Looking for a DarkRP server that needs a manager

VoidClan's Avatar VoidClan3/28/15 11:44 pm
1 emeralds 243 1
3/29/2015 12:19 am
VoidClan's Avatar VoidClan
Well, I guess I'll start off by explaining what I can do and what this post is about. I do forum development, staff team management, community management, web administration, server administration, graphics, and just about anything other than that I can learn. I DO NOT do server development, although I may be able to help a little bit. I'm simply looking for someone who doesn't want to go through the extensive work of setting up the web sided stuff for their server, and hiring a full staff team to run their server while away. I have been in the field for quite some time, but recently have had trouble finding a server I enjoy enough to play for weeks and casually work up the staff team. Yes, you could say I'm "power hungry", but I don't abuse my power when given. I'm here to help FOR FREE, so I wouldn't just come to your server to screw things over. I'm mature, friendly, and can work with others although I'm more of a "one man team". I've done graphics for four to five years now, and haven't had any unhappy customers, although I do have some buddies that can do much more than I in the graphics field if you find something that I can't do. I have quite a lot of experience with the ULX Administration Tool and a few other less known tools and addons. I can't supply you with a dedicated server or a VPS to run your server, nor can I supply you with web hosting.

~~ More about me personally ~~
My name's Matt, I'm 16, and I'm quite friendly. I'm laid back, will agree with just about anything you say, and write extensive staff applications. I love Baseball, Basketball, and Football and play all three. My parents were divorced around the age of 4, and they put me in foster care. I was adopted by my current two loving parents at the age of 8, and have loved them ever since. I currently plan on majoring in computer science, but I'm thinking of minoring in the arts. I'll do just about anything to please my upperclassmen, even if that means going against my beliefs or what I think is right, although that doesn't mean I don't stand up for myself, because I do. I'm hoping that someone'll need my help, because I'm quite bored!​
Posted by VoidClan's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/29/2015 12:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
VoidClan's Avatar
I'll also do Minecraft, but I prefer DarkRP [Garry's Mod].
Planet Minecraft


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