Why do most people hate Pewdiepie?

AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW5/16/15 9:41 pm
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11/26/2016 7:20 pm
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
I have a question for all of you.

So Youtube, right?. It's a fantastic place to watch videos and make you laugh. Many people have different favorite youtubers (Mine is Rooster Teeth), but if there is always one Youtuber that has caused so much flame wars, it's Pewdiepie.

With 36.5 million subscribers (and rising quickly), there is no doubt that he is the most influential person on the internet, to date. But why do alot of people hate him?

I mean, sure, his humour is vulgar and childish, and some of his fanbase is beyond annoying, but most people ignore the good he does.

First, he gives indie games a chance in the spotlight. For example, On the day Pewdiepie played Flappy Bird (remember that game? xD), and posted the video, Flappy Bird's popularity skyrocketed.

But by far the best thing he's done is the charity work he's done.

Pewdiepie has had 2 charity's, his "Save the Children" and the "Water Campaign" charity.

In the Save the Children charity, to celebrate the fact he achieved 25 million subs, he set the charity up so that children can get access to school equipment, to food and blankets. According to his IndieGoGo kickstarter, he had helped 125 million children. At the end of the charity, he had $324,828.

In the Water Campaign, to celebrate the fact he got 10 million subs, he set up a charity to send clean water to towns who had no access to it. After the charity ended, he had $446,462.

So yeah.
Whenever I hear people raging at Pewdiepie, it annoys me that none of them do the research to see just how much he does for Youtube and even for people around the world.

And heck, personally, I enjoy watching his channel.

So, what do you think about Pewdiepie?
Posted by AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Forum Moderator
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai

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11/26/2016 7:20 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Welp, my own thread from a year ago got necroposted.

11/26/2016 5:32 pm
Level 48 : Master Blob
ABigFatTomato's Avatar
I don't think pewdiepie is a bad person, i just don't like the content he produces very much. I used to think he was great, but now i don't think he's funny. Then again, I like leafy's videos, so i might not be such a good person.
11/26/2016 5:27 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
KingQT's Avatar
lolol this thread, people comparing pewdiepie to hitler...
11/26/2016 4:45 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
TheBlackTII's Avatar
I used to like him back in 2014 or 2015. Nowadays his behavior is weird.
05/19/2015 8:45 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
Woodilicious's Avatar

Don't like his videos, personally, but I have nothing against him.
05/19/2015 12:20 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you
forgot about you's Avatar
So don't take rape jokes that seriously. Pewdiepie has indeed apologised. And if you still hate him, let me question you about this:
Why do YOU not hate Taylor Swift? She makes songs about 'love' all the time! But we don't judge her by that. We judge her by how she has helped our community, by setting up charities, raising funds, and helping children.

Dont take rape jokes seriously? My school is a big hit for rape victims, so hell yes I will take it seriously(ftr Im not one), and so will the victims. Yes, he apologizes, but yes, he still makes one reference to rape in at the minimum every video; Actually, a ton of people hate Taylor Swift for that reason. I dont know where youve been since 2012.

Ouch, am personally sorry to hear that bud.

You dont need to say sorry, its not your fault
05/19/2015 11:58 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
So don't take rape jokes that seriously. Pewdiepie has indeed apologised. And if you still hate him, let me question you about this:
Why do YOU not hate Taylor Swift? She makes songs about 'love' all the time! But we don't judge her by that. We judge her by how she has helped our community, by setting up charities, raising funds, and helping children.

Dont take rape jokes seriously? My school is a big hit for rape victims, so hell yes I will take it seriously(ftr Im not one), and so will the victims. Yes, he apologizes, but yes, he still makes one reference to rape in at the minimum every video; Actually, a ton of people hate Taylor Swift for that reason. I dont know where youve been since 2012.

Ouch, am personally sorry to hear that bud.
05/19/2015 11:34 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you
forgot about you's Avatar
So don't take rape jokes that seriously. Pewdiepie has indeed apologised. And if you still hate him, let me question you about this:
Why do YOU not hate Taylor Swift? She makes songs about 'love' all the time! But we don't judge her by that. We judge her by how she has helped our community, by setting up charities, raising funds, and helping children.

Dont take rape jokes seriously? My school is a big hit for rape victims, so hell yes I will take it seriously(ftr Im not one), and so will the victims. Yes, he apologizes, but yes, he still makes one reference to rape in at the minimum every video; Actually, a ton of people hate Taylor Swift for that reason. I dont know where youve been since 2012.
05/19/2015 11:25 am
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
zoecGxhbmV0bWluZWNyYWZ0's Avatar
Pewdiepie is ok, I mean I don't watch his videos as I find his jokes repetetive and usually inappropriate for kids, which is his fanbase. But he is better than some youtubers and does charity work so I guess he's ok as a person but I don't like his videos.
05/19/2015 10:23 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Toast
sigurd4's Avatar
as a person i quite like him. his jokes can sometimes be a bit over the top, repetitive, childish or inappropriate, however i myself don't get offended very easiliy, and i know not to take jokes seriously, so i am totally fine with his humor. the fact that he has charities is great, too. in fact i often enjoy his videos, though i have to say his humor has declined after time. he swears a lot too, though i don't care cause i swear a lot too and i don't even think about it. it's mostly just the the loud majority of his fans, those idolizing, immature pre-teens, that really annoy me. the state of the comment section in his videos has certainly improved after that period where he turned off the comments though.
05/19/2015 10:13 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
mj1999's Avatar
In my view he's just an idiot, I never watch a full video of his because in the first few minutes I've already had enough listening to him. It's good that he does charity and stuff, but he is by far not the best youtuber.

Plus he is just too immature and some of his videos are sick(not in the good term)
05/19/2015 10:06 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Cake
nemurihime72's Avatar
He... changed, over the years. He's not like before, and there is a significant difference in his old videos and now. IMO he's fine because I curse a lot too, but I somehow feel he changed. His commentary doesn't feel natural no more.
05/19/2015 2:22 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
I find his videos to be very annoying and unfunny. I heard he's a chill dude in real life, but that doesn't make his videos suck any less. His fanbase generally tends to be annoying as well, granted that's not really all his fault.
05/19/2015 2:08 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
NathanLithia's Avatar
I liked him back in the day but he's abit ehh for my entertainment nowdays, But long live pewdiepie even though he isnt my main source of entertainment anymore
05/19/2015 12:13 am
Level 48 : Master Architect
Anakiiin's Avatar
Not my type of YouTuber, as I prefer chill and relaxing commentary.
05/18/2015 11:46 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
As many have said many times throughout history about many people, "I don't hate the guy, I just hate his fans"
05/18/2015 10:27 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
Just because he does charity doesn't make him a good person all of a sudden. A lot of rich people use them as a tax right off, for their benefit, while making them look good.
Hitler even did charity work, so you can't use that to make a bad person look good.

Anyways, I dislike him because he's annoying, he just makes loud noises, and screams, and cusses loudly for cheap views by children. I guess if I haven't hit puberty years ago, and never matured, and still thought the word "poop" was funny, then maybe I would like him more.
05/18/2015 11:13 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Wow, I can't believe you made such a comparison. I don't even know how to respond to that. ._.
05/18/2015 11:25 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
datmoedoe's Avatar
Killer made an amazing point there. I personally think he is just irritating. I can get through about 5 minutes of his content, then I feel like I have lost too many brain cells to continue.
05/19/2015 12:13 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
Yeah, but comparing him to Hitler is a little too far.
05/19/2015 5:49 pm
Level 22 : Expert Crafter
Killertoad's Avatar
I didn't say "Pewdiepie is like Hitler". I said even Hitler did charity work, but yet he's not a good person, so why does charity work pewdiepie does make him good?
05/19/2015 6:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
Sorry, but I took it as you comparing Hitler to Pewds. I don't like Pewdiepie myself, as I prefer calmer commentary such as chuggaaconroy. He screams WAY too much.
05/18/2015 10:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
Entriquit_Long story-short.

He is like 30 and he acts like he is 12 to win over little children. Either pedophile or just can't grow up.

Basically, anyone entertaining children is a pedophile?
You mean Mario was after my booty this whole time!?
05/18/2015 9:22 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
Entriquit_'s Avatar
Long story-short.

He is like 30 and he acts like he is 12 to win over little children. -no-
05/18/2015 9:19 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
EnderCat17's Avatar
He cusses to much...like every 5 seconds
11/26/2016 5:30 pm
Level 48 : Master Blob
ABigFatTomato's Avatar
if you think peewdiepie cusses too much, go watch a leafyishere video. every video has about 1 f-word per sentence
05/18/2015 9:15 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump
Azie's Avatar
Any time anyone becomes famous and gains a fan-base, they also gain haters. I'm sort of on the middle ground on this one. I don't usually watch his stuff since the screaming isn't really my thing... I generally prefer content creators who present a more even energy level. I've seen him do a bunch of charity stuff too, but that doesn't always speak true of a person's true level of generosity. Not my thing, but a lot of people like him and his posts, so whatever.
05/18/2015 9:21 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dudamesh's Avatar
He is good. all that Charities and stuff. But I don't like watching his videos.

Main Reason:
He's too noisy and chatty for me
05/18/2015 8:32 am
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
TheBlackTII's Avatar
Personally I don't think PewDiePie sucks.
05/18/2015 8:25 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
Who is Pewdiepie?
05/18/2015 8:54 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Sarcastic comment is sarcastic.
05/18/2015 8:59 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you
forgot about you's Avatar
Just because he is the single most popular youtuber ever doesnt mean that someone hasnt heard of him. /s
05/18/2015 9:06 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I know, I'm just making a bad joke. xD
05/18/2015 9:29 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
Yes, because Googling it is just too darn mainstream.
Some people..

Anyways, I like his newer videos. I definitely did not like him and his earlier channel (maybe like 2013-2014?).

Also, the fan base. Bleh. Reminiscent of TobyGames, and TobyGames is going down a 90 degree cliff with no parachute.

As for Pewdiepie, I don't watch him too much anymore. I really just watch people like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and a few others.
Heck, I really don't go on Youtube for anything other than BF4 videos anymore..
05/18/2015 8:21 am
Level 49 : Master Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
I don't hate people, I could never hate people. It's just the fact that people find the screaming interesting.
Everyone is free to like whatever they like, but the fanbase the guy has is just...I don't even know where to begin.
05/18/2015 7:04 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cowboy
Jex_Infinite's Avatar
It doesn't matter how kind of a person he is. It doesn't matter how much he's given to help others. None of that matters. Only the quality of his content, which I find to be low.

It's not enjoyable to watch.
05/18/2015 6:59 am
Level 35 : Artisan Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
because his videos are full of sexual toilet and discriminatory humour

his fanbase are like the most annoying people on earth
05/18/2015 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Network
Perthy's Avatar
I used to like him, but his vulgar state on his videos is too much so I had to stop there. I'm glad his influence to his fanbase can help and raise many charities, kudos to him!
05/16/2015 11:25 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
monte carino
monte carino's Avatar
Well, many people will disagree with all the haters. I'd say most people like him (who know him). Why else would he be the most popular on Youtube? I have seen a few of his videos and they were all funny
05/16/2015 11:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tauceti's Avatar
I think the videos are obnoxious and the name really irritates me.
05/16/2015 11:06 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
AnimeFanFTWWith 36.5 million subscribers (and rising quickly), there is no doubt that he is the most influential person on the internet, to date

even that level of popularity doesn"t automatically make him influential
influential means you have an influence on people that changes their actions, not that you give them something they already like to consume and would from someone else if you didn"t do it
pewdiepie is just the most popular of a huge number of people uploading gameplay with comments. he wasn"t the first, and if he weren"t there lots of others would still be doing pretty much the same anyways, just with less viewers each, which the viewers pewdiepie has now would be watching as well, but spread out on those other channels
you could even say pewdiepie is, relative to his audience size, the least influential youtuber out there

Mind blown. xD
05/16/2015 11:04 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
OfficiallBlox's Avatar
I think mostly because he's too popular & people feel as if they shouldn't be mainstream.
05/16/2015 11:02 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
i have not watched anything of his...
05/16/2015 10:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Henry_Jekyll's Avatar
Overall, the charities are the only good things about him. Even then, he didn't actually donate too much of his personal money. Almost all of it he just indirectly raised his fan's money by advertizing on his videos, which any popular youtuber could do.
05/16/2015 10:57 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
illdeletethis's Avatar
AnimeFanFTWWith 36.5 million subscribers (and rising quickly), there is no doubt that he is the most influential person on the internet, to date

even that level of popularity doesn"t automatically make him influential
influential means you have an influence on people that changes their actions, not that you give them something they already like to consume and would from someone else if you didn"t do it
pewdiepie is just the most popular of a huge number of people uploading gameplay with comments. he wasn"t the first, and if he weren"t there lots of others would still be doing pretty much the same anyways, just with less viewers each, which the viewers pewdiepie has now would be watching as well, but spread out on those other channels
you could even say pewdiepie is, relative to his audience size, the least influential youtuber out there
05/16/2015 10:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
I used to watch him all the time, but not anymore, he just... stopped being funny, I guess (imo)
I agree with everything AnimeFan said also x3
05/16/2015 10:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Robot
HannahLikesCats's Avatar
This pretty much sums up my reason why I don't like PewDiePie.
05/16/2015 10:52 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
All that blog proved was that his jokes are vulgar (which we already knew), some of his fans are stalker-material, and that this guy didn't do his research about his charities.
05/18/2015 8:18 am
Level 44 : Master Robot
HannahLikesCats's Avatar
I'm not going to attempt to argue anymore, but donating to charities ≠ being a good person.
05/16/2015 10:32 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
DeathSorcerer508's Avatar
Pewdiepie is a horrible youtuber with horrible content. He screams into the camera, and his fanbase is full of half-assed 10 year olds who see him as an idol for unknown reasons.
05/16/2015 10:31 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Farmer
Lex The Gallade
Lex The Gallade's Avatar
Amnesia days were good. And then he started being controversial again.playing rubbish like goat/grass sim, and trying too hard to be funny, and acting really weird, including promoting MLG parodies and trying to fit in with the latest trends. It's like a male facebook girl was introduced to youtube.
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