What was your worst encounter with creepers?

Phantomfanlikestomine2's Avatar Phantomfanlikestomine27/1/19 9:08 pm
3 emeralds 137 4
7/2/2019 6:51 pm
Energy Master's Avatar Energy Master
my worst encounter was having one destroy both my home and killing my pet pink sheep that i once had and nicknamed sheepina....

Rip Sheepina 2014- 2014
Posted by Phantomfanlikestomine2's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess

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Energy Master
07/02/2019 6:51 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Energy Master's Avatar
Trolling a friend with them gone wrong...
07/02/2019 9:47 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Very early on in a particular world I was doing the wave wheat dance trying to lure a second cow back to my base…
Started getting dark, so I threw up a dirt shack and waited out the night.
Come morning, I poked holes in all four sides and survailed the local landscape…
No hostiles being in evidence I broke out a doorway and started cow luring again.

Creeper dropped off the roof, and while I managed to sprint far enough away to survive (despite no armor) it turned my cow into leather and beef.... WHAAAAAAA!

[Apparently when I built the roof I missed with one of the dirt blocks which created a longer light path and left a 7-block.]
07/01/2019 10:07 pm
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
AwesomeNinja886's Avatar
Oh my gosh, I remember this one distinctly. It happened recently actually. I killed a creeper, and as I was going to collect the drops, another snuck up behind me and one-shotted me. Needless to say, I ragequit the world immediately after.
07/01/2019 9:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Dinosaur
Sir_Craftypants's Avatar
at midnight I didn't see it until it was too late and fell in a dark tight hole riding my diamond armoured horse with 3 creepers laying in wait in the hole, had full diamond set that took me 3 days to grind and to top that off I couldn't possibly find my way back to that hole. I have to be the most unlucky Minecraft player to exist, what were the chances aye.
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