Best way to protect item frames?

PotatosNGravy's Avatar PotatosNGravy3/11/14 4:53 pm
1 emeralds 1.6k 5
3/13/2014 12:46 am
ssSkillzzz's Avatar ssSkillzzz
Whats the easiest way to protect item frames?

I know some people place like glass panes, but there's gotta be a better and or easier way. I've seen servers with item frames so I know its possible I just don't know how.
Posted by PotatosNGravy's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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03/13/2014 12:46 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
ssSkillzzz's Avatar
If the build flag is false it will protect the frame itself, but will NOT protect the item in the frame. World Guard doesn't protect the items in the frame at all.
03/12/2014 11:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
ssSkillzzz's Avatar
Actually, world guard will NOT protect your item frames. Though you DO need it. You need to get a plugin like "safeframes" http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/safeframes/ and once you put it in your plugins folder and restart, then just define a region with worldguard, no flags needed and it should protect them. Otherwise if you do not have that plugin, people can take items from the frames, no matter what flags you set.
03/11/2014 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fruity_Apples's Avatar
If you get a plugin called world guard you should be able to protect them. To get the world guard plugin to work you will also need world edit.
03/12/2014 11:25 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
PotatosNGravy's Avatar
I dont know what flag to use for it. I cant find it on google
03/12/2014 11:48 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
If the build flag is false (that's the default), then any non-owner and non-member of a region can't screw with item frames. I just tried this in my server.

Also, do you mean protect as in making sure items cannot be taken from the frame, or ensuring the frame itself is not nuked? I think what I said above protects both.
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