What would you do if time-traveling was possible

toofgib's Avatar toofgib10/16/13 4:48 am
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10/17/2013 2:41 pm
Phoenician's Avatar Phoenician
where would you go if time-travelinging was possible?
and what would you do?

choose an option in the poll and and tell what you would do.

You could also leave your opinion or your own theories.
Posted by toofgib's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer

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10/17/2013 2:41 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Phoenician's Avatar

Killing him is a bit dark.... don't you think?

Nope. If i had the chance, nope.

He ruined my social life. Only have 3 real friends left. lost 5 because of him. They still hate me, hacked my facebook and other stuff.... Nope, not dark at all.
10/17/2013 2:38 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Cake
RainbowDrops's Avatar

Killing him is a bit dark.... don't you think?
10/17/2013 2:35 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Phoenician's Avatar
I would go back to the past.

I made a mistake last year with which i lost 5 of my best friends. A stupid mistake that was set up by one guy... The guy was friends with the 5 i lost.

If i could get back, i would avoid that mistake, get some evidence of that friend. -snip-

Thats all.
10/17/2013 2:02 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
Dunlan good point.
But with future i actually mean real timetraveling. Not by just doing nothing.
10/17/2013 1:50 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Cake
RainbowDrops's Avatar
I would go into the future to see how humans have evolved to the technology and how the technology have changed. Then find out if my laptop brakes.
10/17/2013 1:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Sailor
Dunlan_Willowbo's Avatar
10/17/2013 3:15 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
ok there are a lot paradoxes. heres an other one:

someone go's back in time and kills someone. when he's back in his own time he wants to undo it. he go's back in time again but now something further back and he avoids that the person is killed by killing himself (the one who killed the person). but technically he would kill himself before him can kill himself.

we've never seen this things in the past, so that could mean three things:

1. We will never find a way to travel through time.

2. paradoxes will disappear after they are done.

3. or we will use parallel universes to travel through time.
10/16/2013 5:20 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
kogan007's Avatar
If going to the future was possible by going lightspeed around a black hole, then couldn't you create a model of the universe/recreate the creation with the hadron collider and if it contains a blackhole spin some energy around it? Would that speed up time?
10/17/2013 3:00 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
Imadbush's Avatar
If this was possible the thing or light going around the black hole, its time would speed up. We would still be living life at normal speed
10/16/2013 4:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fishfam's Avatar
I wouldn't, seeing as time travel is either:

*Physically impossible

*Impossible unless traveling into the future

*Possible to go the past, but the future governments of the world keep time travel technology under lock and key.

ALTHOUGH: There MAY be tourists from the future here right now, as Steven Hawking speculates, although he theorizes that if they are here, they're heavily disguised. Space-time travel would probably be like space travel is today: it's super expensive and you'd have to have AT LEAST a PhD in 21st century history.
10/16/2013 3:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
PengoPenguinRocks's Avatar
Go to that past and do this
10/16/2013 2:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
VelociCraftor's Avatar
Sit back and laugh at the people who want to use it to go back and stop tragedies and stuff like that.
10/16/2013 2:36 pm
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
10/16/2013 2:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
RustyTurkeyBrain's Avatar
The Hitler Paradox:

You make a time machine to go back in time and kill Hitler. Killing Hitler means you wouldn't have needed to create the time machine so you never went back in time and you never killed Hitler.


Hi DBN300100!!!
10/16/2013 2:29 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
IgnoreMyPostsIwas10's Avatar
Neither, so that I don't create any Paradoxes and explode the universe.
Just because the Doctor does that all the time doesn't mean it's a good idea.
10/16/2013 4:18 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
TreePiggy's Avatar
I agree. Too confusing, and dangerous. Time is such a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
10/16/2013 2:03 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
purplefish088's Avatar
I'd go in the past. I'd be able to soak up a bunch of knowledge. I could watch while the Pyramids were built, maybe see the hanging gardens of Sumer! Of course I wouldn't try to change anything, because if you go into the past, than anything you have done has already happened. There would be no use trying to change anything cause anything you try to change has already been changed. So.. I'd use it mostly for sight-seeing.
10/16/2013 1:54 pm
Level 1 : New Hunter
therandomyababy666's Avatar
I have a theory where if you go back in time you will just disappear because you haven't been born yet and also I wouldn't go anywhere anywhere I time travel I would probably get younger get older or I haven't been existed yet or or just possibly be dead.
10/16/2013 1:51 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
Past, and I would cut out your internet cable.
10/16/2013 1:50 pm
Level 42 : Master Sailor
Dunlan_Willowbo's Avatar
You guys have no idea what you're talking 'bout. I'm from the year 3002 and we time travel all the time. Just yesterday I taught the Huns how to Star Shake. Oh you probably don't know what that is do you? You'll figure out in a couple hundred years. Back to time traveling, I've only caused a few dramatic calamities throughout history. Lets just say you guys are lucky you still have trees. Yeah maybe stealing Zeus's thunderbolts wasn't such a bright idea.
10/16/2013 1:57 pm
Level 1 : New Hunter
therandomyababy666's Avatar
-you have lost your time travel privileges for the rest of your life for not using time travel correctly.
10/16/2013 1:54 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
PrototypeTheta's Avatar
>_Citizen, you are breaching the laws of time travel
>_To prevent damage, you must be terminated

10/16/2013 2:16 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
SwooceRoDah's Avatar
What just happened O_O
10/16/2013 1:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
Imadbush's Avatar
I sometimes wonder how something would of turned out if I or someone else did or said something different. Somethimes i would like to see it. Sometimesee i wish i could time travel but then i realise, no. I don't. I am only 13 but even i know how dangerous time traveling would be. Somebody goes back and changes something. Even something small and suddenly everything is different. One domino can effect alot.

Time travel is possible kinda but its a one way deal. Im not gonna go into it in detail but if you go at the speed of light around a black hole time speeds up. Cant remember how much anyway you then go back to earth and you were only flying around the black hole for 16 minutes and its something like 100 years for everybody else. That is kinda time traveling but your not in a machine pressing "4376" and whoosh, your in the future.

If some theory's are possible and you can go back to when time machines were invented or into the past it would be really dangerous and nobody should be able or allowed to have that power. They could kill hitler or save jfk and suddenly everybodys world changes, nobody would know because they would have never known the current world we live in. Dominos. One thing effecting others.

If i could time travel i would go back and kill the guy that invented time travel. Then , i know the world would change. Dominos. But its for the better in my opinion. I may be stuck since time travel woukd then never have existed and i couldnt go back but i would hav been alive in the time travel is invented. It may only have been 3 or 4 days ago that time travel was invented ago so i would only be living my life again from a few days ago so it wouldnt be so bad.

To sum it all up. Time traveling to the future is possible and not that bad.
Time traveling to the past is not good and over dangerous
This kind of stuff hurts my brain
10/16/2013 1:28 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
SwooceRoDah's Avatar
I'd use the powers of time travel to stay at home and play GTA V for the rest of eternity, mwahaha...
10/16/2013 1:17 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
SpectralK's Avatar

Not possible. Will never be.

Censored the first swear, didn't censor the next xD

It wasn't censored when I looked at it xD
10/16/2013 1:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
ChampionMinecraft's Avatar
vikki7783I'd go to the past to:
- slap John Wilkes Booth
- punch every single whaler
- kick the guy who created factories

You could quite possibly be retarded.

I assume you're probably 10 or 11. Well, anyhow, if you were smart, you'd know that while whaling now is illegal and bad for the species as it is already dwindling, it was helpful back then as they used parts of the whale for food, parts for oil lamps, etc, etc.

It's the equivalent of the cows McDonalds breeds to be slaughtered and eaten by millions, except we can breed the cows, whales are hard to keep under control. Same with elephants.

As for "kick the guy who created factories..."
If there were no factories, you wouldn't have a family car, the iPad you're spoiled ass is probably posting from, or 90% of the things you've seen or will see in your lifetime.

As for John Wilkes Booth, go ahead, slap him, but without him killing Abraham Lincoln, due to the butterfly effect, you may not even be here, same with me and many others throughout America.

10/16/2013 1:04 pm
Level 22 : Expert Button Pusher
treyishuman's Avatar
I would definitely go to the future, just blend in, and absorb as much info as I could of the coming generation.
Jacob Rigoberto
10/16/2013 12:59 pm
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
zombierealm[CENSORED] kids *sigh* time travel IS POSSIBLE


Not possible. Will never be.

Censored the first swear, didn't censor the next xD

Did not I remove those number tags
10/16/2013 12:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
APC_Slacker's Avatar
I guess I would site see and try to remain inconspicuous during my time travels. I'd do a lot of research and answer a lot of my own questions. Possibly fall in love, stay in a time period for a while. Who knows. Time travel is super dangerous, yet endlessly useful.
10/16/2013 12:31 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
SpectralK's Avatar
zombierealm[CENSORED] kids *sigh* time travel IS POSSIBLE


Not possible. Will never be.

Censored the first swear, didn't censor the next xD
10/16/2013 12:26 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
i would bring back a dinosaur!!!! if i could then i would breed them and have a dino farm!!!
Jacob Rigoberto
10/16/2013 12:20 pm
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
zombierealm[CENSORED] kids *sigh* time travel IS POSSIBLE


Not possible. Will never be.
10/16/2013 9:48 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
CScheer's Avatar
Travel back in time to destroy the time crystals, then forward in time, then backwards, then forwards, always chasing the leader of some mysterious organization that kicks off the Robot wars, and even later the Splitter wars. Eventually destroy the time crystals and the person who invented the time machine. Lose faithful robot companion as he had never been created in the first place. Ala Cortez.
10/16/2013 9:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zombierealm's Avatar
pooping kids *sigh* time travel IS POSSIBLE

10/16/2013 8:26 am
Level 49 : Master Architect
DiomondBlock's Avatar
Time travel doesn't exist nor will it ever because no one has visited us from the future.
10/16/2013 9:06 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
thats because in they found a way to visit the past without changing anything. for example: parallel universes.
10/16/2013 8:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dwellerwarriors's Avatar
10/16/2013 7:32 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Yaminia's Avatar
I'd go back and punch all the people who bullied me in 4-5th grade > . >
10/16/2013 7:03 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
kogan007's Avatar
Go to the future, do GTA style stuff, go back, and take a vacation
10/16/2013 9:28 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Narwhal
WhatUpYo2011's Avatar
but what if u kill ur mom or dad or ppl like dat
10/16/2013 9:33 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
he said the future.
10/16/2013 6:50 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
No matter how much people want it, time travel should never exist. If there is even a single person who knows how to create time travel, then multiple people will time travel and with the amount of people out there who are not smart enough to understand algebra, let alone the repercussions of going back in time or seeing the future. If you go back in time, no matter what you do, whether you stop there or kill Hitler, you've changed time. No matter how much you changed, you've affected what happened, you've changed someone's life, you may have never met someone, you may never have been born, you may die before the time you left.

If you go into the future you may not be able to comprehend what happens in the future or breakdowns may occur in some people.

No matter what the case time travel is not a good idea and should be kept in the broom closet for safe-keeping before those who would not correctly use it destroy the universe with paradoxes.
10/17/2013 2:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
mymarioman2's Avatar
Just what i was thinking
10/16/2013 2:42 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Taco
CaineTheMurderer's Avatar
You may be right sir but think about this; when you go back in time and change something instead of making a paradox and having the future be changed it instead creates a branch universe whereas you did what you did. and when you travel back to your time nothing changed. so instead of only having one timeline of events, when something different occurs in the past another branch of time is created and you only affected that just now created universe. It's like if you have two decisions. cold coffee or hot coffee, no matter what decision you make you will make both. Maybe not in one timeline but in another where you choose hot coffee the other chooses cold coffee. do you understand.
10/16/2013 7:39 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
Ok thats true. But the thing i want to do could be possible. But as i said before: parallel universes could be used to travel through time. And. If you want to know more about the past but dont want to that when something go's wrong the future changes you can choose to use an exact copy of our own universe. It looks difficult but if we can travel through time we also can find that copy. It doesnt matter if that copy changes because you can pick another at the next time.

With that the past problem is solved i think.

So it isnt possible and not a good idea to change things in the past because you dont know what the results are.
Jacob Rigoberto
10/16/2013 6:59 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
The Grandmother Paradox:
An mad scentist creates an wormhole and goes back in time to when his grandmother was an young woman. And murder her. But then she would never make the mad scentists mother, and he would not be born. Paradox.
10/16/2013 6:10 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
if time travel happened today

you cannot go back in time because time travel did not exist then which conflicts with the laws of time and the universe and creates a paradox you can only ever go forward in time or back to the day that time travel was invented
10/16/2013 6:20 am
Level 27 : Expert Mountaineer
toofgib's Avatar
that could be true
but if parallel universes exist, and use them for timetraveling you can choose the closest option that allready invented it in the past. then you can travel into the untill that point in time, that point could be as far back in time as you want.
10/16/2013 5:49 am
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
You can only go so far into the future before humans destroy this planet.
Planet Minecraft


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