The Truth about "Gangnam Style"

11volt11's Avatar 11volt1112/7/12 7:53 pm
12/7/2012 10:01 pm
Vrezh's Avatar Vrezh
Ever wondered what goes on inside of the head of the K-pop star that everyone knows and loves, PSY? If you're 80% of the American population, this might disturb you a bit. But if you are part of that 20%, or just not an American, I doubt you give a frickin crap about it.

Lemme give ya'll a link.

My first suggestion is to boycott the song; just out and out not let it reach a billion views. Not that anyone cares what I say or anything.

I think all these guys be jealous of our liberty we got. Can't touch dat free market!

If you want to read his apology, here it is. It's pretty good actually.

(I hope I didn't offend anyone -- actually I don't care)
Posted by 11volt11's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper

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12/07/2012 9:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
thomasquwack's Avatar
Oh, and Gangnam Style is terrible.
12/07/2012 9:20 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Puncher
sk8aninja's Avatar
B-but i love gangam style... that vid was awesome....
12/07/2012 9:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
Well, just gotta move on, he hates America and if he could, he would turn the United States Of America into the United Crater Of What Was The United States Of America
12/07/2012 9:32 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
ThatsMyPickaxe's Avatar
I.. seriously doubt that.
12/07/2012 9:37 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
I agree, the UCOWWTUSA is just (quote, Gary Johnson) "Wacky Nuts", but it just shows how much he hates USA
12/07/2012 9:16 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pokemon
Luis's Avatar
I know that people are going to get an Acute case of Butthurt from Carole's comment. But its true, its so easy to point fingers, but its so hard to take the blame and responsibility for your actions like Psy did, and on that note, I remember many of your anti-Socialist comments, Volt, so its not like you have never lashed out a group of people yourself
12/07/2012 9:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
Who wants to call him the new Adolf Hitler
12/07/2012 10:01 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Nether Knight
Vrezh's Avatar

Also, as much as I like to see bigots spouting nonsense, it's time for a lock.
See you all again soon, I'm sure.
12/07/2012 9:16 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
sure, because he's gone out and imprisoned and killed so many Americans.
12/07/2012 9:56 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
thomasquwack's Avatar
So PSY is the newest in Austrian dicators who have a thing for genicide, Charlie Champlain mustaches and being batshit insane in a bad way? Huh. Now that I think of it.. XD
12/07/2012 9:10 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
Americans are funny people. Some get so angry about anti-American sentiments without realizing how much anti-EVERYONE their own country has been over the years. Don't believe me? Would you like me to pull out some old cartoons, comics, etc, written by American artists/authors that promote hatred of Germans, Soviets, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, English and French?

Or is that ok, when Psy being anti-American is NOT ok?

Just asking.
12/07/2012 9:31 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
ThatsMyPickaxe's Avatar
12/07/2012 9:24 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
This is right. It's the cold, hard truth about some Americans.

Okay, fine, most of us >_>

But I'm only something near 30% American.
12/07/2012 9:09 pm
Level 45 : Master Explorer
Defcon9000's Avatar
I thought psy was an android from the future who went to the past to make the perfect song just to get money, but this contradicts that theory.
12/07/2012 9:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman uwu
lolo131's Avatar
Ok, so what the f**k does he have against Americans? Seirously, we stopped, and he needs to get over it. I didn't even BOTHER to read the apology. He wrote a song and he POSTED it, so I don't even CARE about the apology, cuz he's not sorry. So PSY can go an SUCK A DICK. Licke I care
12/07/2012 9:00 pm
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
(I hope I didn't offend anyone -- actually I don't care)

12/07/2012 8:54 pm
Level 22 : Expert Toast
pyoro64's Avatar
He was just upset for the death of innocent Koreans. That was years ago. Let's just forget the past and move on. .. .
12/07/2012 8:49 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
soraxroxas12's Avatar
dude he just burned a flag and sang a song saying kill those f*cking yankees so what its not like he killed people and he did those 2 things because soldiers killed 2 INNOCENT koreans people who had nothing to do with that war (as far as i could tell) he was just mad can you blame a guy for getting mad because americans killed innocent people?
12/07/2012 8:39 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
and on a sidenote...

why usa fought in libya : best oil of the world..
-they wanted to be paid in GOLD instead of dollars
-the only thing backing the dollar is oil
THATS why ghadaffi had to go.. in fact for most people there it is WORSE there now than it was..

Iraq, same thing.. he wanted to trade oil for euro's

Also see that the nations been targetted one by one (and all the nations on axis of evil list) are the ones that do NOT have a central bank controlled by them rothshields..

Heck they saw the euro as such a tread.. they made greece "fraud" and fraud even more on their housing bubble, forcing our banks to invest a little to much in it..
-> and meanwhile they instealled all kind of undemocratic institutes and laws in europe.. with THEIR puppets in it.. because thei don't want europe to become independant of usa.. let alone beat them as the world leading nation..

(why you think europe has been on usa's leech.. and the only reason they did not ruin europe like they did the rest of the world.. is because they wanted an export marked.. and some hired guns..) however now that starts to fail they first drained dry their own nation.. and now they starting to repeat to do the same in europe... breaking down the middleclass

crisis? every crisis after 1900 was created and no "incident" it was created on purpose to force laws, rules and regulations that give those who have all the money even more controll and power (for power is what they are after.. since they alreay have 70% of all the money in the world, enough to buy every real propery 3 times over.., that money normally is kept out of the system/roulation.. but just withdrawing a little bit of it or add a little bit of it to the real economy and they can artificially create "booms" or "crisis" to force their agenda..
12/07/2012 8:35 pm
Level 21 : Expert Hunter
BobaTheFett's Avatar
So what if he apologized? Talk is cheap, and now he's just trying to cover his behind to keep him from losing his fan base in the nation that gave him his worldwide notoriety. Anyone can apologize for doing stuff like that; I don't care! He said "f-ck Americans" ...well I say "F-CK PSY!"

Shame he'll be a White House dinner guest in the coming months...
12/07/2012 8:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
kylec81818's Avatar
I do not cair about what he did befor iam american and i do not give a fuck
12/07/2012 8:31 pm
Level 25 : Expert Taco
xXBlueBooXx's Avatar
Gangnam style just means living rich.I know this cause im korean
12/07/2012 9:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman uwu
lolo131's Avatar
Good. Now you can slap the sense into PSY.
12/07/2012 8:27 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
But so, someone flamed usa.. I don't care.. I'm european..
Dutch to be precize...
I did had family working (as SCIENTIST, not soldiers) for them germans in WW2.. they were unlucky enough to be killed by rotten sovjets.

Also people forget them jews WERE the bankers/1% of their time.. and I can't say I would very sorry if they start arresting and deporting bankers...
the only thing that went wrong is.. they did not Precize-aim..
kinda like kill bankers ok.. take their property ok.. but kill their wife and kids.. not ok..
let alone if we start attacking the humble bank-desk employant.. and so on..
there were amongst them nazi's more mild one's (they did not want to blackmark and kill all jews, only the bankers regardless of who they were.., they did not want to capture the entire world.. they only wanted back the land that should belong to germany not frigging whole europe/world.. they did NOT aprove of killing of/experiment on handicapped, they only wanted to prevent them from making new offspring.. and their idea of "the master racë" was much more rational (based on IQ, fysical strenght etc..) and not on skin tone or the size of your nose..
they tried to take over hitler had most of them killed, and others (like my grandpa) were forced to keep quit and work in remote area's..

We did not see all germans as evil.. for example.. many germans did NOT report every jew they knew.. and they too were drafted away from wife and kids.. many people forgat germany itself was the first country invaded.. and they too gave food away too kids and poor (if their officer was not watching)
also the bombing of the german city's was a warcrime, and a big one.. no less than the ones many germans were convicted for..
but did you see ever 1 allied sodier, minister or general being convicted for that warcrime? nope..
History after all is writen by the victors.. in really it is not that black and white..

Furthermore while USA tries to take credit.. most soldiers fighting here.. were brittisch or canadian.. NOT USA... canada did a LOT more.. to so call "free europe" but them usa stole their credit..

And what did usa did back
*they STOLE all of europe's gold.. (sure it still is ours ON PAPER.. but we don't even get to SEE it let alone ship it back..)
*they STOLE most of our scientiest and research.. -computers, rockets, jetplanes, microwaveovens, nukes, to name some things were stolen from europe.. by them usa.. while they should have gone to the european people who had sufferd!
*they went even worse.. for the little bits europe did manage to keep.. like some jetplane research.. were stolen later in them 50-s.. first they made a "share information deal" than we shared our info.. than when we asked theirs it was made clear "theirs was secret" ripping off your OWN allies.. bad usa!
*usa NEVER EVER fought any idealistic war.. and they fight a war every 15 years orso.. they are just LOOKING for a reason.. and usually thats : protecting their capitalistic empire..
(confessions of an economic hitman I can really advise to watch)

so usa as a state is a really really bad nation for decades that suppresses it's own people, and plunge the world in poverty and war just to keep a few people on top in power and whealth..

I totally see how someone would write an hatesong against usa..

and I hope he really aint "sorry" about what he song.. but I fear his time in usa already has corrupted him.. betray your principles for money...
at least verbally.. (he might at least in his heart still hate usa and only betray his own values to earn more)
12/07/2012 9:49 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
thomasquwack's Avatar
Ok... So if you just happened to be a banker and some guys from the Nazi party came in and killed you, then procceded to take all you had, leaving your children fatherless and your wife a widow, you would be fine with it?

Oh, so now here's the whole "Good Nazi" arguement. You do know they made a movie about a "good Nazi". He tried to kill Hitler. Was it because he was too radical? No. It was because Hitler was fucking insane, and was bringing the Nazis down.
And Germany was not the first country invaded. Poland was.

And the bombing of London is a warcrime also. Do you really think that that justifies millions of deaths? And it wasn't just Jews either (although they made the majority).

And how did we steal it? We took ideas and made them work.
And what do you mean by an "idealistic" war? We fought in Korea and Vietnam to stop the spread of Communism, which goes completly against the ideals we were founded off of.

And why the hell do you think that we are a bad country? Is it because a person has the chance to succede, and the freedom to do so, here?
We don't surpress our own people. If we did, we have something called en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution in case that does happen.

What do you think is a better country? A Communist state where everybody is "equal"; where nobody can speak freely, instead living in fear of the government that was supposed to protect them; where nobody truely owned what they had; where a man couldn't move up in life, and was stuck pretending to work and pretending to get paid.
Or a democratic state, where people have a say in things; where they have a right critizise thier leaders if they arent doing well; where a man can work and earn his place in life?
Tell me which one is better?

The USA isnt a perfect place, but I will be damned if it isn't the best one so far. Also, since people have the chance to prosper in America, that in turn makes the country itself more powerful, not because it is surpressing other countries.
12/07/2012 8:25 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
11volt11But if you are part of that 20%, or just not an American, I doubt you give a frickin crap about it.

Yeah, you got that about right.

I'm smart, see!
12/07/2012 8:17 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
11volt11But if you are part of that 20%, or just not an American, I doubt you give a frickin crap about it.

Yeah, you got that about right.
12/07/2012 8:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
@BetaEdit, that is true; I agree. There is always something that we can find in anyone.
However, I made this thread for the sake of information. To inform people about it.

@Paril, I can't say that I agree or disagree with you. I don't know enough about Korea to make that call.

I would understand his frustration with the killing of the one Korean person, but why does he oppose the things going on in Iraq?
12/07/2012 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
anonusername's Avatar
I don't know what the point of this was? Had you checked it out more before posting this you would have seen the apology yourself... The apology doesnt erase what he did, no, but that was an emotional time because a little girl had died apparantly from American actions, from another report I read.
12/07/2012 8:14 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
Hub's Avatar
Well at least he actually did not kill anyone and if you read all of it it says it was a protest against the killing of a south Korean translator who was beheaded and that 37000 American troops were stationed at South Korea.
12/07/2012 8:11 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
heartshapedBox's Avatar
^ I agree with paril.
12/07/2012 8:10 pm
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
He can only repair what he has done in the past by making up for it in the future, and by the sounds of it, he has & is. I honestly don't blame him for being upset at the torturing, etc that went on back then. I was too. I wasn't on his end of the world, and keep in mind that propaganda is huge in areas like that.

12/07/2012 8:04 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
Hitler did :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMsaMGWP ... 1354930400

rock on!!

(skip first -classical music- part... song starts at 00:18)
12/07/2012 8:01 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
BetaEdit's Avatar
Lets not judge him for what he did in the past?
12/07/2012 8:03 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
Going by that same logic, you could say the same about, well anyone. Let's not judge Hitler, huh? Josef Stalin? Mao?

I'm not comparing PSY to these guys. I'm just combating your logic.
12/07/2012 8:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
BetaEdit's Avatar
As Anonusername mentioned, he apologised. I know he cant undo what has been done, but if we always judge someone by their past, we are often going to find something we dont like.
12/07/2012 7:59 pm
Level 20 : Expert Toast
PurpleUrchin's Avatar
a racist!

did hitler have a crazy video like this?
12/07/2012 7:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
anonusername's Avatar
He's already issued an apology for his actions years ago. A pretty good apology too.

http://www.allkpop.com/2012/12/psy-issu ... rican-past
12/07/2012 8:01 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
Hm, that was actually pretty heart-felt and true. I got to give him credit for that. Much better than the usual apology that famous people barf up.

But he can't undo his actions though. You have to remember that.
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