Im getting braces 0_0 [What to expect]

ABlockInPlace's Avatar ABlockInPlace8/20/13 10:32 pm
8/21/2013 6:49 pm
jkdouglas's Avatar jkdouglas
Title says all. Inform me :l
Posted by ABlockInPlace's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Architect

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08/21/2013 6:45 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
samkee00's Avatar
According to my two friends with braces: It hurts. Don't try to eat anything hard for a few days. Also, if you get rubber bands along with the braces, it hurts even worse. Don't try to eat anything SOLID for a few days.
08/21/2013 6:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
Well I got my braces.... Dang it feels wierd.... Please keep posting though. Thanks:)

-Braceface Me XD
08/21/2013 1:46 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Xyloar's Avatar
Its hurts but its worth it..
08/21/2013 1:42 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
bchrzfg215's Avatar
They GLUE the braces. You'll be fine, they're not drilling or bolting anything.
08/21/2013 1:40 am
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Ah braces.

First few days are a pain in the ass. Teeth gunna be sore, gunna hurt to chew stuff.
Ask parents for some Tylenol or Ibuprofen to kill the soreness. My advice: When you get to wearing rubber bands on your braces, wear them. I didn't choose to wear mine and I had to wear mine for an extra year.

Also dental hygiene is difficult. Keep those teeth clean with braces.
08/21/2013 6:22 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
ChaosExpert's Avatar
I actually never wore my bands and turned out fine.
Lucky me!
08/21/2013 1:33 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Sailor
DavidTheDude's Avatar
Well you better expect braces lol
08/21/2013 1:33 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Z645's Avatar
Nothing bad about it just the fact some people may still be playing old logic and say something along the lines of "hey look, its braceface" or similar. Not very common though. Also when a bracket breaks you have to go to the dentist and get it fixed.

Edit: also most if the things they say don't do or eat is false. Like make your food small. Hell no. I eat like I did everyday.
08/21/2013 12:48 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
I had to get 8 teeth pulled out before I could get them on.
All in one sitting

Anyways, it only hurts for a little bit and after that, its all good

Just be ready to not be able to eat toffee, popcorn or anything sticky... even though I did anyways.
08/21/2013 12:52 am
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
I stuck to soups when i had my teeth out xD
08/21/2013 12:56 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
Mine actually went out pretty well and I only had to eat soup for 2 days.
08/21/2013 1:29 am
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
Then again i had major bleeding problems then xD

So whenever i started eating something "solid"
Massess of blood t-t

im about to get mine off in like 2 more months
08/21/2013 1:39 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
Ah that sucks

Even though its fun to get them off, the retainer sucks afterwards.

I hate wearing it.
08/20/2013 11:03 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Shadow_slayer101's Avatar
The first week hurts like HELL! But after that you forget you even have them.
08/20/2013 11:00 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pixel Painter
munchiesyum's Avatar
Getting them on is no problem. They glue the dang things on. Doesn't hurt or anything. Afterwards make sure to cut up your food and try to eat the back of your mouth because it will hurt for a couple of days
08/20/2013 10:58 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
Hey one of my subs How are those builds buddy?
08/20/2013 10:57 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
GG50's Avatar
Getting braces only hurts about a week or so after you first get them on, and about a day after you get them tightened (if you get them tightened), Other than that' you should be fine, and you should be able to still eat most things.
Operation itself takes a little while, so they might shoot you up with painkillers or put you under. I had neither when I had the work done, lucky me I suppose. But it's really nothing to worry about. So, good luck:3
08/20/2013 10:55 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Turtle
ryancat101's Avatar
91300536Title says all. Inform me :l

Well when you are getting the braces put on the worst part is when they tighten it but it doesn't hurt it just doesn't feel comfortable... Second you have to eat certain food.
08/20/2013 10:51 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Mage
XBlack_LeopardX's Avatar
it should hurt when they put them on becuase they just glue them on but for the next few days your teeth will be really sensitive sometimes ( or at least mine were ) it will probally hurt for a few days but after that you forget you even have them on it just takes a little bit to get use to them
08/20/2013 10:48 pm
Level 48 : Master Narwhal
DMB2121's Avatar
Idk, I'm getting braces soon. I feel the same way : P
08/20/2013 10:44 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
ChaosExpertIt's not that bad at all.
Most of the time I forget I even have braces.

EvilKittyWizardFrom what my GF told me, the operation goes like this:
1. They clean your mouth and teeth.
2. Your mouth is dried as to prevent unnecessary salivation
3. You get a small shot of painkiller (maybe morphine, idk) around your gums, and you won't feel a thing, really. I've gotten the shot before.
4. Now this is the part I'm not sure of:
The braces are either bolted into place in your teeth (again, you feel nothing whatsoever)
Small holes are drilled and they're set into place with a cavity-filling substance.

Don't worry about anything and you'll be fine! Science has proven that if you focus on good results, they come! Focus on bad results, and they come instead!

Both wrong.
From my experience they glue the brackets on.

This is the Modern Age

They Glue them on now... Well i had mine glued on
08/20/2013 10:44 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pirate
Aireters's Avatar
It's not that bad its doesn't hurt trust me i got braces 6 week ago it takes time to get used to them so like the first comment said you gotta eat little pieces its fun seeing peoples reactions when you get em other than that good luck! Also i didn't get i shot :/ ? But they use glue to stick on the braces, the glue taste really bad! and then they put the colors on and your done
08/20/2013 10:43 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
i had 4 teeth pulled out from the roots for my braces
2 on the top
and 2 on the bottom


But that's only when you have not enough room in your mouth like me xD
08/20/2013 10:41 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
ChaosExpert's Avatar
It's not that bad at all.
Most of the time I forget I even have braces.

EvilKittyWizardFrom what my GF told me, the operation goes like this:
1. They clean your mouth and teeth.
2. Your mouth is dried as to prevent unnecessary salivation
3. You get a small shot of painkiller (maybe morphine, idk) around your gums, and you won't feel a thing, really. I've gotten the shot before.
4. Now this is the part I'm not sure of:
The braces are either bolted into place in your teeth (again, you feel nothing whatsoever)
Small holes are drilled and they're set into place with a cavity-filling substance.

Don't worry about anything and you'll be fine! Science has proven that if you focus on good results, they come! Focus on bad results, and they come instead!

Both wrong.
From my experience they glue the brackets on.
08/20/2013 10:39 pm
Level 43 : Master Nether Knight
TheEvilKittyWizard's Avatar
From what my GF told me, the operation goes like this:
1. They clean your mouth and teeth.
2. Your mouth is dried as to prevent unnecessary salivation
3. You get a small shot of painkiller (maybe morphine, idk) around your gums, and you won't feel a thing, really. I've gotten the shot before.
4. Now this is the part I'm not sure of:
The braces are either bolted into place in your teeth (again, you feel nothing whatsoever)
Small holes are drilled and they're set into place with a cavity-filling substance.

Don't worry about anything and you'll be fine! Science has proven that if you focus on good results, they come! Focus on bad results, and they come instead!
08/21/2013 6:49 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
jkdouglas's Avatar
"The braces are either bolted into place in your teeth (again, you feel nothing whatsoever)
Small holes are drilled and they're set into place with a cavity-filling substance."

Not true. They glue it on your teeth
08/20/2013 10:35 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
When I was told that I was going to get braces, I was nervous. I thought the process of the orthodontist putting them in would hurt, but it really didn't. This was just my perspective, though.
08/20/2013 10:34 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
billspro10's Avatar
Having to cut up your food onto super small bites and it takes you forever to eat On a good note you look twice as good once you get them takin off!!!
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