My family hates me! (FIXED)

Cybug's Avatar Cybug6/27/13 7:53 pm
1 emeralds 1.6k 91
6/27/2013 11:50 pm
Crafter77's Avatar Crafter77
Edit: I put on my earbuds and listen to the WhiteNoise app on my iPod. Works awesome! Now me and my brother and sisters get along.
Posted by Cybug's Avatar
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator

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06/27/2013 11:50 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Crafter77's Avatar
Try to ignore them, your reaction is what keeps encouraging them to annoy you.
06/27/2013 11:44 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Narwhal
MineOut's Avatar
Wear earplugs.
06/27/2013 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
OreoToast's Avatar
My sympathies.
06/27/2013 11:14 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
Bluepenguin1o00's Avatar
Another Solution is to wear Ear Plugs BLOCKS SOUND! But, First tell them if they want to talk to you during a meal tell them to Tap your shoulder 3 times or Clap or whatever.
06/27/2013 11:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1167165's Avatar
06/27/2013 11:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lookaquarter's Avatar
I'm an only child, so I don't really know all that well about dealing with brothers and sisters. However, my dad is in the military, and has deployed twice. Last deployment, my mom went sorta crazy, and got really stressed out. Being just her and I at home, this got annoying quick, as she would get on my back about everything, and start arguments with me about stupid stuff, like not working enough in the week, and then telling me I work too much and don't spend time with her. To stop this, I literally grabbed a camera, and just started filming her, and her arguments. The fact that the camera was there made her rethink some things, which helped a lot. If your brothers and sisters still don't stop, then just record them messing with you and show it to your parents. Although, I have access to cameras and stuff do to being in a video production class at school, so I do not know if you can get a camera in your situation.
06/27/2013 10:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Fisherman
BattlingApollo's Avatar
get evidence of your brother and BAM
06/27/2013 10:45 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
Bluepenguin1o00's Avatar
I understand My younger brother and I fight and he started it but, I end up in trouble but, I would care if he broke a bone I have my brothers back no matter what, even if it means dying because you can't ignore your brother forever (Ok maybe you can) cause they know you, and well family look out for each other I sometimes feel like I am not loved either but, while they still are caring for me I am OK, this is coming from some one, 2 years older than you.
06/27/2013 10:43 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Masterdad111's Avatar
Were dark sunglasses so u can't c them wen u eat and u dint get botherd by it
06/27/2013 11:39 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Demolitionist
JKConquerer's Avatar
Misophonia is the hatred of sound not seeing people chewing, specifically here the hatred of the sound of chewing (I hate it too, but my yougner brother loves to chew with his mouth open.
My solution, you could temporarily wear noise-reducing headphones until you sort the problem out with measures mentioned above.
06/27/2013 10:38 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mountaineer
QuentinJones's Avatar
Dear Cybug, I know how you feel. Although I do not have misophonia, I am certain my brother has it(even though he has not been diagnosed). He has all the symptoms of misophonia. His ways of dealing with it were similar to yours, leaving dinner, going into his room. The way that I believe my brother was able to cope with his problems was that he was able to gain friends that understood him and were able to help him with his problem. He also had hobbies that kept him busy, such as playing guitar, watching movies, playing video games. I understand that although this disease is not severe, it is nearly impossible to deal with it if you've been diagnosed. I am truly sorry for you.

My suggestions to you are that you try to make friends who understand you, and respect you. I know you have tried many times, but try talking to whichever parent understands you better, your mom or your dad. I know from your comments that you do not see eye to eye with them, but try connecting with them one last time. If that does not work, try to talk to one of your neighbors that you KNOW AND TRUST. Also, you obviously like minecraft, so that is hobby you and everyone else here shares, but in addition to that, find some other things that you enjoy, reading for example.

My brother was able to deal his problems and although he may still have them, started to be able to ignore them in his mid teens. I hope you are able to find a way through your struggles, good luck, and hope this helps!
06/27/2013 10:21 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Z645's Avatar
I think you're taking this the wrong way.
Right now you're being bullied, hated upon, etc. Well, believe me or not, you'll end up famous. (or close). Trust me, many people will suddenly like you. WHO CARES if your family hates you. It's not the end of the world. And possibly your parents will also regret hating you later on.
06/27/2013 10:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
sumwun_III's Avatar
Seriously get a therapist. You've obviously got some problems and if you feel that you can't even talk to your parents, you need to fix that shit right away. Your best short-term option is to simply go to your parents and be 100% serious, telling them everything you told us. If you're comfortable telling strangers on the Internet, you should be able to talk to your mother and father. Don't let them shrug it off; make them listen. I'm confident they will.
06/27/2013 10:13 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Programmer
GamersMods's Avatar
Hire a Mercenary to do away with you brother?
06/27/2013 10:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
GraveRunner's Avatar
He's 10 years old -.-
06/27/2013 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnderManSlayer18's Avatar
or if that doesnt work, say to ur parents,: why dont you love me? and im pretty sure they will say they do an ask why u said it and u will say because They havent been paying attention to what happened and im pretty sure there will be a talk after that sometime


I hope it works out soon, i wish you luck! make sure you do what i told you!
06/27/2013 10:09 pm
Level 41 : Master Robot
Monkeyy's Avatar
just do it back to him to show him how annoying it is.
06/27/2013 10:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnderManSlayer18's Avatar
And by the way, DO NOT commit suicide, you will regret it, staying alive is better
06/27/2013 10:10 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
sumwun_III's Avatar
I don't think he'll get the chance
06/27/2013 10:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EnderManSlayer18's Avatar
what you do is tell your mom that you wanna have a talk with her and your brother and straighten things out. If i were you, i would do that. I have a sibling that used to do the same thing, just talk about it, and i dont think ur parents hate u, i had the same problem when i was ur age.
06/27/2013 10:05 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
it just looks like you got started on the ever so exciting, riveting, fun, and depressing teenagerhood a little early.

Blame the hormone chemicals they implant into Supermarket meats XD
06/27/2013 10:04 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Adventurekingdom's Avatar
Sucicide. It;s your first option! And You're last trust me.
06/27/2013 10:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
MCRique's Avatar
Are you kidding me? That's not even funny. Grow up kid.
06/27/2013 10:02 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Your family definitely doesn't hate you. Your siblings are probably just jealous of you. (I don't know much about your life outside of this, so I don't know if you have any other extraordinary talents; You probably do. You're level 39 on here (Same level as the amazing Snowylips; Well, you were until I refreshed) and have 43 subscribers. You definitely have some sort of talent, and aren't worthless.) Just don't give up, you can be stronger than them. All of you will grow out of it, and they'll look back on their actions shamefully.

it just looks like you got started on the ever so exciting, riveting, fun, and depressing teenagerhood a little early.
06/27/2013 9:58 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
Simply ignore them

They will learn how much of noobs they are when they grow up

I have ADHD
i use to get dangerously angry
i use to have HUGE bullying Problems when i was in year 3,4
I managed to throw a metal framed chair at them BUT that was the worst thing that could be done, wana know why? i was put down 1,2 grades

but now meh i'm like the quietest person in town now xD
i grew out of my ADHD when i reached 10

I'm Turning 18 next year
And Everything's working out fine

We'll anyway I hope things work out for you
06/27/2013 10:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pony
Reeceboy1299's Avatar
I had pretty much the same problem. I threw these HORRIBLE tantrums for a LONG time (like it ended last year and I'm 13 right now). But I grew out of it. Also, maybe a counselor can help. I had a problem with sleeping because I got this CRAZY jump scare when I was 9 and I JUST last year stopped using a night light (I'm really sensitive to stuff like that). Though now I play games 10 times more scary just because of that counselor.
06/27/2013 9:57 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Nice in simple. Sit alone or far away from your siblings, preferably next to someone you trust so you are not lonely, and try to find something to do to show that you are not dumb or a jerk, like help your parents. (or something, I don't know...)And try to find something to do to release your anger without them taking any effect.

PS: If your brother is 11 and he says that, he doesn't know what he is talking about. I seriously thought your brother was like, 7 when reading this. Then I looked back and it says he is 11.
06/27/2013 9:51 pm
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
Heeey hey OP. It's ok. Life can get like this sometimes, and it's not bad to feel down. The big thing, is that you have to pick yourself back up. Explain to your parents about what is going on, and if it doesn't do anything there's always an ear here for you.
99% of us have been in that down part, we know what it's like. It's ok.
06/27/2013 9:48 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
Cybug's Avatar
I cried like 20 times today.
I think that is my record
06/27/2013 9:44 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
GetVape's Avatar
well my little bro eats like a horse on Perseus so just get used to it took me 2 years but it is TOTALLY WORTH IT

And no family hates you even if they punish you or get mad at you they still love you
06/27/2013 9:37 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
Cybug's Avatar
I have had many talks with my parents. I just go into my room and cry if my brother starts yelling at me or accusing me.
06/27/2013 9:31 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
jgrocks2's Avatar
Enforce your feelings. Find a time when your siblings are disturbing you and have a serious talk with your parents about your problem.
06/27/2013 9:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
Eat in your room~
06/27/2013 9:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
Nicolas[]Cage's Avatar
Go to a psychiatrist. It's not something that you need to 'get over', it's something they need to tolerate. Try eating somewhere else like your bedroom and let your mother/family know that this is a serious condition and you need to have someone talk to her about it that knows more about it then I do. Personally, I don't know of the phobia, but phobias are serious and not something to be played around with.
06/27/2013 9:11 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
Useless_Paul's Avatar
Tell your parents when your brother isnt home/around
Tell the honest truth, EVERYTHING no matter how embarrassing it is.
Whether you are or not, act sincere
Look her in the eyes, let your mom know that you are serious
World of Atlas
06/27/2013 8:58 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
World of Atlas's Avatar
Seems like your parents are failing from your point of view. Probably this is all exaggerated nonsense though.
06/27/2013 9:04 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
Cybug's Avatar
Yeah, I am just a stupid idiot who doesn't mean anything. I am a worthless piece of crap and nothing I make is good. I am a stupid pointless piece of crap.
06/27/2013 9:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Modder
MadeBySix's Avatar
This is possibly one of the saddest things I've ever read. Speaking from experience, we all feel that way at some point in our lives. It sucks, but it's true. Sometimes when we're young, problems seem so much bigger than they are, and we start to feel like we don't matter at all. I've been there, honestly.

The thing is though, you're only 10 years old. You've got a whole life ahead of you, and you can do whatever you want with it. Don't ever feel like you're not worth anything, because we're all worth something. Sometimes all it takes is being told you matter by someone else for us to truly see our worth. Everyone here sees your worth. You just have to try to talk to your parents and see if you can come to a solution, without your siblings being able to interrupt.
06/27/2013 9:08 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
Let me tell you something.

There are millions of galaxies, millions of stars, millions of planets and astroids and specs of dust floating in space and this planet produced a miracle that is human life. Every person that is ever born here is brilliant in thier own way, regardless of race, intelligence, or societal standing.

Don't ever let anyone make you feel that you are worth nothing...

Because they are wrong.
06/27/2013 9:20 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
krugle's Avatar
Words of wisdom truly
06/27/2013 8:57 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
krugle's Avatar
Snowylipsa) Do not touch your family in any harmful matter. I don't care if anyone on here recommended "punching" your brother, don't.

Now I'm not condoning him to go and beat up his brother by any means, but siblings fight regularly its a part of growing up and sometimes in extreme situations a quick jab to the leg or arm CAN help in the way that it shows standing up for ones self.
06/27/2013 8:52 pm
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
a) Do not touch your family in any harmful matter. I don't care if anyone on here recommended "punching" your brother, don't.

b) Your siblings (eg not parents) are just doing it to tease you. I know it's hard, but they don't necessarily hate you, and for a while you may just have to learn to ignore it. Your parents could be a little oblivious to the situation. Have you told them, just yourself and them, what is going on when you're eating with the family? If you explain to them clearly what is happening, I can tell you now they'll start to see what's going on. Perhaps you can tell your mum when she's cooking dinner, when your brother and sisters aren't there, that your siblings are teasing you. You just have to explain it to her.

c) Take EVERYTHING you see on here with a grain of salt (don't trust it entirely). That goes for every single comment in this thread. If you see some advice you think could work, think about it and what would happen.
06/27/2013 8:40 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
krugle's Avatar
Cuts and bruises heal, Life lessons last forever.
06/27/2013 8:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
So true.
06/27/2013 8:40 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cowboy
Aether_Delta_II's Avatar
Then he wont be able to reproduce.
06/27/2013 8:42 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
A kid being as dumb as this guys brother really doesn't deserve that I don't think. Meaning he shouldn't be able to reproduce.
06/27/2013 8:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
GrizzlySwagg's Avatar
Quick question ,no pedo but how old are you?
06/27/2013 8:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
I am 13 and very matured... Why?
06/27/2013 8:53 pm
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
Because saying someone shouldn't be able to reproduce when he's just a kid and is only teasing his brother because they're kids, isn't a very mature thing.
06/27/2013 11:10 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Now that I think more about it, I made a mistake when I said that. It would be very rude.
No matter what your family says or does to you, you should ALWAYS love them. They taken care of you this far and never gotten rid of you. Snowylips is right, they are just teasing.

Sorry for my very immature comment. I do apologize.
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