What makes a good youtuber?

CuzImaThugD14's Avatar CuzImaThugD1411/22/12 12:50 am
11/23/2012 1:07 am
Zemor's Avatar Zemor
I want all of your guys opinion.
I personally think a youtuber should make the subbers feel good about them selfs. Like PweDiePie at the end of his video he says love you bros your awesome It makes me tingle in side with happiness.

Now tell me what you think makes a good youtuber. Also sorry for bad grammar.
Posted by CuzImaThugD14's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior

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11/23/2012 12:55 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
Rawwk's Avatar
Something different from PewDiePie... I hate him so much.

flamewar soon.
11/23/2012 1:07 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
Hah, reminds me of some troll thread a few months back. The original post was "Call of Duty, Halo, Yogscast hate, pewdiepie, nova. I just want to see where this goes".
11/23/2012 12:43 am
Level 30 : Artisan Narwhal
Dengara's Avatar
I would honestly say, be interested in what you're doing, don't do video series' you don't feel, because then you muck through each video, if I ever get good record time, I want to do Mod/Texture pack reviews, because you rarely see Texture Pack reviews, and I think there should be some, people should know what are the best visually, and worst psychologically. Like for instance, really bad tiling packs are hard on the psyche sometimes, it breaks a wall, and makes you realize the world you're in isn't real, and looks awful.
11/23/2012 12:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
CuzImaThugD14's Avatar
11/22/2012 4:34 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
What makes a good Youtuber? IF I WERE A BAD YOUTUBER, I WOULDN'T BE SITTIN' HERE TALKIN' TO YOU NOW WOULD EYE? (Eye instead of I on purpose)
11/22/2012 4:31 am
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
Veiocity's Avatar
In order of importance:
(I assume the context is a gaming related channel)
1. The person
- Why should someone watch your videos over, say, playing video games? (if you are doing a lets play for example)
- Humor and/or an interesting personality will help you significantly
2. The content
- Generic lets plays on the latest bandwagon are probably not going to get you very far
- I personally look for a mix of entertainment and learning from videos (So youtubers like TotalBiscuit get my views much more than, say, the yogscast. But if you are as talented as the yogscast you will attract a horde of younger viewers)
3. Audio & Video quality
- Get a high quality microphone (You can get a decant one for the price of the latest COD trash)
- Upload your videos in HD
- Get someone to make you an intro (don't make it too long though)
11/22/2012 4:14 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
CuzImaThugD14's Avatar
11/22/2012 2:48 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Toast
Applejaxc_B's Avatar
I'm trying being a youtuber out and am almost at 90 videos. The two biggest problems I've faced is:
1: Getting an audience. It's not easy for me to ask people to look at my videos without sounding desperate. I try to drop it casually if I'm talking to someone in real life, but I don't know a good way to do it online. If anyone's got suggestions that aren't Sub4Sub, I'd be glad to hear them. (Seriously, no Sub4Sub. Everyone I've talked to has suggested it)

2: Technical difficulty. I use fraps, jack up my PC to its optimum recording state, disable as much crap on my PC as I can, and use a texture pack I modified myself to make sure my game looks nice, but sometimes I can't help the (Somewhat frequent) errors I get, such as after stopping a 30 minute session, Fraps says "Cannot compile .avi" or "bla bla bla fuck you"-type messages. The worst, though, is when a recording does go smoothly-but the final video comes out cropped awkwardly or fuzzy (which is infrequent; most of what I produce comes out as 720p or 1080p).

So I guess to be a good youtuber, you need a personality that draws a crowd and the ability to deal with occasional, frustrating setbacks.

And no offense, but I dislike PewDiePie. I think he's a screaming man-child with no humor past the immature over-exaggeration in everything he fails to do. He's basically TobyGames if Toby wasn't funny (I'm not a Toby fan, either, so I say this objectively).
11/22/2012 2:40 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
sjwboy141314's Avatar
I don't care about their voice. Its about their overall quality of the video. (Sound, Video, Editing and What the video is about and what they do in them!)
11/22/2012 2:41 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
You may not care about the voice, but lots of people do.
11/22/2012 2:09 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Zemor's Avatar
Good video quality, good sound quality, nice editing, preferably not a squeaky child talking.
11/22/2012 1:03 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
SteamPunkShino's Avatar
I would say quality and the editing of the video. Also the actual person. They have to be interesting and funny!
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