I need help (not about minecraft)

Meinkraften's Avatar Meinkraften6/20/19 11:08 am
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6/22/2019 8:36 am
GuzThePotato's Avatar GuzThePotato
Hi, I wanted to make a thread here because nobody anywhere else wants to listen to me, I have a hard life, I cannot seem to escape my abusive mother and the police don't care, I don't see any other choice but to end it all, and the Hotline basically tells me to just go with it, what are some possible coping mechanisms I could use, plz help
Posted by Meinkraften's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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06/22/2019 8:36 am
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
GuzThePotato's Avatar
Do you have anybody that you trust and that can ensure your safety? People shouldnt really have to go through all of this in life and you should try getting in contact with someone that can help you. If you need someone to talk to. Just send me a message on pmc and ill answer asap.
06/22/2019 2:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
Buried Alive
Buried Alive's Avatar
I'm not a therapist, and I don't think I'm necessarily qualified to be giving large amounts of advice to someone in your situation, but I think you could try reading stories from people who have been in a similar place to you.

Feeling like you're able to relate to someone might put your mind at ease a bit.

However, as I don't have any detailed knowledge about your situation, that's about as much help as I can offer you.
06/22/2019 2:18 am
Level 43 : Master Explorer
Mele Keshpalin
Mele Keshpalin's Avatar
  • Talk to your friends about each other's issues

  • Hang out with them and have a good time

  • Get into a hobby

  • Find something that you care about and get into it

  • Be careful of people who could take advantage of you while you're vulnerable

  • I feel you with the people you seek help from telling you to just go with it. Not everyone and sometimes no one seems to be equipped with the knowledge or experience to help you if you're in a specific situation.
    When I've spoken to therapists about my issues, given context, possible solutions that I've thought of but are not possible upon further reflection, given examples of my situation in detail, I've always been hit with...
    "... damn... yeah it does seem like you just have to deal with it while you're still home and dependent on your parents."
    My best coping mechanism is talking with friends. We all just talk about what's shitty about our lives and then we all have a good laugh about something else. It may not really change your position, but it will change your mood. And even though it's annoying to hear that just feeling better is going to make things better, when you have that backup, that knowledge that you can have a good talk and a good laugh with good friends makes a world of difference, at least it has for me.
    And of course there's the usual stuff: music, videos, art, sports, just general hobbies. Again, this may not change your position, but it'll keep your head above water.
    Find something that you care about. From what I've seen in your account you've liked boat maps, so I'll use boats as an example. Read up on them, try making your own in Minecraft, learn about how they work in real life and the history of them. Delving deep into topics like that is something that can easily occupy your mind, especially with the internet which can cater to pretty much every and any interest.
    Just please be careful of people who might want to take advantage of you. Feeling lost, alone, helpless makes you vulnerable. This is something that I hated to hear but it's just true, whether we realize it or not.

    Stay safe and I hope for more than the best for you. <3
    06/20/2019 5:19 pmhistory
    Level 2 : Apprentice Network
    kebe3's Avatar
    For coping mechanisms, I recommend to find something you enjoy that takes your mind of stuff. Like for me, I tend to watch youtube and just drift away watching videos or listening to music whenever I'm feeling down.

    Here is some resources you can look into to get some help from abuse and some support:

    just remember dude, no matter what anyone tells you, your life has worth. you matter.
    if you ever want to play mc or something, feel free to msg me.
    06/20/2019 11:23 am
    Level 49 : Master Necromancer
    GoggleD0GG's Avatar
    PM me if you ever need to talk.
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