Constant 0 fps, lag spikes. 100% memory [fixed]

HealthMagazine's Avatar HealthMagazine12/26/16 9:18 pm
1 emeralds 3.8k 3
12/26/2016 10:40 pm
HealthMagazine's Avatar HealthMagazine
Someone please help. My mc keeps dropping to 0 fps from about 250 (lag spikes) and it freezes for like 4-5 seconds, making the game kind of unplayable (it happens like 5-6 times per minute). This even happens in Single Player so it isn't ping or anything like that... (My Wifi is also very good)
What i tried to do to fix:
* Restart PC
* Redownload Optifine
* Reinstall MC
* Turn on and off VBOs (tried both ways) (used to lag spike too but i turned off VBO and it helped, but now it isnt doing anything)
* Update Nvidia driver and GeForce
* Using different MC versions
* Updated Java
* Allocated 7 GB to MC
* Tried using Intel to see if it was nvidia's problem, but it also froze on Intel
Specs: Nvidia 770m, 16gb ram, i7 @2.40 GHz, 64 bit, Java 8 update 11
(Yes I use Nvidia as the graphics card to play MC in, not intel)
Posted by HealthMagazine's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/26/2016 10:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HealthMagazine's Avatar
NVM i got it, I by mistake made both 128M to 7GB, the second M has to stay 128M or the memory will fill up to 100% and then freeze, and reset, and then fill up again and freeze. http://prntscr.com/doattz basically just did this and it fixed it. TYSM though!
12/26/2016 9:53 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
CaptainEvstike's Avatar
Try getting a different graphics drive, wait 250 fps??? The most I have had is 70.
12/26/2016 10:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HealthMagazine's Avatar
What do you mean by a different graphics drive? Do you mean Driver? I already tried updating the driver, it didnt help. And Yes I get about 250 FPS
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