*New Server need assistance with spawn and STAFF*

ajjh47's Avatar ajjh479/14/12 11:44 pm
9/15/2012 2:43 am
Merdii's Avatar Merdii
Ok first off this isn't going to be a crappy server or anything. So i need some help and im looking for some help please fill out this forum if you would like to help me out. Thanks so much!
This will be a PvP server.

Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10)
IGN:(For Whitelist)
How long have you been playing Minecraft:
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience:
Why do you want to help:
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:


Posted by ajjh47's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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09/15/2012 2:43 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
TTKK11223's Avatar
Age:11 (im a lot smarter than most people when it comes to some things)
Skype(Yes/No): No
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10): 7
IGN:(For Whitelist) TTKK11223
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing it was 1.6 minecraft beta
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes i do ive been an admin on a few servers and i have been a co-owner once.
Why do you want to help: I want to help because i see that your minecraft server is in need of my assistance and other peoples assistance this is why i am happy to help you .
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: I have experience of Pvp and Raid servers.

I wish to see you and other people in the server and thanks for reading my application -TTKK11223
09/15/2012 2:35 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Pony
Merdii's Avatar
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 8
IGN:(For Whitelist) Empoleon416
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Alpha
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Own a couple of servers, admin on one, mod on a few.
Why do you want to help: I'm bored on minecraft, need something to do.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both
09/15/2012 2:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aussiemacka's Avatar
Skype(Yes/No):yes but dont tell strangers
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10)1
IGN:(For Whitelist) aussiemacka
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: yes
Why do you want to help: becuse its fun
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:
yup pvp servers
09/15/2012 2:12 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
burton_rabbett's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 5 Or 6
IGN:(For Whitelist) Burton_Rabbett
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years or so.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes. i was a admin in a server called unqiue craft and battlecraft. they got shut down due to ddos attack. ive been mod on a server called fatalpvp. currently still up.
Why do you want to help: I would like to help becasuse i feel like this server could be big and with my help on the top list. im very loyal and could help with say the shop signs, building anything, and command and some plugins. I could also help with admin.mod because ill follow the rules and always do what im told. ill be kind and chill with all members and players other staff members Ect.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:Yes. Many experiences.
09/15/2012 2:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Black_Panther42's Avatar
Age: 14
Skype: Yes
Plugin Experience:10
IGN: Black_Panther42
Minecraft Experience: Since Alpha
Staff Experience: Owner, Co-Owner, Admin, Head-Admin
Reason for help: Im really good at building and Im very trustworthy. I am really mature and will be a really nice person. I will help everyone from staff to Member.
PvP Experience: The only servers I go on are Pvp and raiding servers, they are the best!

Thanks for reading this
09/15/2012 2:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
peacesigner23's Avatar
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10)5
IGN:(For Whitelist) des061
How long have you been playing Minecraft: since it started
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience:no but ready to gain some
Why do you want to help:i am good and helpful and nice in every server i go on
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Quite a bit of experience
09/15/2012 2:03 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
nighthawk1's Avatar
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10):5
IGN:(For Whitelist):TrueBM
How long have you been playing Minecraft:about 2 years
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience:lots of it about admin on 7 mod on 3
Why do you want to help:cause i love helping people i have griefers and hackers i wanna stop those spammers help with building and have fun doing it
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:yes i have i have owned my own server and have had lots of pvp and raid experience
09/15/2012 2:02 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragonborn
Server_Videos's Avatar
Age: 11
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) about 4
IGN:(For Whitelist) Dr_AK
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 27 October, 201
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: I have a server but it crashes alot so yeah!
Why do you want to help: I am a server owner and I love to help new server!
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yes
09/15/2012 2:43 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Pony
Merdii's Avatar
XD loving your mistakes.
How do you know what day you started playing? You probably made it up.
09/15/2012 1:58 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
DANNYEFC01's Avatar
Plugin Experience:6
How long have you been playing Minecraft:since 1.8
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience:yes been admin 3 times mod 6 times server owner 5 times
Why do you want to help:i would really like to be staff on a server
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:yes
09/15/2012 1:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
kittycatjess560's Avatar
Age:12...but really mature
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 7
IGN:(For Whitelist) kittycatjess560
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 years
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes I have. I was admin on 1 server 2 on 3 and co-owner on one and I have also had my own server.
Why do you want to help: I lohelping and I can keep the server under control and help players when they ed it.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yes I have a bit.
09/15/2012 1:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Morecraft's Avatar
Plugin Experience:8
How long have you been playing Minecraft:December 31St
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Co-Owner Experience
Why do you want to help:I love helping everyone, and it is another good thing that I can do for the world!
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:Both
09/15/2012 1:52 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Nngag's Avatar
Age: 16
Skype(Yes/No): yes
Plugin Experience: 6
IGN: ningag2
How long have you been playing Minecraft: since alpha 1.1
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: admin 5 times mod 6 times
Why do you want to help: because i don't like when server get hacked/spammed/greifed. i would like to help protect your server and make it more popular.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both server experience
09/15/2012 1:51 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
Kernul's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype(Yes/No): yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 101
IGN:(For Whitelist) I will PM it
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 3 years
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: ima mod on 2 servers
Why do you want to help: im awesome
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: nope
09/15/2012 1:48 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
epicdude32's Avatar
Age: 12
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 9.5
IGN:(For Whitelist) epicdude32
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since 1.6.6 But i am very experienced
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: I have a server (I will not advertise) so I know a lot. I've tested a lot of pluggins an i know what best. But I wont nag u if you dont feel right about certain ones.
Why do you want to help: I just wanna. I just love this kind of stuff.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yah i've been on a lot of servers
09/15/2012 1:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rad0din's Avatar
Age: 16
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10): 9
IGN:(For Whitelist) Yocole
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Beta
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Owned/ administrated servers previously. Also, I develop bukkit plugins
Why do you want to help: Looking for something to do, and I like to help first time server owners out.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yes I have experience in both servers.
09/15/2012 1:35 am
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
Shadow_Wraith's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10): 8
IGN:(For Whitelist) Shadow_Wraith
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Alpha
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes
Why do you want to help: I want to help make a server that isnt mine for once
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both, and yes
09/15/2012 12:20 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
EpicNoob14's Avatar
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10)3
IGN:(For Whitelist)EpicNoob13
How long have you been playing Minecraft:1year
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience:yes
Why do you want to help:Ive help build spawns in many servers and i am good at being staff or mod or op
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:no and a litttle
09/15/2012 12:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Sp1xa's Avatar
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10):6(i can learn more)
IGN: albert59
How long have you been playing Minecraft: about a year
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: i have my own (private) server, and i am an Admin on another server
Why do you want to help:i want to help people, and i want to make the server nice and fun, and i (hope i am) a good builder
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience:yes, i have experience on both PVP and Raid.
09/15/2012 12:11 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
HiR3z's Avatar
Age: 13
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 10
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 6-7 months but very experienced.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Admin 5 times , Mod 4 times, Co-Owner 2 times, and I own my own server.
Why do you want to help: Because I like building and and helping people with their servers.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both server experience.
09/15/2012 12:10 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
imimfundude's Avatar
Age: not saying
Skype(Yes/No): no
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 7
IGN:(For Whitelist) ethanfirebird
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 4 years
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: admin 5 times mod 10
Why do you want to help: cause i like helping people
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: both
09/15/2012 12:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
dman2527's Avatar
Age: 15
Skype(Yes/No): Yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10): 9
IGN:(For Whitelist) dman2527
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 2 1/2 years.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Op, Co-owner, Head-Admin and Head-Mod experience.
Why do you want to help: So that no one will break the rules and to make sure that your server is safe and I will also help recommend protection plugins for the server. I am also a mature example of a staff member. I have a lot of experience. I can sadly only play on weekends but in summer and breaks I play daily. Literally.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: I have both server experience.
09/15/2012 12:08 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
Ninja89s's Avatar
Age: 12
Skype: Yes, but I don't use it very much. ---> jackieleninja
Plug-in Experience: 1
IGN: Ninja99999999
How long have you been playing Minecraft: About a year.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes, I'm Admin on 1 server, Moderator on 2, and I own a little Hamachi Hunger games server.
Why do you want to help: I love helping out with servers (like with new command testing, building, even just giving tours), and I always learn new stuff about making servers, commands, etc..
Do you have any PvP, Raid, or both server experience: I have a Hunger games Hamachi server.

Thanks for reading

09/15/2012 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
winston20's Avatar
Hi! I'm here to aapply for the new staff

Age : 12
Skype: Yes, winston.setiawan
Plugin Experience: 8.5
IGN (For Whitelist): winston20
How long have you been playing Minecraft: A year
Do You have any server experience or any Admin/Mod Experience: Yes, I'm a co-owner in a server
Why do you want to help?: I am here to help you because i want to maintain servers well and make it a happy place for the new people in the server. I will also spread the news of this server so more people can play here. I like helping people and im a good builder.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or Both server experience: I only to PvP when the person wants to and i dont like stealing people's stuff.
09/14/2012 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WASP_t0p_NoTCH's Avatar
Age: 16
Skype(Yes/No): yes
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 9.5
IGN:(For Whitelist) WASP_t0p_NoTCH
How long have you been playing Minecraft: a year or so
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: yes. i own my own small server
Why do you want to help: i know how to use some plugins and i like helping people
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: both
09/14/2012 11:56 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
James631's Avatar
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10)8
IGN:(For Whitelist) ty_da_beast6
How long have you been playing Minecraft: since beta
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes admin once mod twice
Why do you want to help: I want to help becuase i feel that i can actually help this server do well and become a great server in the long run becuz i am a great admin/mod and i monitor things pretty well and dont let jerks or griefers try and ruin the server as most people come one the server to have fun right ..right so yea thats pretty much it i wanna help as much as possible and help others thanx
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both
09/14/2012 11:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KillerA55assin's Avatar
Skype: Yes
Plugin Experiance: 4
IGN: KillerA55assin (put the 5's everyone forgets it)
How long have you been playing minecraft: 2 months
Do you have admin/mod experiance: Yes, i am admin on 4 servers and mod on 6
Why do you want to help: I am an expert designer and I make spawns for brand new servers that need one, usually I do it alone, sometimes i do it with someone or a few ppl, I dont really care if I do it alone or not
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experiance: Yes, I have PvP (1-10 about 8 or 9) and I have with Raid (1-10 about 6 or 7)

Hope you accept
09/14/2012 11:52 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
jakegphelps's Avatar
Plugin Experience: 6 or 7
IGN: jakegphelps
How long have you been playing Minecraft: about 1 year
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: yes, i run a sever
Why do you want to help: just trying to help the server community
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: both, i run a pvp, faction and raiding server right now.
09/14/2012 11:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Frazer77's Avatar
Age: 16.
Skype: Yes frazer.perry1.
IGN: Frazer77.
Plugin Experience: 8.
How long playing Minecraft: 2 Years.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes Admin of 3 server Mod of 3.
Why do you want to help: Because i want to see this server rise in the ranks to the number 1 server.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yes i do for both.

Regards Frazer77
09/14/2012 11:49 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
Age: 9
Skype: Yes. It is Cutielaurenie.
Plugin Experience: 7?
IGN: Cutielaurenie
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Alot.
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes, Op Admin and Mod on a few servers.
Why do you want to help: I'm just kind so I want to help.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: I do.
09/14/2012 11:49 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
W0NWILL's Avatar
Age: 13
Skype(Yes/No): No, it's not working
Plugin Experience: 4, but I can learn
IGN:(For Whitelist) Triscar
How long have you been playing Minecraft:
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yup, I've been staff and have played on servers for awhile.
Why do you want to help: I want to perfect my building and plugin skills so I can use them once I get my own server up, though that won't be for awhile.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Yup
09/14/2012 11:48 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
htay7073's Avatar
Age: 16
Plugin Experience:(Scale 1-10) 1
IGN:(For Whitelist) htay7073
How long have you been playing Minecraft: alpha 1.2
Do you have any server experience or any Admin/Mod experience: Yes
Why do you want to help: I like to build, and when i need help, I like to have it.
Do you have any PvP, Raid, Or both server experience: Both
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