How to make money (at school)local_atm

Burgas11's Avatar Burgas1112/4/23 2:50 am history
3/31/2024 10:04 am
NoahzArkade's Avatar NoahzArkade
So I'm gonna explain hiw I made a LOT of money at my school (take notes)
So it's a pyramid scheme me at the top incorps middle and bugs at the bottom, I would buy a 100 pack of candy bars for £50 then I'd sell 1 candy bar to each incorp for £1 (I'm up 100 quid already)
Then, the incorps sell 1 candy bar to every bug for £1.10 they hand me the £1 and keep 10p profit. So I'm already at £200 finally, the bugs sell the candy to the public for £1.20 they make 10p profit and I get another £100 pounds.
However we do this scheme every month so on average I used to get £300 a MONTH

Extra info,
If someone just doesn't hand you the money or starts complaining about low pay, don't fire them. Cut their income in halfso they then only make 5p, they complain about that? Give em 2p income.
Also because its a pyramid people will enebillity tattle on you. So what you do is always wear a mask to meetings (my meetings were always on zoom) and try make all the incorps your friends. And finally find people that don't do anything at break, and offer to pay them to join as a bug.
Posted by Burgas11's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Architect

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03/31/2024 10:04 am
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Nerd Blockhead
NoahzArkade's Avatar
Now I want to become a schooled child instead of a unschooled child so I could make a lot of money
03/31/2024 8:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
raidens's Avatar
too much spam right here
03/07/2024 11:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NieveHopkins's Avatar
Amazing post! Man your idea is hella mad. You better not do that in real life because you will be beaten in your school really hard. You are just robbing people and you better start thinking about other ways to get that money via Payday Advance Borrow Money. Go find a job or ask your mother for help because someone can even call the police and you will be in a difficult situation to get out.
12/27/2023 12:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
B0zo's Avatar
Robbing people
12/09/2023 2:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jonatech2044's Avatar
You Could Manifest It
12/04/2023 2:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Warrior
Steb's Avatar
I remember seeing guys at my high school years ago selling candy. I don't think it got this extreme though. I wonder how this would work though. Would a kid be willing to go out of there way to sell candy for just 10 cents?

I dunno, I feel the majority wouldn't feel like it's worth the trouble. Especially since they can just keep the dollar and not give you anything. Plus they gotta worry about not getting into trouble.
12/04/2023 3:42 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
If you want me to I'll edit the paragraph to explain all the finicky bits about it
12/04/2023 1:44 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
my school had a candy business last year along the students
12/04/2023 5:21 am
Level 46 : Master Cupcake
mega7's Avatar
I once got a few bucks from a guy who bribed me to let him into the schoolhouse and into the library. (I was supposed to be the guardian of that place)
12/04/2023 5:21 am
Level 46 : Master Cupcake
mega7's Avatar
I don't even remember if he gave them to me. He promised me but unsure if he did it was like 9-10 years ago
12/04/2023 3:57 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Aside from issues of school rules (& potentially laws), you've just hit on a more extreme cersion of the manufacturer >> distributor >> retailer distribution model.

Not to mention the difficulty continuously finding enough suckers to keep the bottom levels populated…

You also might wish to pay more attention to the accounting:
  if you buy a 100 pack @£50, and sell the 100 @£1 ea, you're up £50 (not £100) [-50 +100 => 50]
12/04/2023 1:29 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
I'm not starting on o if I did you would be correct t
12/04/2023 1:28 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
In correct, I start on £50 (my own money) buy packet for £50 and now I'm on 0 + 100 =£100 I did do maths A levels by the way
12/25/2023 7:44 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
You are not correct
that 100 pounds was gross income, but u still paid 50 pounds to buy the packet in the 1st place. That means you had a net income or profit of 50 pounds. (money obtained - money spent) = 100 - 50 = 50
You might have an A level in maths but certainly not in Business/Economics
12/26/2023 5:49 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
Two points redo maths 50 (MY money not what I make) 50- 50=0+100=100 £100 also by the way A level isn't my grade A level is 2 years of school in england
12/26/2023 11:06 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
what the hell is maths 50? I'm australian, not British

You had 50 pounds and spent that on the packet, and then you sold the contents for 100 pounds.
Yes you do indeed have 100 pounds, and that is the gross income but you still have costs to consider. For an example, your parents could have loaned you that 50 pounds with no interest and you need to pay them back. That means by the end of sale, you would only have 50 pounds left because the other 50 goes back to your parents. That remaining 50 pounds would be your profit or net income

Gross income: "(of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total."
Profit/Net income: "In commerce, net income is what the business has left over after all expenses, including salary and wages, cost of goods or raw material and taxes"

Also, people who understand the notion that not everyone is in specific singular country would know that you're referring to the UK's Advanced Level Mathematics. And it's probably doubtful you have done A-level maths as you do write like a preteen.
12/27/2023 3:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Burgas11's Avatar
Well yes that is true the overall amount you gain is 100 and gross income being 50 but there is other variables to this; what if the 50 was mine at the start? What if the candy price went from 50 to 70, there's too many variables. You cant say I'm wrong with only focusing on one of them
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