Please vote for the best Creepypasta! (Contest)

FudgeyDerns's Avatar FudgeyDerns11/9/12 7:18 pm
11/30/2012 4:47 pm
Official_Nathan21's Avatar Official_Nathan21
The submission period is over, and the submissions are ready.

Please vote in the poll for your favorite Creepypasta!

Thanks for the submissions!

Poll ended 11/22/2012 8:41 pm.

Posted by FudgeyDerns's Avatar
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter

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11/30/2012 4:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
TheChocolateGMR's Avatar
11/30/2012 12:21 am
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
11/21/2012 1:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
supermariozelda's Avatar
How long is the voting period?

PS: Vote Me!
11/21/2012 8:37 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
Well, right now there is a three way tie, so until that is gone, the contest isn't over. I'll give it about 3 days.
11/14/2012 8:46 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
Choose me! Ch-Choose me!
11/14/2012 8:44 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
11/14/2012 8:22 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
One there was a Steve. He was happy. Until one day when he went mining. Steve had gone down and started mining. All of the sudden, something approached him. It wasn't anything. It was a Thingany! So what it did was dance and Steve was so busy watching it dance that all mobs spawned and danced with it. Then a basilisk spawned and it looked at everyone and they died. The end.
11/14/2012 8:19 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
Last call for submissions.
11/10/2012 1:42 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Yoyaya_ayayoY's Avatar
There was a boy called Lucas. He went on Facebook one day, and saw a comment saying "UWLLDYEINFORDAYZ" and he went "WTF???" and carried on. 4 Days later, he woke up to find himself with a load of un-necessary scars and stuff on him. He went to the doctors and when he said "Scars" the doctor died. He was so shocked that he died of shock too. His mum saw him and went to his facebook profile. she saw the "UWLLDYEINFORDAYZ" message and decoded it. It was posted four days ago, and she saw it say: You will die in four days.She was shocked and 4 days later, she died too. It was all over the news, and the message was too. Everyone who saw or heard of the "UWLLDYEINFORDAYZ" message, died in four days. Soon, eveyone knew about it. Everyone died in four days. Only one boy was left, and he was 14. He didn't know about the message, and he didn't know why everyone had died. He was crying, on his bed at his home for some time until the grim reaper came in his room and killed him. This boy was Lucas. The boy who first found out about this message. four days later, his facebook comment section had hundreds of comments on his profile. All by the girl called: Creepypasta.

Story by Yoyaya.
11/09/2012 9:00 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
mattsonkie's Avatar
you seen this poast? my fav creepy pasta
11/09/2012 8:57 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
supermariozelda's Avatar
Title: The strange disc.
Well it started when I went to the pawnshop to sell an old GBA. After I sold it I started at look around at the games. Something caught my eye it was minecraft on a PC disk. I thought Wow you can get minecraft on a PC disk?!? I already had MC but I bought it because I wanted to see if this was indev so I could see Rana (Thats right I bought it to see Rana because well I just wanted to test out the enemies). The white case had almost nothing showing that it was a minecraft disk other then minecraft written very small at the top. When I took the disk out it was extreamly dirty I had to spend almost two hours cleaning it until I could finally get my computer to accept it.
When I put it in an icon came up saying a bunch of the minecraft enchantment table letters. I thought it was a glitch although I did think it was odd that it used the enchantment table letters. I opened minecraft only to be greeted by a black screen. I thought it was because of the dirty disk so I gave up on it. I left it on to go to eat. I came back about ten mins later. To my suprise it was working. It had the old backround for the menu except it was a bit lower quality. It had three options singleplayer, Tutorial mode, and quit. I clicked singleplayer. The first thing I saw was a nether portal. I now knew that Rana would not be there.I didn't want to go in the portal so I tried to turn left but there was void there. There was also void on the right so I had no choice but to go in the portal. I went in not knowing what to expect. To my supirise it took me to flat land in the overworld. The chatbox poped up saying Run fool. I was wondering whats going on im not on MP infact MP is not even an option in the menu. iI looked behind me to see a clone of my char coming after me. It hit me and it gave me the credits. it was saying random words like LEAVE, DIE, RUN. What spooked me out was at the end it said He is coming after you (real name). Yes it did say my realname and then just closed. The icon for the minecraft disk now said LEAVE. When I opened it again it just gave me the credits again. I later found out that MC has never been on a computer disc. I later removed all traces of it from my computer.
11/09/2012 8:56 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
yoshiman444's Avatar
so i logged on minecraft as usual.went to single player but there was a world i did not make.i thought maybe my sister made it but i was not sure because i t was called GET OFF MINECRAFT in caps.she would mostly make her worlds stupid names like hi my name is bob?so i went there and i heard a bunch off ghast noises like there where 1000?an di was in a normal house.i went outside and i see a player with no name tag and had a steve skin.but the steve skin looked a bit more angrier then usual.and then in the text screen i saw this <....>LEAVE NOW AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE.i was scared but then i stared at him for a sec and then my screen became black and white making a crashing noise and then my minecraft crashed.but the text said ;NEVER COME BACK ON AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE;.i was very scared but i was brave enough to get back on.but then instead of the mojang logo i was in the GET OFF MINECRAFT world.then i saw him and the text screen said <....>;LOOK WHO DECIDES TO COME BACK.SAY BYE TO YOUR LIFE;.then there was a ban screen that said you are banned from minecraft! reason:YOU NO WHY.so i logged in again and got that same ban screen.then i force update then same thing.i was very scare
11/09/2012 8:53 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
yoshiman444's Avatar
so i logged on minecraft as usual.went to single player but there was a world i did not make.i thought maybe my sister made it but i was not sure because i t was called GET OFF MINECRAFT in caps.she would mostly make her worlds stupid names like hi my name is bob?so i went there and i heard a bunch off ghast noises like there where 1000?an di was in a normal house.i went outside and i see a player with no name tag and had a steve skin.but the steve skin looked a bit more angrier then usual.and then in the text screen i saw this <....>LEAVE NOW AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE.i was scared but then i stared at him for a sec and then my screen became black and white making a crashing noise and then my minecraft crashed.but the text said ;NEVER COME BACK ON AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE;.i was very scared but i was brave enough to get back on.but then instead of the mojang logo i was in the GET OFF MINECRAFT world.then i saw him and the text screen said <....>;LOOK WHO DECIDES TO COME BACK.SAY BYE TO YOUR LIFE;.then there was a ban screen that said you are banned from minecraft! reason:YOU NO WHY.so i logged in again and got that same ban screen.then i force update then same thing.i was very scare
11/09/2012 8:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
yoshiman444's Avatar
so i logged on minecraft as usual.went to single player but there was a world i did not make.i thought maybe my sister made it but i was not sure because i t was called GET OFF MINECRAFT in caps.she would mostly make her worlds stupid names like hi my name is bob?so i went there and i heard a bunch off ghast noises like there where 1000?an di was in a normal house.i went outside and i see a player with no name tag and had a steve skin.but the steve skin looked a bit more angrier then usual.and then in the text screen i saw this <....>LEAVE NOW AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE.i was scared but then i stared at him for a sec and then my screen became black and white making a crashing noise and then my minecraft crashed.but the text said ;NEVER COME BACK ON AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE;.i was very scared but i was brave enough to get back on.but then instead of the mojang logo i was in the GET OFF MINECRAFT world.then i saw him and the text screen said <....>;LOOK WHO DECIDES TO COME BACK.SAY BYE TO YOUR LIFE;.then there was a ban screen that said you are banned from minecraft! reason:YOU NO WHY.so i logged in again and got that same ban screen.then i force update then same thing.i was very scared.
11/09/2012 8:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
yoshiman444's Avatar
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bucket of creepers bla bla bla bla bla bla bla the end hope u like dmy creepy pasta!
11/09/2012 8:27 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
zach0ary's Avatar
There once was a ugly barnicle.. he was so ugly that everyone died
11/09/2012 8:00 pm
Level 20 : Expert Toast
PurpleUrchin's Avatar
7:00. Its dinner time. Pasta for dinner. At grocery stores, you can buy the packages of pasta that looks like phineas and ferb or spongebob. But this pasta was different. It looked like the troll face. After dinner I thought to myself, That was some creepypasta.
11/09/2012 7:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
ddman18's Avatar
My Creepypasta:
Do you believe?(TITLE)
"After a long day at school, I plopped down into my chair and logged into Minecraft, as I always do after school. There was a new update available, which was odd, because there was no announcement that there would be one. Even so, I clicked "Yes" when it asked me to update.

It took a lot faster than usual, so I assumed that it was mostly bug fixes and tweaks. I looked down in the corner of the screen to see that the update did nothing. It was the exact same version. At the time, I thought nothing of it. I decided to click "Multiplayer", since I was pretty bored, and wanted to be around others.

Unusally, none of the servers were up. Not even the one that I knew had 24/7
Hosting. This led me to believe that my internet was messed up somehow, or that the Owner stopped paying.

Even though this odd occurance just happened, I still continued playing. I went back to the title screen and clicked "Singleplayer". I only had three saves at the time, and two of them were creative. Feeling very adventurous today I wanted to play the only one that was Survival. But, when I got on, I found that I had four saves, instead of the original three.

Given that my brother was a gamer as well, I thought he made a new save on my computer, so I didn't think it was anything serious. I got on it to see what, I presumed he did. I felt fairly confident that it was one of his building "masterpieces", but when I got on I realized I was wrong.

All I found on the save was a Nether Portal, still unlit. It had a sign in front of it.
The sign read: "Leave. Now.". I thought it was one of my brother's tricks, because he always did things like this. Even more odd, there was no shack, no sign that he was ever there. Just a single portal, and a sign. However, one thing I didn't notice was a chest that was behind me the entire time. The only thing in it was a flint and steel, presumably for the Portal. I lit it, and decided to go into the Nether Portal, then.

When I went in, and came out the other end, I found myself in a Nether Fortress. I was in the center of a crossway. There were four pathways, all leading different directions. Three of them were blocked off by netherrack, but one was clear of debris. I decided to go on the path that didn't have any debris, because that one seemed a bit more promising than the others.

As I was continuing, the path turned into a hallway. A very long one at that. I kept walking along it and found nothing too unusal, until it started getting steeper. Soon, the steep hill ended, and it was flat again. There was something odd, though. There was a double-door.

I opened the doors, and walked outside. It was green with grass, with water and trees. An exact replica of the world above.

But this was in the Nether.

I explored a bit, and found another sign. It read: "Do what you'd normally do."

So I did. I collected some wood from a nearby tree, and turned around to see someone else looking right back at me. I pushed it off as nothing big, as an admin trying to prank me. But then I realized; I was in Singleplayer.

Then, all of a sudden, my game crashed. I reopened the launcher, in an attempt to restart it. I logged in, as normal, and there was the screen as normal. Then, the Minecraft Logo. The yellow words were sprawled across like normal, but they said "You're being watched". Something that I'd never seen written with the fluorescent
yellow words. I relogged into what I had presumed to be my brother's save.

In chat, even though I was in single player, someone said something. "Good. You're the smart one. You'll be a great victim."

My game crashed AGAIN! I relogged, blah blah blah. I got back on the save, and it showed I was dead.

Score: You don't deserve one. Fool.
Respawn: Disabled
Title Screen: Disabled."

I couldn't respawn, and I couldn't go back to the title screen. I closed my minecraft, restarted, and when it appeared to log in normally, it just flashed back to the Respawn screen... Over, and over, and over...

And that is where I get to now. I brought this story to the forums, to chat, everywhere. Every time is was greeted with disrespect. Greeted with disbelief. I just want people to believe...... Do you believe?"
11/09/2012 7:52 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
That was brilliant. The perfect example of a Creepypasta.
11/09/2012 7:55 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
ddman18's Avatar
11/09/2012 7:34 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
By the way, I had intentions of this being a contest. If you're not going to post a Creepypasta, don't post anything.
11/09/2012 7:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
LickTheLizard's Avatar
The Cave (? or The Jackal, maybe?) is my favorite Creepypasta. It focuses on the basic human fear of the unknown, and it is written on par with a Stephen King novel.
11/09/2012 7:33 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
Sure, that...
11/09/2012 7:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
TheChocolateGMR's Avatar
Should be K1nd0m Hurt$
11/09/2012 7:30 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
By the way. Mine is called Kingdum Harts
11/09/2012 7:29 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragon
Sowhart's Avatar
Eh the usual creepypasta.
Person gets game from shop,online,some person gives it them
they get warned not to go on it.
They ignore all warnings
They die.

That is your usual creepypasta and mostly the all gore ones, I like the ones that just make you thing such as Pokemon Strangled Red, its a long but good creepypasta imo.
11/09/2012 7:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Pokemon
drew9900's Avatar
The neosworn was created in 2013. It had the ability to travel in the past because of being born in the future. It could suck body fluids from its victim and destroy it. It one day came to tokyo. It started to grow bigger with every innocent it killed. I was in tokyo purchasing a burger from a man off the sidewalk. The neosworn tried killing me and I threw the burger at it. Aww man. 20 yen just got wasted. Well I went on ahead and saw that it ingulfed it. The burger just became engulfed in pure evil. The neosworn started to get spikes out of its back. I ran far behind and saw that the man left a cover. I grabbed it and threw it at the neosworn. It engulfed it again but it shrunk. I thought that if I threw things that resembled hope at it, it would shrivel away. I threw a baby doll at it even a chew toy for a dog. Then it just shrunk down. But then it rose back up. I noticed someone hit it with a chainsaw. (Smart move idiot) It finally then, ingulfed me. EDIT!!~~~ Too bad I was too cool to be engulfed completely
11/09/2012 7:21 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
Awesome! I had just got the new kingdom hearts game from my friend. I hadn't heard about it but he said he had a leaked copy. I threw it in the ps3 and turned it on, It went through the same old theme song and the same old beginning options. I put the vibration on and music to stereo. I went through single player and saw Sora staring at me blankly when I went through the new 'Toy Story' world "Woah, that's creepy." I said. I continued playing through and then it shut off. I turned it back on and everyone in that world had been brutally murdered by a heartless, blood was written on a wall and it said "R4N 4 UR LYF" I turned off the ps3 and smashed the disk. I found my friend dead in his room with more blood on the wall "U CANT EZCAPE" I walked home rolling my eyes "I read too many pastas." It was then I realized. "I'm gonna be famous, I'M GONNA BE IN A PASTA!" Five minutes later, I'm here. Getting stabbed by Guard Armor remorselessly.

Moral of story: Don't leak games.

It's horrible.
11/09/2012 7:21 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
There already is a thing like this...it's the Creepy Pasta Fan Hub, home of the pastas.
11/09/2012 8:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pix3lL0ve's Avatar
Home of the pastas is creepypasta.com.
11/09/2012 7:26 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
FudgeyDerns's Avatar
I guess there is. But I just wanted to run this as a contest. Not an entire hub.
11/09/2012 7:20 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
LickTheLizard's Avatar
There once was an ugly man. He was so ugly, that everyone died.

The end.
11/09/2012 8:22 pm
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
czakima's Avatar

Ignorant people are blissfully unaware of how ignorant they really are.
11/09/2012 7:56 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
asfskfdhjhgjkshkjfae's Avatar
I remember that from SpongeBob!!!
11/09/2012 7:21 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
Bravo, bravo.
11/30/2012 4:47 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Official_Nathan21's Avatar
11/09/2012 7:19 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
Isn't Creepypasta a person on pmc?
11/09/2012 7:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Robot
tlc2010's Avatar
No, it isn't.

A creepypasta is basically a scary story.

Google Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, hell, even Smile.Dog if you have a strange obsession with losing sleep.
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