Looking For Lets Players

Tomtim600's Avatar Tomtim6006/5/12 2:36 pm
6/6/2012 1:14 am
Mimic Phantom's Avatar Mimic Phantom
Hello Im Tom, And Im Going To Do A Letsplay And I Am Looking For Any Willing English People Between the Age Of 12-14 To Join My Team, You Will Need To Fill A Applacation Form And Send The Replies To This Email, applicationformreplys@gmail.com

Your application you need to fill:

IGN [InGameName]:
Do you have skype?:
Why do you wan't to be in our group?:
Would you be able to set up a server?:
Will you swear alot?:
Do you have a microphone?:
Posted by Tomtim600's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist

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06/05/2012 2:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Trevor1211's Avatar
Name: Trevor Kessler
Age: 12
IGN: Trevor1211
Do you have sjype?: yes Trevor1211
Why do you wan/t to be in our group?: I want to be in your group because i love mine craft.
Would you be able to set up a server?: No
Will you swear a lot?: No
Do you have a mic?: yes
06/05/2012 2:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bensblocks's Avatar
Age:14 and a half
IGN [InGameName]:Bensblocks
Do you have skype?:nope
Why do you wan't to be in our group?:i want to be in your ground because i luv survival and i never get enough minecraft time to spend with people
Would you be able to set up a server?:nope
Will you swear alot?:i will try not to (i probs wont unless somethink scares me)
Do you have a microphone?:no but i good at minecraft chat
06/05/2012 2:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
red_head_t4mc's Avatar
Name: Hannah (Red-Head, Curly, or Hamy are my nicknames)
Age: 13, ok ok, 12 but June 21st is my b-day!
IGN [InGameName]: Hamy78641
Do you have skype?: no
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: I love let's play stuff!
Would you be able to set up a server?: no
Will you swear alot?: never ever fornever ever
Do you have a microphone?: no, but I type quickly
06/05/2012 3:16 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
lobberhead's Avatar
Name: Jack
Age: 13
IGN [InGameName]: Lobbers
Do you have skype?: Yes, Jacklob2
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: Cause i love lets play and i've always wanted to be in one!
Would you be able to set up a server?: sadly no.
Will you swear alot?: not really, all i say is Sweet Jesus!
Do you have a microphone?: Yes,
06/05/2012 3:22 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
wannabet54's Avatar
Name: Phillip
Age: 14
IGN [InGameName]: watcha3232
Do you have skype?: only on laptop (which is extremely slow) and my iPad
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: I've always wanted to try a Let's Play!
Would you be able to set up a server?: Depends
Will you swear alot?: Not at home
Do you have a microphone?: No, but I type fast (with not sense of grammar)
06/05/2012 3:27 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Esti's Avatar
Tommy -_-
06/05/2012 3:39 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Tomtim600's Avatar
What Esti?
06/05/2012 3:30 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
MClion9's Avatar
IGN [InGameName]:MClion9
Do you have skype?:yes
Why do you wan't to be in our group?:i wanna play mc with some1
Would you be able to set up a server?:no sor but i can teach
Will you swear alot?:no
Do you have a microphone?:yes
06/05/2012 3:41 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Spectercraft99's Avatar
Name: Austin
Age: 13
IGN [In Game Name]: infectedgoat99
Do you have Skype?: Yes, its austin.nettles2
Why do you want to be in our group?: I wish to be in your "lets Play group" because I am sick of playing on Servers where everyone's a greifer and it isn't fun to play on alone! I would be happy to join and Play with a team of members who like to enjoy Minecraft and Play together in A nice community of players!
Would you be able to set up a server?: Yes I would, I have a main server that's a Dedicated 32 slot server... It doesn't have much use to me and Its always empty... I do also have a 12 slot Home hosted server that Could possibly Serve a purpose also! I do enjoy watching youtube series that players have made.. (Yogscast, CaptainSparklez, etc..)
Will you swear A lot?: It depends I don't rage like crazy and I am A overall nice player!
Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do have a microphone but I sometimes don't have it with me when I'm playing.

Hope you chose me and Like my application!,
06/05/2012 3:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Tomtim600's Avatar
Ok, Youre On The Team, You Need To Add Me On Skype, Im TheOneLostTom, Looking Forward To Making A Video With You
06/05/2012 3:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Spectercraft99's Avatar
Awesome Ill add you on skype.. Are we going to start today?
06/05/2012 3:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
brandonbjb's Avatar
Name: brandon
Age: 15
IGN [InGameName]: brandonbjb
Do you have skype?: yes
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: sounds like fun
Would you be able to set up a server?: no sorry
Will you swear alot?: no
Do you have a microphone?: yes
06/05/2012 3:59 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Schr24's Avatar
Name: Cole
Age: 14 (About to Turn 15 on June 13th)
IGN [InGameName]: I run a cracked minecraft (too lazy to buy it) and my name is Schr24.
Do you have skype?: I do. Schr24 (If that doesn't work, tell me. I have a name, Just not putting it out on the fourm)
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: Why not? Let's plays can be fun and you can get new friends. A lot of servers people join, people curse and it makes me uncomfortable... I like to play with friends that I know. (This could be an exception)
Would you be able to set up a server?: Yes! I set up a lot. I can set up anything with any slot number and some mods.
Will you swear alot?: NO! I don't swear.
Do you have a microphone?: I do. It might be broken, but I'm pretty sure it works. It's always with me and with me on the go.

Hope I can join your expedition!
06/05/2012 4:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
oewnroche's Avatar
Name: owenroche
IGN [InGameName]:kingleonidus117
Do you have skype?: yes
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: because minecraft is beast and i know how to make mostly every thing
Would you be able to set up a server?:hamachi one
Will you swear alot?:no
Do you have a microphone?:yes
06/06/2012 12:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lezowhorredoor1's Avatar
Name: Jack Clarke
Age: 12
IGN Lezowhorredoor
Why do you wan't to be in our group?: Because im a good builder and most places I try to play at gets me bored but a lets play I think will be fun and great to do.
Would you be able to set up a server?: Yes but it would have to be hamachi
Will you swear alot?: Not really
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
06/06/2012 12:26 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
9mbulldog's Avatar
IGN [InGameName]:Kingbulldog00
Do you have skype?:Yes
Why do you wan't to be in our group?:I love being in peoples groups to help with what ever and i love making new friends
Would you be able to set up a server?: no sorry
Will you swear alot?: i will swear but only if im mad and it will only be a couple words other than that i censor my self mostly
Do you have a microphone?: yes i have a perfessional head set
Mimic Phantom
06/06/2012 1:14 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mimic Phantom's Avatar
IGN:[In Game Name]:MimicPhantom
Do you have a skype?:Not yet
Why do you wan't to be in our group:because i've never done a lets play and I want too and I want to do something that feels like i'm involved.
Would you be able to set up a server: No sorry tried before but cant.
Will you swear alot?: Nope
Do you have a microphone:Not yet :L
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