{The Seven Left Apoctalyptic RP}

capella17's Avatar capella175/28/12 5:25 pm
6/3/2012 9:28 pm
capella17's Avatar capella17
I haven't been on in a while and during that time my RP, Medieval Fantasy Mythical RP, died. Now, I like Forum RPing so I decided to create a new one, a Steampunk one. So, here we go.



In the year 2450 the world was thrown into chaos. All world leaders were over thrown and the 8 billion humans on Earth were left leaderless. Without any government to stop any arguments, killing and crime rates rose. Soon, there was only 2 billion people out of the original 8 billion. A new government appeared out of the ashes and wreckage. They proposed that the remaining people clean and purge the Earth then divide it into seven sections. Each of these sections would have a theme. So the people agreed and began the construction. After 10 years of hard toil, it was finished. All the people older than 15 applied and the younger ones were put in special places (like day cares almost) until they were old enough to choose for themselves. They choose where they would like to be and who they would like to be and then they are taken there. This is where we begin.

Section Themes:

Outer space

-No tolling
-No cussing
-Be nice
-Have fun
-No god-modding or OPing

Remember that we do have very advanced technologies and such.


Inside Sections:

Age (15+):
Back Story:
Anything Else:

Outside Sections:

Location (which section are you closest to):
Back Story:
Anything Else:

Acceptors: Capella17
Posted by capella17's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Scribe

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05/28/2012 10:12 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
OH GOODIE! Love teh avatar, best books EVAR! Not exactly sure how the sections work, but if you don't have any large plans, I have a basic idea. Tell me if this goes sorta with what you were thinking.
The same government rules over all of the sections, in separate branches. However, over the years, they have adapted more to their sections. Steampunk has the general republican government. Jungle has more of a tribal government feel, a sort of unadvanced monarchy. Ocean/Beach might have an advanced society, with a republic. Fire/Lava would be basically the same as ocean/beach. Rustic/Medieval would be a monarchy, Metropolis I think of as well... modern. And outer space might have some REALLY advanced governmental system. Do those sorta make sense?
05/29/2012 7:28 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Yes.... exactly.
05/28/2012 10:13 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar

*App making mode activate BOOP!*
05/28/2012 10:17 pm
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
Can I be somebody with..... Multiple personalities? It's surprisingly funny to use a character with this trait :3
05/28/2012 10:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
05/28/2012 10:31 pm
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
I defy you!
05/28/2012 10:44 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Dude. Your addicted. That show really must have influenced you. Plus, that's my thing. Well, that and bipolarity. And being French. And of course corny one liners.
05/28/2012 10:35 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Name: Quinn Yes.

Section: Ocean/Beach

Age (15+): 17

Appearance: Soon...

Occupation: Fisher.

Personality: Lively, usually happy, rarely gets mad, ignores insults/rude remarks/etc. or just takes them as jokes. Very kind and knows lots of knock knock jokes... But when he does happen to get angry, he gets angry...

Back Story: Quinn was born a happy person.
Even though he was kept in some... Prison, of some sort until he made The Choosing.
Before then, he was given the same food every day. Played with the same toy every day ( A lego surfer dude with an arm missing... ) and slept on the same, hard metal bed every day. Since he was 8 up until he was 15. This was when he made The Choosing.
He knew nothing about 'The Split' ( That's what all the grown ups talked about. ) but he was curious.
When he made it to a colorful room, with a man at a desk, Quinn was given a name and the names of his parents. He was then asked many questions which he answered with a smile. Then he was asleep, and woke up at a sparkling beach.
He met his parents who were relatively rich and owned a large beach house.
If Quinn wasn't happy before, he would be now.
He still knew nothing about The Split... Or who his real parents were.

Anything Else: MERP!
05/29/2012 3:07 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
Nron's Avatar
Well, well, well.

This looks interesting enough. Guess I'll give it a shot. Only questions I have ATM pertains to technological levels of society as a whole and the allowance of two characters being used as a pair.

Tech Question: Given that they managed to make sectioned parts of the world in a mere 10 years, I'm going to assume we're going for a semi-alternate universe with more advanced technology, not withstanding the fact that it all takes place in the year 2040+.

If any part of my application would conflict with the technological level of the world let me know and I'll be sure to edit it accordingly. Same goes for the dual character thing.

Name: Fitcher 'Black' and his 'assistant', Circe

Section: Steampunk (Or Outerspace if it would fit better)

Age (15+): Fitcher: 31, Circe: N/A, though Fitcher continues to state that she is older than him (Which nobody believes)

Appearance: Fitcher's Height: 6' 8" Circe's Height: 4 '6"
Click to reveal

Occupation: If you were to ask Fitcher, "Magician". If you realize how much of a child Fitcher is and ask Circe, "Inventor/chemist/doctor/whatever-he-decides-he-wants-to-dabble-in-next."

Personality: Fitcher: Brazen, fearless, excitable, childish. Circe: Removed, quiet, level headed, mature.

Back Story: The rain fell against the metal plating of the transport craft, the droplets shattering upon impact with the hard surface. The storm had been going on for awhile, but the transport craft continued on its way undeterred.

The transport craft jolted a bit as it went, it's passengers inside hardly noticing as they chatted excitedly with each other. Their ages varied greatly, from young men to nearly ancient women, though there was not a single one below the age of 15. Nearly all of the passengers were wearing identical uniforms and ID passes attached to the front of the uniforms. All but two.

The two in question couldn't have stuck out any more than they did, nor could they have been so different. The first of the two was a large individual, male if his height and build were any indication, dressed in black pants and hooded zip up jacket, the hood of which was pulled over his head, casting a dark shadow over his face. The jacket was adorned in silver stars, an odd design to be sure.

The hooded man, his arms in the pockets of his jacket, began to search around his pockets until he extracted a cigarette. The passenger sitting on one side of the man looked wide-eyed at robotic limb that came out of the man's sleeve. The cigarette was a few inches from the inside of the hood when a small hand reached up and snatched it away, tossing it to the floor of the transport craft. The hooded man looked down at the other strange passenger next to him.

She was a small girl, and could have be mistaken as a child if not for the expression on her face, one far too jaded for one of her size or appearance. She wore a matching jacket as the hooded man, albeit smaller. She looked none too pleased at the hooded man.

"You know you aren't allowed to smoke those in here Fitcher." Her voice was quiet, though it carried with it a sharp tone, like a mother speaking to a misbehaving child. The hooded man, Fitcher, began reaching down to receive his cigarette from the floor. The girl gave an agitated sigh and stamped down on his hand with her foot. Despite his hand being made of metal, Fitcher snatched his hand back and began to message it, mocking pain. When he spoke, his voice was deep and heavily filtered by some device.

"Oh come on Cir. Nobody is complaining. Right?" Fitcher leaned, though 'towered' would be an adequate term as well, over to the other passenger next to him, who simply gave a small yip and quickly found something else to look at. Fitcher turned back to the small girl, Circe. "See? He doesn't mind." Circe slapped away his hand as he tried to reach down again.

"Most people find it hard to argue with a man nearly three feet taller than them who's hand is a self operating chunk of metal and wiri- stop that." Circe said sternly as Fitcher attempted to retrieve his cigarette once more from the floor, this time with his large boot, only to end up crushing it.

Circe gave an exasperated cry and buried her face in her hands. "Why do I bother keeping you in line?" She began to message her temple, an action out of place for one of her (supposed) age. "I still can't believe the government wants you to come to the Section, They must be extremely low on employees to ask for you to come." Fitcher stopped in the middle of fishing thru his pockets, most likely to retrieve another cigarette.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, his filtered voice sounding childishly hurt. Circe pointed at his jacket.

"You're wearing stars. Stars."

"... So?" Circe's glare narrowed.

"Seven year olds wear stars." Fitcher wagged his finger at her, making a 'tsk' noise as he did so.

"Wrong. Magicians wear stars too."

"Which says quite a bit about their mentality." Circe mumbled to herself, turning to look out the window at the growing storm. The rain had intensified and was now making a constant rumbling on the roof of the transport craft. With any luck they would arrive at their destination before Fitcher somehow managed to start a fire or lose his other hand.

Circe had been the 'assistant' of Fitcher for longer than anyone could remember. 'Handler' would be a more accurate term for her job, but given that she was prone to being suckered into helping him with experiments or testing his inventions 'assistant' seemed to fit the bill.

Fitcher, despite being extremely childish when it came to some things, was a brilliant man. Of that there was little doubt. He had helped with the reactivation of various power grids and research facilities across the globe, many of which had been deemed 'unrecoverable', as well as identifying and cataloging new elements and particles, both of which had led to interesting and useful inventions, some being designed and built by Fitcher himself.

His self operating hand was one such invention, using a special metal that was found to respond to brain wave patterns, allowing it to function much like a regular human hand, albeit able to crush steel plating and punch thru cinder block walls. The government had loved that one, asking Fitcher about it's military applications, to which Fitcher had lovingly drawn them a sketch of himself as a giant robot destroying a modern metropolitan city. Unsurprisingly, they weren't too pleased.

Which is why it was odd to Circe that they had asked, neigh, pleaded
with Fitcher to come to one of their major cities in one of their Sections. Until recently Fitcher and herself had been living on the outskirts of the 'Spacey Section' (as Fitcher had dubbed it), occasionally selling new inventions or spending their days wandering the extensive walled garden that Circe maintained.

Circe didn't know why the government had asked for Fitcher to relocate to a new Section. They had almost all of the most brilliant minds in the world working for them after all so if it was a problem involving one of his inventions it shouldn't have been anything that would call for them flying in Fitcher.

Regardless of why they had called in Fitcher, Circe didn't trust the government. They had dumped her on Fitcher ages ago to make sure he didn't do anything that could somehow atomize half a continent and after her assigned contract was up they had left her with him, refusing to relocate her and taking away her government access.

Fitcher however, had taken her in as his 'assistant' almost immediately, going so far as to have an addition put onto his home for her. Ever since she had followed Fitcher wherever he went, keeping him out of most of the trouble and making sure he wasn't being swindled on contracts. She owed quite a bit to Fitcher, his horrible fashion sense and inability to keep quiet for more than a few minutes aside (though she couldn't really talk about his fashion sense as she had been suckered into wearing the stars by him long ago).

The transport craft shook as it touched down at it's destination, the passengers quickly exiting the vehicle and entering the pouring rain. Eventually only Fitcher and Circe remained, Circe inspecting her feet to make sure she hadn't stepped in the crushed remains of the cigarette and Fitcher retrieving a small umbrella from inside his jackets pocket. "Shall we away, good Cir?" he said, sweeping his hand toward the exit in an overdone fashion.

Circe simply rolled her eyes and stood up, letting Fitcher pick her up and carry her in the crook of his arm as they left the vehicle, putting up the umbrella over them, where they were quickly greeted by a man in a suit. He gave Fitcher a once over, stopped for half a moment to look at Circe in surprise before speaking to Fitcher directly.

"Mister Fitcher?"

"Please, Mister Fitcher was my father." Circe gave him an odd look.

"No he wasn't."

"He wasn't?"

"Your father's name was Daniel."

"Oh. Right. Well then, I am indeed Mister Fitcher."

The man in the suit stared at Fitcher for a moment before simply motioning them to follow him towards a waiting vehicle. Fitcher followed accordingly and Circe slapped away the cigarette Fitcher had managed to hide in the hood of his jacket.

Anything Else: Mmmmmmmm not really. That's about it for my extremely long Application. Took me about an hour to write at around 3 AM, so that explains a bit of the rambling.
05/29/2012 7:52 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Haha excellent application Nron. Definitely accepted ;D
05/29/2012 8:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
05/29/2012 10:38 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
Nron's Avatar

So is there a RP thread we should post in or what?
05/29/2012 8:08 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
ddman18's Avatar
Remember me, capella?


Name: Alex Galepsi
Section: Metropolis
Age (15+): 24
Appearance: Medium height, and medium build. Scar across right eye. Brown hair.
Occupation: Engineer
Personality: Nice, hangback guy, until provoked.
Back Story:
He was part of the military, before the dreaded day that the chaos came to be. He was part of a Special Ops squad, trained to be in any environment. At the time, they were in the cold mountains. They were fighting off a terrorist group, dug into the mountain (Metaphorically dug into the mountain), in an outpost. They were there for 3 weeks, and 2 weeks before, the leaders were overthrown, but since they were on a "secret" operation, they couldn't be told, even if they wanted to tell them. One day, as they were reconnoitering, a crazy man, came out of the forest, with an M204 and started decimating the squad, apparently he had snuck into a nearby military base nearby, about 500 miles to the South(Yeah, that's nearby!). Since the rest of his squad died, he decided to travel. He took all the squad's provisions, and started heading East, where he soon found a warmer place...And a metropolis.
Anything Else:
05/29/2012 8:27 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Name: Seve Johnson
Section: Currently, Medieval. Could change, he likes to travel.
Age (15+): 31
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wanderer ... tige_Class)&docid=ZkAR_SZxref9KM&imgurl=media.dandwiki.com/w/images/thumb/0/0c/Wanderer_(mamoru_chiba_by_mohomen).png/270px-Wanderer_(mamoru_chiba_by_mohomen).png&w=270&h=276&ei=sGXFT8XuCoym8gSFsNHHCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=308&vpy=179&dur=625&hovh=219&hovw=215&tx=140&ty=94&sig=109281395571423291864&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=130&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:139
Occupation: Currently, mercenary
Personality: Cruel, silent
Back Story: Seve was born in the Steampunk section, in an average family. He always ddreamed of travel to the other sections, but had a hard time financing it. When he was old enough he moved to the Metropolis, and got a cheap job. When he got enough money, he got desperate, and began gambling. He was very lucky, and managed to get quite a bit of money. He traveled the sections, and learned the languages and cultures of each place. He took a 'souvenier' from each place, and moved back to his steampunk home. He got a good job, and worked for a couple of years before he decided to build a home in each section. He moves from house to house every year, and he is currently living in the medieval land as a mercenary.
Anything Else: Not really.
05/30/2012 7:34 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Sorry mdaddy! You, ultra, and ddman are all accepted. ;D There is no thread yet we only have about five people. When we get some more I'll add it to the OP.
05/30/2012 10:22 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
Nron's Avatar
Roger doger
05/30/2012 5:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
I'm doing mine now...

Name: Alyss/Alik (explained in back story)
Section: Steampunk
Age (15+): 17
Appearance: Short black hair, green eyes, and pretty tall
Occupation: Does odd jobs on all types of flight transportation
Personality: clever, learns quickly, explorative
Back Story: When the war ended and they put the children in special places until they became fifteen, Alyss became a boy. This was not a actual change though, and nobody knew it but her. What Alyss, now known as Alik, had done was change her appearance (hair color/length, clothes and such) so that she looked like a boy. So when it was her turn to choose her place in the new society, she was able to choose a job on flying vehicles (such as airships and hovercrafts) which they only allowed boys to have. Alyss managed to pull off her disguise without anyone realizing that she was a girl. She travels between sections on different forms of flight transportation now, and directs people from one section to the next.
Anything Else: hope this helps ;D
05/31/2012 10:21 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
If we get 3 more people to apply and they are accepted, then I will make a thread and we can RP ;D So apply people!!!!!!
05/31/2012 10:29 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
mdaddy14100's Avatar
Maik thread now!
05/31/2012 10:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Teh Koala
05/31/2012 10:35 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Teh Koala's Avatar
Working on ma' app!
05/31/2012 10:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
ultradoom5's Avatar
Epic sig. I LUVS TAHT GAM!
Teh Koala
05/31/2012 10:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Teh Koala's Avatar
Name: Huang Lee
Section: Metropolis
Age (15+): 20
Click to reveal

Occupation: Drug-dealer, assassin, and gang-member.
Personality: Huang is known for his sarcastic remarks, constant mocking, and, along with the rest of his family, his honor for loyalty and tradition.
Back Story: A spoiled rich kid from Hong Kong, Huang owes his status as a Triad member to his father, a Triad boss from China. After the murder of his father, his uncle, Wu Lee, wanting Huang to deliver a family ‘heirloom', the Yu Jian Sword, to secure his family’s claim to the leadership of the Triad gangs, calls Huang to the Metropolis. However, what was supposed to be a weekend of table service and strippers turns into a dangerous adventure after arriving at the Metropolis International Airport only to be hijacked, robbed of his sword, and left for dead. Huang dug deep into the rotten core of the Metropolis - and deep within himself -- to avenge his father's murder and reclaim his family's honor.
Anything Else: The Leviathan series was quite good, wouldn't you agree, capella?
05/31/2012 10:51 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Dragon
Ljett's Avatar
Name: Riley Agit
Age : 23
Click to reveal

Occupation: Engineer
Personality: He is a silent person that only talks if you directly speak to him. He doesnt like the outside world with people, so he buries him self in machines and works on inventions.
Back Story: Riley was always different. When other kids where playing kick ball he was making small robots. He found ways to tinker with everything. When he turned 15 he picked steampunk(what ever you call it in the Rp) because you have to work and fix your machines there, in the advanced outer space(what ever you call it in Rp) everything was automated and he woudnt make his own things. When he went into his chosen place he fell into a perfect spot as a city worker that fixed all of the building/trains problems.
Anything Else: When you are in the city you have to toughen up because there are muggings and fights all over, so he made a weapon to protect himself a gun that uses advanced and simple machines, it uses the reguler gun system but has a special bullet/rotating barrel system that make it a lethal weapon.
Click to reveal
Teh Koala
05/31/2012 11:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Teh Koala's Avatar
Thanks for the sig compliment, ultra!
And can the Metropolis look something like this?
Click to reveal
06/01/2012 12:07 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Shvinkly's Avatar
Could I be an alien from outer space?
06/01/2012 6:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Teh Koala:

1. Yes it was a very good series, helped me make this thread or at least the steampunk section.
2. Accepted
3. Very cool, so sure.

Ljett accepted. ;D
06/01/2012 6:40 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
I'm Teh Koala, so thanks for accepting me!
06/01/2012 6:44 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
You're so funny Brink!!!! ;D

THREAD: post899556.html#p899556
06/01/2012 7:13 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
I wasn't kidding. I am Teh Koala.
06/01/2012 7:16 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
.....................................Well I have no way of proving you're not but you'd have to make an app that's different than the first one even if you are. ;D
06/01/2012 10:23 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
Nron's Avatar
He really is Teh Koala. Trust me on this one.
06/02/2012 11:25 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Fine by me
06/02/2012 11:26 am
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
Alright, thanks for accepturing me into this RP.
06/02/2012 11:32 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
06/02/2012 11:35 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
06/02/2012 11:59 am
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
But the backstory wasn't written by me. I copy and pasted it from the Grand Theft Auto Wiki, and I only added the Metropolis things. Am I still acceptured?
06/03/2012 9:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
capella17's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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