Looking for a team of Minecrafters ready for YouTube!

Pledge's Avatar Pledge7/12/12 12:29 am
1 emeralds 1.2k 194
7/20/2012 9:26 am
GameZer Creator's Avatar GameZer Creator
Hello friends,
I've been looking for a group of people to become my 'team'. There are a lot of requirements, but don't let that set you off. Read further down to find a little more information.

What I'm Looking For:
-Someone who can host a server FOUND
(Not just 'a' server, but a server that does not contain too much lag, has a white-list, and can support at least 6 people, and no more than 15. This amount may vary do to the amount of people that may join us.)

-Someone who can record a video STILL WANTED
(You must be able to record a video at least 20minutes long. (The longer the better). The video must contain as little lag as possible and 'hopefully' doesn't interrupt with Minecraft.)

-Someone who can build FOUND
(I also need someone who can build things like a very decorative house. This will come in handy during any LP's. A good builder isn't actually 'required', but I'd like to have someone who can build just in case.)

-Funny, cooperative people STILL WANTED
(Not last and definitely not least, I need funny and cooperative people. This will come in handy during our videos! Hopefully you aren't a griefer, but expect a few pranks (Just for views, nothing serious)

-That one 'serious' guy FOUND
(I need one serious guy that gets pissed off easily, but can forgive people just as easy. You've also got to remember that most of 'us' will try to be funny, serious is not our main priority.)


In Game Name-
Time Zone-
What your applying for-
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)-
Actual Name (First only)-
Do you have Minecraft?-
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named?
Why do you want to join?
Got any pictures you want to show?

Thanks for reading everything!

Update! Please Read!
Finally, we found a server! Its up and running, but, it IS public, has many plugins, and is not 24/7. Dont worry, this server is only temporary! The server IP address is - friendsmc.zapto.org
(Anyone currently on the team will have access to a private world!)
If an owner/admin/mod/etc. is not on the server, please come back later!

Update! Please Read!
Ok, so... We only need ONE more member on the team, but they need to be able to record videos. I know I've already said this, but there's another catch. You need to be using FRAPS (and you must have bought it legally). You also need to send me a video of anything, proving that there's no lag! Good luck!
Posted by Pledge's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/12/2012 12:33 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
jetblue's Avatar
07/12/2012 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Age isn't required, but increases your chance of joining.
First name IS required, I don't want to call you: Ex: KittyRage or Scuba24455.

But, everything else in your application is perfect. I'll talk to my Co-manager to see if you can join. Good Luck.
07/12/2012 12:41 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
pledge please reply man i want to join u i get bored playin alone(dont really like multiplayer)
07/12/2012 12:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
jetblue's Avatar
In Game Name-TheBanHammer2
Time Zone-eastern
What your applying for-Recorder
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)-teamspeak
Actual Name (First only)-dont wanna tell
Age-dont wanna tell
Do you have Minecraft?-Yes
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-Yes

p.s i can host the server too
Why do you want to join?
Becasue i like helping and hosting and recording
07/12/2012 12:36 am
Level 41 : Master Nerd
LiamCraft's Avatar
eastern USA central time
"That one serious guy, builder,"
I have steam.

Here's something I built:
07/12/2012 12:38 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
nice pixel art
07/12/2012 12:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Your building of BlueXephos and Honeydew are great, unfortuantly I do not think you have what it takes. Sorry but your application is DECLINED.
07/12/2012 12:59 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
bro that looks awesome wish i could do pixel art
07/12/2012 8:53 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xpokemonx's Avatar
sexy pixle art
07/12/2012 12:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar

In Game Name- zeldastone104
Time Zone-eastern USA
What your applying for-your team
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)-neither sorry please forgive that D: i might get teamspeak
Actual Name (First only)-Shawn
Do you have Minecraft?-Yes duh
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-Yes

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? Minecrafters of Minecraftia lol idk just getting creative
Why do you want to join? So i can play with someone nice!
Got any pictures you want to show? No sorry

btw i cant host a server sorry about that D: im funny and serious i can build EPIC buildings and cant record D: please reply!
07/12/2012 12:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Your application is almost exactly what I was looking for! If you manage to get Skype or Team Speak, your in!
07/12/2012 12:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar

In Game Name- FCS1264
Time Zone- GMT I think
What your applying for-builder/recorder
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)- Skype
Actual Name (First only)- Rebecca
Age- 17
Do you have Minecraft?- yes and I have been playing since 1.7.3
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?- yes I was planning on that

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? No clue lol sorry
Why do you want to join? I think this is an awesome idea and a good opportunity
Got any pictures- i wish
07/12/2012 12:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Your 'In Game Name' is very strange, but I can complain. I've consulted with my Co-Manager, you in. Congrates.
07/13/2012 8:06 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
xXSilentMelodiesXx's Avatar
Thank you, and my name is my favorite two numbers and the acronym of FadedCrystalStudios, which is the name of a guild I have on graal hehe. Too bad it's retired T.T
07/12/2012 12:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
jetblue's Avatar
Age isn't required, but increases your chance of joining.
First name IS required, I don't want to call you: Ex: KittyRage or Scuba24455.

But, everything else in your application is perfect. I'll talk to my Co-manager to see if you can join. Good Luck.
fine im 16 and im Lisa
07/12/2012 12:43 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
btw i have had mc since it came out
07/12/2012 12:45 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
and im probly getting teamspeak but maybe skype with skype do u have to look at the person or can u turn off ur camera? same with teamspeak i just wanna talk and not let u guys see me sorry
07/12/2012 12:46 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
culd u answer my latest post (not this one) and my voice for som reason sounds really young lol but im 24
07/12/2012 12:48 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
i honestly have no idea why my voice sounds young im sorry if it annoys u
07/12/2012 12:51 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
pledge maybe i can just cover my camera with a blanket or cloth LOL
07/12/2012 12:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
I don't use Team Speak very often. But I do know Skype has an option to hide your face.
07/12/2012 12:54 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
thanks skype it is am i in? my skype will prob be zeldastone104 and r u ok with my child sounding voice i sound like a 10 year old kid for sum reason i honestly have no idea why dont laugh at me please but im definately 24 unless ive gone psycho and think i am
snowman oath
07/12/2012 12:52 am
Level 20 : Expert Archer
snowman oath's Avatar
n Game Name- ultramew5
Time Zone-CST (USA)
What your applying for- Miner
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)- Skype
Actual Name (First only)- P.M.ed you. I really do not like to give out personal information.
Do you have Minecraft?-Yes
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-Yes

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? The Crafting Team
Why do you want to join? So I can actually survive with other people
Got any pictures you want to show? I do have some projects
07/12/2012 12:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Adding you name would be nice, I wouldn't want to call you: Ex: KittyRage or Scuba35535.

(What your applying for- Miner) This isn't what I meant. Do you want to be a server host, recorder, Ect.
07/12/2012 12:57 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
In Game Name-loveu157
Time Zone- PST
What your applying for-funny co-op people(I DO EXTREAM REDSTONE ALSO OS I CAN DO THE GROUPS REDSTONE)
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)- Skype maxlsimon1998
Actual Name (First only)-max
Do you have Minecraft?-yes
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-yes

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? sorry i don't
Why do you want to join?i am very good with other people in minecraft and i am a average builder but i am very good at advanced redstone. also this sound fun.
Got any pictures you want to show?i had all this redstone creations on this server that was deleted, besides that i don't have very much.

-love love
07/12/2012 1:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Your perfect for the job! Keep up the 'Love love' stuff! Congrats on joining!
07/12/2012 12:57 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
Logic_Craft's Avatar
In Game Name- SlKlRlIlLlLEX
Time Zone- West Coast
What your applying for- That one serious guy.
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)- Skype
Actual Name (First only)- Andrew
Age- 19
Do you have Minecraft?- Yes
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?- Yes

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? Nope
Why do you want to join? Honestly I read the application for kicks but when I saw "That one serious guy" I was like, oh my god it was meant to be. And I had to apply, literally I get mad so easy but I forgive people a lot because I'm an understanding person, so honestly that's awesome. Also I dunno I've always wanted to be a youtube star *_*
Got any pictures you want to show?

Here's my portfolio: andrewtheartguy.webs.com

Thanks for reading everything!: Yes my love.
07/12/2012 1:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
You sound perfect for 'that serious guy'. I've consulted with my Co-Manager and Your in! Congrates friend.
07/12/2012 12:59 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
is skype free cause if not then i cant get it and with teamspeak i wont get it cause i dont like showing my face
07/12/2012 1:00 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
offroadguy56's Avatar
well, i'll try my best.

ign: offroadguy56
timezone: central
applying for the serious guy.
i have a skype account, but it's not installed and i have a teamspeak account.
name: Paul R
age: 18
Yes i own a copy minecraft
i'm fine with having youtube videos posted.

a few images of things ive built

lets see... i can possibly host a server for you. i have my own server that's been running for about a year now. i can also host a teamspeak server as well. i have it all setup, i just run it on another computer that doesn't run 24/7 so i just run the TS3 server when it's needed. i have experience in both fields. if you need the server i can run another one on a seperate port or if things get to laggy i'll close down my main one.

or we might be able to via multi world. i can block all chat from other worlds and we can all play on the same server as my other players, just on a different world.

oh if you want to take a look at my server its right here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/friends-minecrafting/

i do have a name, but i also have a small group of close friends who call ourselves by that name. we're not sure if we want to go public yet. (to be honest we don't really do anything) well if you want the name i'd be more than happy to private message you.

pledge please reply man i want to join u i get bored playin alone(dont really like multiplayer)

um, if you dont really like multiplayer, then why are you tryin to join his team, that will be playing on multiplayer?
07/12/2012 1:02 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
offroadguy56well, i'll try my best.

ign: offroadguy56
timezone: central
applying for the serious guy.
i have a skype account, but it's not installed and i have a teamspeak account.
name: Paul R
age: 18
Yes i own a copy minecraft
i'm fine with having youtube videos posted.

a few images of things ive built

lets see... i can possibly host a server for you. i have my own server that's been running for about a year now. i can also host a teamspeak server as well. i have it all setup, i just run it on another computer that doesn't run 24/7 so i just run the TS3 server when it's needed. i have experience in both fields. if you need the server i can run another one on a seperate port or if things get to laggy i'll close down my main one.

or we might be able to via multi world. i can block all chat from other worlds and we can all play on the same server as my other players, just on a different world.

oh if you want to take a look at my server its right here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/friends-minecrafting/

i do have a name, but i also have a small group of close friends who call ourselves by that name. we're not sure if we want to go public yet. (to be honest we don't really do anything) well if you want the name i'd be more than happy to private message you.

pledge please reply man i want to join u i get bored playin alone(dont really like multiplayer)

um, if you dont really like multiplayer, then why are you tryin to join his team, that will be playing on multiplayer?

ya but ill try multiplayer lol and he seems fun
07/12/2012 1:03 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
this sounds rally weird but I'm actually giddy if my app is accepted
07/12/2012 1:04 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
sooo is skype free pledge?
07/12/2012 1:04 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
Skype is free look up Skype in google
07/12/2012 1:05 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
thanks you can send me the ip when its up add me on Skype
07/12/2012 1:06 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
im in pledge getting skype right now and if i gt it am i in? but i cant have group calls it cost money
07/12/2012 1:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Dont worry, I will be holding the group call, all you have to do is join. (I dont think it cost money for group calls)
07/12/2012 1:06 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
honeycat101's Avatar
Name: Honeycat101
Timezone: midwestern time U.S.
Part Builder/ Sierous
Talk: Skype
Real Name: Emily
Minecraft: No but I'm getting it
videos: No Prob
Why do you want to join: I want to because i am a huge fan of minecraft and i guess i need a new posse to play online with.
Photos: srry dont have any snapshots
Exstra thing: I know alot about mods like tekkit and Mo'creatures
07/12/2012 1:07 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
i dont have facebook is there anyway u can get a account it says sign up using facebook account
snowman oath
07/12/2012 1:07 am
Level 20 : Expert Archer
snowman oath's Avatar
n Game Name- ultramew5
Time Zone-CST (USA)
What your applying for- Just Part of the team (Can't Record or Host)
Skype or Team-speak (Specify which one you have)- Skype
Actual Name (First only)- P.M.ed you. I really do not like to give out personal information.
Do you have Minecraft?-Yes
Are you OK with us posting our videos on YouTube?-Yes

Extras- Got an idea of what our 'team' should be named? The Crafting Team
Why do you want to join? So I can actually survive with other people
Got any pictures you want to show? I do have some projects
And check you Inbox
07/12/2012 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Your in! Sharing your name would help the rest of the team though.
07/12/2012 1:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
offroadguy56well, i'll try my best.

ign: offroadguy56
timezone: central
applying for the serious guy.
i have a skype account, but it's not installed and i have a teamspeak account.
name: Paul R
age: 18
Yes i own a copy minecraft
i'm fine with having youtube videos posted.

a few images of things ive built

lets see... i can possibly host a server for you. i have my own server that's been running for about a year now. i can also host a teamspeak server as well. i have it all setup, i just run it on another computer that doesn't run 24/7 so i just run the TS3 server when it's needed. i have experience in both fields. if you need the server i can run another one on a seperate port or if things get to laggy i'll close down my main one.

or we might be able to via multi world. i can block all chat from other worlds and we can all play on the same server as my other players, just on a different world.

oh if you want to take a look at my server its right here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/friends-minecrafting/

i do have a name, but i also have a small group of close friends who call ourselves by that name. we're not sure if we want to go public yet. (to be honest we don't really do anything) well if you want the name i'd be more than happy to private message you.

pledge please reply man i want to join u i get bored playin alone(dont really like multiplayer)

um, if you dont really like multiplayer, then why are you tryin to join his team, that will be playing on multiplayer?

If you could get another world running, you'd fit the job of 'server host'. Even though 'That serious guy' was taken already, it wont effect your chance of joining.
07/12/2012 1:10 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dolphin
loveu157's Avatar
can you post a list on the post to clarify who is in

-love love
07/12/2012 1:12 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
pldge add me skype zeldastone104 in a minute didnt finsih account yet
snowman oath
07/12/2012 1:13 am
Level 20 : Expert Archer
snowman oath's Avatar
Pledge I redid my App. Please Review Again
07/12/2012 1:13 am
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
MeltedMcAwesome's Avatar
What sort of things would said team partake in? Just screwing around on a server for fun, doing adventure maps like for example: the yogs or UberHaxorNova/Paragon Nova. Or just building some awesome builds?
07/12/2012 1:16 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
pledge add me on skype whats ur skype name?
07/12/2012 1:17 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
07/12/2012 1:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pledge's Avatar
Let me add you, adding you will make it easier to create a group call.
07/12/2012 1:19 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Zeldastone104's Avatar
pledge asnwer me skype name: zeldastone104 whats urs
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