
Paradenical's Avatar Paradenical8/14/19 6:53 pm
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8/15/2019 3:31 am
Whomsky's Avatar Whomsky
how do you download a world in java edition
Posted by Paradenical's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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08/15/2019 3:31 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Whomsky's Avatar

To download a world you can visit https://www.planetminecraft.com/resources/projects/ , then choose a world you like and click the "Download" button indicated by the red box:

After you have downloaded your world it will come as a .zip or .rar archive. You can open a .zip archive by double clicking it. If it's a .rar archive you can download a archive program like 7zip or WinRAR and open it with the program.

You should see a folder with the world name in the .zip, just drag that folder on to your desktop.

Now press the Windows and R key at the same time. A "run" box will appear.

Type "%appdata%/.minecraft/saves" (without the quotation marks) and hit enter. Now a "saves" folder should open.

Once you're in that folder, just drag the world from your desktop to the saves folder and choose the world in-game.


-If you dont see the world in the world select screen, try restarting your game.

-The folder should contain files like "level.dat". If your world folder doesnt, it might not be unpacked correctly - Just open the folders until you find a level.dat file


With kind regards,

Richard @Whomsky
Planet Minecraft


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