you feel most comfortable with. I use Ableton Live, and they have a 30 day trial demo, plus they just released Live 9, so i'd suggest starting there, then maybe trying out fl studio or reason or something.
Third thing you need: sound design. knowing how to make the sound you want is key. you dont wanna be stuck using presets forever, your music will all sound the same, boring, and people will know you're using presets.

Which leads to my next suggestion: plugins. Plugins are.. well.. plugins for your daw. there are effect plugins, synth plugins, drum machine plugins, sequencer plugins, etc etc. There are alot of free ones online, or you could buy/torrent the big expensive ones.

Now, say you've got your daw and some plugins and you've gone to music school and gotten everything together. you still need to know how to make DUBSTEP <3

Now, i wont bore you with the actually pretty interesting history of dubstep, or give you a lengthy tutorial, but i would suggest looking into it's history and roots, and looking up tutorials.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember that dubstep is a subgenre, and has MANY different styles and fusion genres. dont get stuck in one style. which reminds me, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS experiment! trying new things and expanding your horizon is so important, especially in music.

Anyways, a really basic/simple tutorial on dubstep:

the beat is usually syncopated, and generally consists of kicks, hihats, and snares.
a more relaxed, calm dubstep track is usually 128 bpm, a more aggressive, "brostep" track is usually 140 bpm.
you're gunna want a lead, bass, drumline and fx. i might be forgetting something.. lol. but keep in mind that dubstep is about BASS. bring that bassline up! go for wobbles or a straight bass. but please.. dont use all that middy crap [i mean literally mid register, not midi lol]. use real sub bass. you can learn about layering and resampling later, lol.
anyways, im in school so i need to wrap this up.

The tl;dr version is: go download ableton live and try it out, if you dont like it, try some other daws. look up tutorials for dubstep on youtube and check the native instruments forums. torrent/buy FM8 and Massive. they're great for dubstep leads/basses [and everything else], but keep in mind you can use OTHER synths. EXPERIMENT! also buy a better laptop, you wont be able to do much on a macbook air.... get a macbook pro. uhh.. yeah. and just keep at it!!

if you want more help, email me at haycraftadam@gmail.com, all i do is make music and play minecraft so i have time to answer your questions, lol. good luck!
05/14/2013 3:36 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
You probably just taught me everything i need to know in about a matter of 5 mins XD thx sooo much I will always look to you for new tips and help! thanks
05/14/2013 9:35 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
ZonkedCompanion's Avatar
Also if your looking to make some filthy 8bit dubstep you want to get MilkyTracker its free but incredibly hard to use if you don't know what you are doing.
05/14/2013 9:30 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
ZonkedCompanion's Avatar
lotmomFl studio is probably the best for any music...

Thats a bold claim. FL is ok, but far far from being the best. Its ok for dubstep though.
05/14/2013 9:09 am
Level 33 : Artisan Spider Rider
Lotmom's Avatar
Fl studio is probably the best for any music... if you know how to use it. i dont know how to use it but if you are willing to pay it is worth it
05/14/2013 7:55 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
ZonkedCompanion's Avatar
05/14/2013 7:51 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
loukio's Avatar
I also use garageband and its pretty good (if you know how to use it)
05/14/2013 7:39 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Friendly123's Avatar
I use Garageband on my MacBook!
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