YOUR Scariest Ghost Story [Can be fake]

ABlockInPlace's Avatar ABlockInPlace8/3/13 11:40 pm
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12/8/2013 10:32 am
Giggimish's Avatar Giggimish
Hello, 91300536 here. Post your scariest ghost story you know. Can be real or fake but tell which it is.

I cant wait to read the stories
Posted by ABlockInPlace's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Architect

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12/08/2013 10:32 am
Level 40 : Master Artist
Giggimish's Avatar
Topic locked; topic was dead for 3+ months, necroposting isn't allowed.
12/08/2013 5:23 am
Level 42 : Master uwu
Woodstockk's Avatar
A ghost ate my homework.
12/08/2013 3:54 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Lumberjack
WelcomeToAmania's Avatar
I have a story and its scary because it's a true one.

Once upon a time, a girl named Amania came home from a long day of school work. Just as she was about to open her bedroom door, she heard a sound come from within. After a few moments of pondering, she finally figured out what the sound was. It sound like A giant fan was turned on. Finally, she mustered up the courage to open her door. What see saw could never, EVER, be unseen.
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She saw, FragDollPrettyRibbonLittleGirl05.

12/08/2013 1:41 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
nricker12's Avatar
One day, I was eating skittles inside of my closet, and then I heard what sounded like a horse walking in my hallway. I opened up my closet, then walked into the hallway. To my surprise, there was nothing there. I ran down my elevator into the kitchen. I grabbed some apple juice and then jumped through a portal that lead to the spirit horse world. It was crazy because there where ghosts of unicorns and horses. I screamed, then woke up. It was only a dream. I laid back down, and started to fall asleep, until I heard the clippity clop of a horse's hooves...
12/08/2013 1:31 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
i saw a ghost the end
12/08/2013 12:51 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Platydroid's Avatar
mine is real and recent i will tell you tomorrow i am sleepy
12/08/2013 12:49 am
Level 22 : Expert Caveman
Caveman_Dave's Avatar
I live near an old abandoned mental asylum. I can literally walk to it in 10 minutes. One night, around 5 of my good friends and I decided to get a bit ballsy and spend the night. We brought flashlights, some walkie-talkies, a bag of chips, and some alcohol. And our sanity.

We entered the building when the sun was still decently high in the sky. Plenty of light outside. We crawled in through a hole in the concrete wall by the boiler room and proceeded to make our way to the holding cells. There, the place had an air of death, as if carcasses still rotted somewhere in the crumbling ruins. Everything instantly got darker, so we all clicked on our flashlights.

We decided to explore a bit. Splitting up, we sent two people to each floor, and one person per floor to a sector. Everyone reported in any unusual findings. There weren't many disturbing sights. The first was when my friend Ken discovered a dismembered cow. We wrote this off as some dropouts pranking people like us. Then another friend named Paul said that he saw a cat darting about in the shadows. After that, I discovered a room where the wall was busted out. I peered out and saw the moon about a quarter of the way into the sky. "Eight hours left, guys," I reported.

Not two minutes later, Ken began to scream. We all rushed to the East sector of the second floor. Also on the second floor, I got there first to see Ken crying in the fetal position. The cell closest to him held a skinless woman with smoke for eyes. As she breathed, droplets of blood passed through her rotten teeth. The walls of her cell were painted upon with, presumably, her blood. One wall was covered in crosses, another in pentagrams, and the ceiling was a jumble of eyes. The back wall, however, contained an image that still haunts me to this day. I believe that it was the devil. He was not the stereotypical red guy with horns and flaming hair and a pointy tail. He was not the powerless hallucination that appeared on people's shoulders in cartoons to argue with the angel on the other shoulder.

He was just this black haze with two piercingly intense red eyes emanating from somewhere within. This black was not like the darkness you experience after waking up in the middle of the night to go pee. This black was simply the absence of everything. No soul, no matter, no energy, no sound, no existence.

By the time I had processed all of this, my other four friends had gotten to the location that Ken and I were. A few of them oohed and aahed, and one just stood there like me. Ken wept on.

Josh cracked open a beer and downed it. And another. And another. And another. I stopped him before he could open his fifth. "Dude, like, eat a butt," he said, slurring his words. "Chill out and have some fun! Here watch this, man." He approached the cell with the woman, opened another beer, and splashed her with it.

Instant combustion. Earsplitting screeching. She ran around helplessly in her cell while we all stared. Little did we know that Ken was also burning. We couldn't hear him over the woman.

By the time she stopped screaming, Ken was dead. All that was left was a pile of ash and a puddle of melted plastic and batteries.

That was about the time that Josh collapsed. He had just splashed the last of his beer on the woman. I turned around to see Josh falling, and I hurried to try to catch him. But I never even moved. Paul held me back. I punched him in the nose. "I know Josh isn't your favorite person in the world, but he'd let me save you, you ******!" I turned back to see Josh in the arms of the woman. She had caught him. She pulled him into her cell, through the bars. There was not much space between the bars on the door, but Josh went straight through.

She threw his body into the walls. First the wall with the crosses. Then the wall with the pentagrams. Then the wall with the devil.

Josh ceased to exist.

She screamed.

We ran.

Nobody told anyone what happened. Paul and I are okay, except for his crooked nose. Ken and Josh are obviously dead. As for Ryan and Dirk....

They were diagnosed with PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, paranoia, and disambiguation (complete mental insanity). They ramble on about visions of the devil, and have explained to me his every detail. An exact match to what I saw that night. They see Josh and Ken sometimes. They claim that Josh still stumbles around drunk. Dirk in particular. He was close to Josh. After all, he was his twin brother.

When I sleep, I do not dream. I see nothing. I feel nothing. I hear nothing. I am nothing. Nothing but eternal.
08/14/2013 9:15 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
91300536Hello, 91300536 here. Post your scariest ghost story you know. Can be real or fake but tell which it is.

I cant wait to read the stories
08/13/2013 11:02 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
08/12/2013 11:43 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
08/09/2013 8:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
readhaspenguins's Avatar
there once was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died.

the end.
08/10/2013 6:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Farmer
fuckdom's Avatar
08/09/2013 8:02 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
progamingkilz's Avatar
i was hiding and a cat like meow
and then cats
then more cats
then llamas came and ate me and i was like omg and then the fart are cats and then a minoino was potato and then cats
08/09/2013 6:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
tatrafon's Avatar
91300536Hello, 91300536 here. Post your scariest ghost story you know. Can be real or fake but tell which it is.

I cant wait to read the stories

This is my Ghost Story. Beware, it's kinda long. It's not real, by the way. Enjoy!

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There was once a little girl who lived in a shack next to a forest with her parents. He went in the forest every day either looking for small animals, or playing hide and seek. So one day she decided she was hot and she wanted to go swimming in the lake in the forest, so she put on her bathing suit and there she went. When she got back home, her parents were gone...the only evidence of their disappearence was blood stains on the floor. The girl was shaking bad. She went all around the shack, looking everywhere for her parents, but they just weren't anywhere. So it was getting dark, so she went to bed at sometime around 9:00. That one night, when she was sleeping, she woke up, standing in her room at nighttime, in her little shack. She looked at her little digital alarm clock, and she saw that it was 2:00 in the morning. There was a flashlight next to it, so the little girl picked it up, wondering where it came from. But that was not part of her worries a few seconds later, because she saw, out her window, some extremely tall figure in the forest by her shack. When she looked at it, it hurt her eyes bad. She just blinked and rubbed her eyes for a little bit, and looked out her window to see what it was...but it was gone. She thought it was just her imagination and her eye pain was just coincidental, so she just went in her parents' room, seeing if they were there...they were still gone. So she was just curious about that figure she saw, so she just climbed up the fence seperating her shack and the forest, and went looking for this mysterious entity. She eventually came across a HUGE tree (it wasn't there before), and saw some page on it. There were writings on it. They were in very bad handwriting, but she managed to read it. It said, "Always watches, no eyes." After she read that page and put it in her pocket, she saw the figure again, but this time, she managed to see what it was...a very tall, pale, bald man in a suit...along with some static in her eyes. She blinked again, as she did before, and ran away, trying to find her way out...but found more and more pages and the man more and more times. And so Slender: The 8 Pages was born.

I hope you liked it! It was based off the Slender Man, by the way...he is scarier then anything, you should look up pictures of him.
08/09/2013 6:45 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
CreeperSoul23's Avatar
My nightmare: so, it's a dark place. There is a girl saying: please play with me... Please... Please..
ICANNOT CONTINUE I MIGHT GET THIS NIGHTMARE AGAIN T_T. I had to sing barny to think happy thoughts...
08/09/2013 6:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Pony
bloodie's Avatar
so scary youll crap your pants
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08/09/2013 6:39 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Mememe41's Avatar
08/09/2013 6:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
StarmanOfPacmen's Avatar
"Circle You, Circle You"
This is a real event in history but the ghost story part may not be.

The Nazis were in Japan testing for the key to immortality. They used Japanese children for the tests since it would be too expensive to ship people hated by the Nazis all the way to Japan. The scientists would take children every day and inject substance into the children. Some children died of the substances while others survived the injection. The children were then taken into a room and were killed in some violent matter. Some of the lethal injuries were decapitations, dismemberment, skull fractures, and gunshot wounds. Those not taken that particular day played an old Japanese game called Circle You Circle You. In one version of the game a person would stand in the middle and close their eyes. The children would then circle the one in the middle. After a certain time the one in the middle would have to guess who was standing behind them. The one in the middle won if they guessed correctly. Another variation was where the children would circle the one in the middle and try to get the one in the center to flinch. The one in the middle won if they didn't flinch. 1945 came and the Nazis fled Japan to escape the Americans. They destroyed all evidence of the tests and went back to Germany. Now here is the ghost story part.

Apparently the building the tests happened in looks run down on the outside but the inside looks brand new. Any unfortunate souls who go down the hallway and open the door at the end they will see children looking back at them from inside. If you go in they will close the door behind you and ask to play with them. Decline and they will kill you. How? Since no one has survived declining the offer to play, no one knows. If you accept then they come out and play Circle You Circle You. Turns out the Nazis succeeded in achieving immortality. Some of the children are immortal while others are some of the spirits of those killed by the experiments. Note- The children who are immortal still have their wounds but hide them when someone walks in. You are the first to play in the middle. If you lose the game then the world really does end, for you anyways. If you win then you get to leave.

Another story of the same incident is a Nazi soldier got married to a Japanese woman and stayed in Japan with her. She died a few years later. Many decades later the man awoke and went out of his room. Standing in front of the door was a little girl with red hair. (This is weird since most people in Japan have black or brown hair.) When asked who she was there was no response. No matter how many times he got rid of her she reappeared later. He asked some people in town about her and they told him that the last person like that died in the experiments and her parent had also died. Looking back the man actually did remember this girl. Turns out he was the one who killed her. To this day the little girl watches his every move and never lets him out of her site...

Watch this in another tab! http://youtu.be/wbHZ6uWeR3U

Hope you enjoyed both this story and the video!
08/09/2013 5:57 pm
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
I'm an atheist.

Ghosts don't exist, what's scary is that people believe they do.
08/09/2013 6:24 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
StarmanOfPacmen's Avatar
Yes but it's fun to read stories about them!
08/09/2013 5:52 pm
Level 49 : Master Blob
icedragon926's Avatar
Here is the scariest story ever!

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There once was a witch. She farted. Then she died.
Shider Paper
08/09/2013 5:49 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Shider Paper's Avatar
I have one from Skyrim, but it's not child friendly.
08/09/2013 5:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
HeroCC's Avatar
Th minecraft login servers were down...

I still remember... *shiver*
08/09/2013 5:46 pm
Level 25 : Expert Unicorn
madisonjack01's Avatar
That day I think my spine fell out O_O
08/09/2013 5:41 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pirate
Eclipse_Assassin's Avatar
Slenderman..... 'nuff said.
08/09/2013 2:37 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
nricker12's Avatar
thare waz a gost n he waz lik B0OoO!!!!1111!one!1 n then iwaz lik ahhh##Hhh!!!111!! that waz supr scery!11!!one!!1
08/09/2013 2:31 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
CreeperSoul23's Avatar
SDJlegionSnipped for being ew[

08/09/2013 2:28 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
BreakfastPizza's Avatar
[Snipped for being ew]
08/09/2013 2:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
IamLed's Avatar
My House Thats the story of a ghost
08/09/2013 2:18 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
nyanekomimi's Avatar
Who names their cat SwagYolo?
08/09/2013 2:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
MinecraftGirlsClub's Avatar
(and yes, its fake)
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There once was a girl named Josephine. She had just suffered suicidal thoughts because her best friend and pet, Fuzzie, had just died. she then got a dumpster cat and named him SwagYolo. Swagyolo meant Everything to her. he eventually was shot by Josephine's neighbors. then suddenly she realized something. her neighbors were Dead! she then thought and thought and thought. and then, there stood over her, a cloud of black dust with sharp, blooded teeth. then he whispered, " dont be scared. we only kill them....humanicaly." then he tore Josephine in half. THE END
08/09/2013 2:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
CreeperSoul23's Avatar
I smiled.
I Cryed.
I saw this post.
08/09/2013 2:15 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
CreeperSoul23's Avatar
Lol that's what I did yesterday, I was afraid that I couldn't sleep because the day before yesterday I had a nightmare....
08/09/2013 2:14 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
nyanekomimi's Avatar
Creepy, isn't it? The human mind has no limits, but we can break the ones we set for ourselves.
08/09/2013 2:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
nyanekomimi's Avatar
A father went to tuck in his son for the night.
"could you check under my bed for monsters?"
To humor him he looked under the bed. He saw the same son that was there before, but under the bed.
"daddy, there's something on my bed"
08/09/2013 2:03 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
91300536Hello, 91300536 here. Post your scariest ghost story you know. Can be real or fake but tell which it is.

I cant wait to read the stories
08/07/2013 12:39 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
My mom was home alone, she was laying down in her bed after dropping me off to school. When she felt a pressure on the other side of the bed, as if someone was laying there. Before we moved here, my great-grandmother died in the same room my mom was in.

She goes on to her phone, and accidently took a photo. There is a giant shadow with a claw like hand, and it's to tall to be a person or shirt. Next to the bed. (She took the photo when the thing was gone) It is obviously not a human or object.

We see shadows in the mirrors a lot.
08/07/2013 12:35 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
08/05/2013 11:21 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
Here's my ghost story.

08/10/2013 5:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
Nobody thinks this is scary?
08/05/2013 12:44 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
Malaionus's Avatar
Once upon a time... I ate a lawnmower.
08/05/2013 11:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Miner_fame's Avatar
what nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and is my skin done yet
08/09/2013 5:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
Malaionus's Avatar
I will work on it now. (I didn't see this until today, sorry).
08/05/2013 12:38 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
GG50's Avatar
Cooperrw4everA lot of stuff

That's a mighty fine wall of you text you got there, that in itself is what scares me.
08/05/2013 12:37 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Hunter
RaewCZ's Avatar
I was researching Tumbleweed and recorded this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4GTlj6QQCU
08/05/2013 12:34 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
BUHU's Avatar
This one was scary. Truly real!

I was in the woods next to the neighborhood with friends with our Ipods using Ghost Radar Legacy, Ghost Radar Classic, and Ghost Sonar. It was Halloween anyway but we had visited every single house. We had about two spare hours so we went to investigate the forest and creep ourselves out. Little did we know we'd be peeing our pants. LITERALLY! Anyway, half an hour in the forest and we couldn't see the road or any houses except the one on the right side of the road with the old wagon. It was a semi-rich woman(Like maybe had 30 bucks an hour). She was frequently robbed when on a vacation. Lucky for us we only left our van unlocked once and found a mini TV stolen. Anyway, we were in the woods when suddenly all the radars got huge amounts of yellow dots(poltergeists), red dots(demons), and green dots(ghosts). There were no blue dots(angels/fairies), and we were yet to find a white dot(god) which I have seen only once before. Then suddenly the radars spitted out the words on top and we held the tablets and iPods together and we read the words across... Prepare, Ready, Go, Die and suddenly all the dots got closer then I turned on the flashlight and they all disappeared. I turned around to tell the others a piece of my mind. Toby was gone. "Uh... Guys? Where did Toby go?" "What do you mean- OH CRAP! WHERE DID HE GO?" So me, Aiden, Devin, Carter, and Aaron calmed down a bit and headed to the rich woman's house. We visited her often but today she was at a Halloween party with the adults. Suddenly on our way there we heard a shattering of glass and a man in red that was glowing burst out and ran in the opposite direction and he had a club in his hand. I didn't see any money, and he looked disappointed. Hahahaha!! That was funny! He didn't get any booty! But the glowing red scared us. When he disappeared we headed in the house. Lights were flickering and the toilet kept flushing nonstop. Suddenly we found Toby's iPod on the floor with red dots all around the house on the radar. Same with ours. Suddenly, a swarm of blue dots appeared going toward each red dot and suddenly a WHITE DOT was leading them! Then we held our iPods up in order again and the words read, You, were, lucky, bye.
Then the blue swarm and the white dot were following us and they kept destroying red dots. When we got out of the forest I realized we had all pee'd our pants. The swarm disappeared and we raced home and told Toby's parents about how he disappeared. They said he was in his room. When we went in his room his eyes were wide and he was rocking in the bed slowly. We asked what had happened and he responded simply, "Them." "Who?" "Them." He never went out on a Halloween night again. Eventually I started seeing glowing lights outside my window every time I looked out them. Aiden was playing with Devin and suddenly the glowing yellow dots all grouped up over Devin and it sucked him up. After a few minutes it spat him down and he was terrified. We asked who did it, and he responded, "Them. The dots. The aliens. The horrors. Never again..." We all pee'd our pants again. We all rushed inside, turned on all the lights, and then we got our most powerful flashlights and I used my siren coach thingy and yelled through it to the neighborhood with siren on at max volume, "EVERYONE INSIDE! 'THEM' ARE COMING! RUN!" It actually worked. If you were in Florida, Crestview, Lee Farm on Halloween 2011, and you heard someone saying that, it was me.

They are coming. Avoid the yellow floating dots on Halloween. Beware of THEM!
08/05/2013 12:34 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blacksmith
Cyndus's Avatar
My story:

One day I was reading a deadpool comic and then it disapeared. And then I had no peanuts.
And then hyper-realistic blood flooded out of the walls.

08/05/2013 12:27 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
GG50's Avatar
My story.

It was dark.

The End.
08/05/2013 11:54 am
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
ABlockInPlace's Avatar
08/04/2013 10:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Smasher277's Avatar
This one I wrote myself. Its a Slender Man story.
Sorry, there may be a few mistakes.
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Amie wandered into the dusk woods alone.

She needed time to collect her thoughts. This was the fourth relationship that had ended in disaster.

They all had seemed like nice men. But give them some time and they would reveal their true identity. They were monsters.

Amie sat against her favorite tree. Its branches were long and low. It was the perfect climbing tree. But today she didn’t feel like climbing.

She rested her head against her knees and began to cry.

It was like no one loved her, as if the whole world hated her.

Nothing seemed real anymore. Everything she had known to be truth was now a lie.

The world felt to her like a web of lies and she was caught right in the middle. She was the prey and everyone else was the spider.

Everyone seemed so happy with their lives. Everything was perfect for them.

It was like the world was a videogame. Everyone but her knew how to play.

Imagine being trapped in a game where you don’t understand the rules, clumsily trying to understand how to make it through. But you can’t, you can’t progress.

That is how Amie felt. In fact life could be so closely compared to a game that she wondered if that’s all it really was.

Amie suddenly felt tired. She needed to rest. Sleep was calling to her.

Her last thoughts before entering into the dark were: If this is a game, I won’t play.

Her dream was strange. She was floating across a land scape of rolling hills. In the distance were mountains. She needed to get to them but there were two glass walls blocking her path.

As she floated toward the first she reached out and pushed it. It ripped like fabric. Then she was at the next wall. She tried to rip through it but it was not as easy as the first.

Something wanted her to stay away. Flashes of purple flew across her vision. She refused to wake up. Then she was through. She was on the other side heading toward the mountains. She was free.

Amie awoke in a room filled with thousands of beds. Each held a sleeping person, wires trailing from their heads into a massive glowing pillar in the center of the room.
She sat up and ripped the wires off her head. She noticed a few empty beds. Only about one-hundred.

One-hundred out of over seven-billion people awake from the game of life, and she was one of them.

She could see herself back in the game, back in the midnight woods of Mississippi.
She was just an empty template for a character now: Faceless, colorless, genderless. She wore a default uniform – a black tuxedo. She was unnaturally tall and very Slender.

But the game didn’t matter anymore. Amie was now free.

Before she left she gave her template a message: "The world hated me, so I will hate it. You will Haunt them, make them scared to even look at you, show them no mercy.
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