Why Do We Treat The Homeless Badly?

randomteddys500's Avatar randomteddys50010/25/15 11:06 am
10/26/2015 2:10 pm
_Equinox_'s Avatar _Equinox_
im not saying everybody does. But this disrespect is almost apart of our culture, in video games, movies, and i have seen it happen way to much

im not saying you should treat them amazingly (well you should help out here and there) but at least don't treat them like a lower life form.
Posted by randomteddys500's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Miner

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10/25/2015 4:33 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
_Equinox_'s Avatar
This is really long, sorry! You could say I'm pretty passionate about people getting fair treatment, I suppose.

To begin with, people (generally) are so inconsiderate to others and wound up in their own busy little lives that they probably don't pay people with less than them a single thought.

I mean, look at London. One of the most famous, most expensive, most historically rich places in the world. Yet London, this one city out of the rest of England, accounts for 27% of all rough sleepers in England. In just one city.

Also, in Europe, there's a huge crisis with regards to Syrian refugees at the moment. They've got nowhere to go; they can't go back to their own country for fear of persecution or even getting killed. But of course, some countries see these homeless refugees as a "burden to their country's well-being" or whatever so they even use military force and tactics (such as tear gas) to stop desperate human beings from entering their country. From wanting to start a new life, a safe life where they can live without constant fear.

If every country helped to pitch in and help these people, either through helping to house these Syrians or even something as simple as donations for basic supplies, then maybe this situation would clear.

On a more local level, such as homelessness in your neighbourhoods or towns, people should be more willing to have an open attitude towards the homeless. Even something as simple as saying hello as you walk by can really make a difference to someone, I think. Makes them feel like somebody cares.

What if people were more generous nowadays? What if people treated others as they would want to be treated? If only.

Humanity's changing for the worse in my opinion.
Doesn't have to be that way, though - the fault lies with those who aren't helping.


wow. That was deep.
10/26/2015 5:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Well about Europé, it's simply tio many refugees. My country Finland has barely takeen in 14000 or that's what we have agreed to atleast we have not even taken them all in before they have to sleep in tents because There is simply nowhere for them to go. Hungary as än example received so much it just broke the system, also the thing that we kinda obviously want to help, but we don't want hundreds of thousands of refugees with an entirely different culture into European countries. In Finland for example the refugees had rebelled because they "Didn't get good food", this sparked a lot of hate for refugees. So to sum this up the refugees are just culturally different and hard to integrate.

Humans have always been,the rich and the poor. Nothing has really changed aside from that there are less homeless now.
10/26/2015 2:10 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
_Equinox_'s Avatar
Germany have accepted over 800,000 refugees and their economic situation seems to be fairly fine to me. Turkey has taken in 4 million and they're okay with that.

As humans, it's out duty to look out for each other. Put yourself in the place of a refugee. You'd want another country to accept you, right? And although their culture may be different to our " Western civilisation", we should be more accepting of their culture, just as the majority of those refugees are willing to accept our cultures too. 99% of those refugees are rebelling because it's a life or death situation, not because they hate us. There is enough space to house refugees, either permanently or temporarily until the conflict is over, but all the talks saying that there's not enough room or resources is rubbish.

As a kid, I was brought up by many rules - one of which is: "sharing is caring." And also: "Treat others how you wish to be treated." Because at the end of the day...

...we're all human.
10/25/2015 4:15 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Because in most cases it doesn't really do enough of a difference, they will not get a job if you give them $5. Fixes nothing, and often they are actually alcoholists and drug addicts (quite a large reason why people become homeless in the first place). They also don't look for a job either, maybe they did but now they are not. I think we need to help people, but giving money to homeless people is just supporting many peoples alcoholism, while giving some food is a whole other story.
10/25/2015 3:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Nix's Avatar
People are heartless have no souls. My guess is because they are one of the lower classes of humans and everyone else think they are better then them when they and we are not. Should also be asking why we treat each other poorly because none of it is okay what so ever.
10/25/2015 3:38 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
We give homeless people chances (job and money)! but they are gonna buy alhochol.
10/25/2015 4:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Han Solo
Han Solo's Avatar
Please, if we gave homeless people jobs they wouldn't be homeless. And if you gave a homeless person money some of them wouldn't buy alcohol if we did give them money. Also some people that are homeless aren't really homeless, they just pretend to be, witch is why I only give to charity.
10/25/2015 11:27 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1279828's Avatar
10/25/2015 11:50 am
Level 28 : Expert Miner
randomteddys500's Avatar
You have a point but 1. there can be many reasons they dident complete school :/
and 2. homeless people doing drugs is kinda a stereotype a study a few years back show that 90% would actually use it for there needs aka food etc
10/25/2015 11:19 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
LetsGoTrippin's Avatar
This actually reminds me of the most recent South Park episode.

Randy Marsh (my fav character and my profile pic) goes to the supermarket, and at the checkout, he is asked if he wants to donate money to charity. He declines. A few days later, Randy goes to the supermarket again, and he is asked to donate again. He says:

"I'd like to, but I'm not spending an extra [insert random amount of American Dollars here] for charity every day."

So, out of personal opinion, I think many would like to donate to charity, but few have the commitment and the money to give five, ten or even one dollar(s) everyday to the homeless.
10/25/2015 11:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
LilyXD_'s Avatar
I think its because, people genuinely don't care, for example, if somebody was to walk past and see a homeless man, they would most likely, say i'm not going to give my hard worked money to a homeless man, who most likely is going to buy drugs, but that is a stereotype, not all homeless men, are crack addicts etc. but then again.. people don't know what its like unless they actually experience it.. like... some homeless people try to commit crimes just to go to jail and get food.. whats really sad... Basically all i'm trying to say is that... everybody is equal and should be treated the same, homeless or minted,
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