Need a build team for a Minecraft Fallout Server

SyncCraftServer's Avatar SyncCraftServer11/10/12 1:55 pm
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11/26/2012 6:26 pm
MrPuzzless's Avatar MrPuzzless
im looking to create a fallout style server for minecraft that would be complete RPG with tons of fallout elements.

There would be custom named bows (Guns) along with a scorched landscape and thousands of ruined cities and structures.

RPG elements such as quests, events, and npc's.

Factions would run the land, taking over ruined cities and Raiding them

Random loot around the map for gathering supplies.

Radiation would be something to watch out for, as you will slowly take damage when not wearing protective armor or while swimming in radiated water.

We would need a dedicated staff for this server to make it all work, here is what i need.

3-6 Map/terrain Builders
For building the fallout inspired terrain and buildings

1 Leader builder
For managing the other builders

1-2 texture pack artists
To make a fallout inspired texture for this server( If we cant find anyone ill just take an existing one)

Map builders-
Example of previous work
A basic knowledge of fallout style builds
Take a build test on my server
Able to use Worldedit/Voxel sniper

Head map builder-
All of map builder requirements
At least 13 or older
A portfolio of previous builds(At least 3-4 decent previous builds)
Able to use Worldedit/Voxel sniper expertly

Texture pack artist-
Example of past work

Plugin assistant-
Able to edit plugins exceptionally
(You will be working personally with me to customize the plugins)


Anything special we should know about you?:

Describe yourself:
What do you think you will bring to our team:
How much time on a daily basis could you put into the server?:
How about on weekends?:
Can you work well with others?

Have you played fallout before?:
Have you read up on fallout recently:
Position applying for:
Example of past work:

Current members of the team:

Zacmine200(Creator/Builder/Server owner)

grayboy09 (Junior builder)

Posted by SyncCraftServer's Avatar
Level 20 : Expert Cake

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11/26/2012 6:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MrPuzzless's Avatar
Name/Nickname:reeal name brandon, mc name MrPuzzless
Timezone:central pacific
Anything special we should know about you?:Fallout is one of my favorite games, the element and vast weapons is amazing.I have currently finished a map for a friend of mine. Though the server hasnt gone public yet.

Describe yourself:
What do you think you will bring to our team:I am a vary good large structurel builder, and know the styles from the downtown D.C. area in Fallout 3.
How much time on a daily basis could you put into the server?:4-5 hours a day.
How about on weekends?:No estimate, but anytime i can get on.
Can you work well with others?Yes, i work particularly better with others.

Have you played fallout before?:Yes Fallout 3 is my favorite, and i look forward to Fallout 4 coming out next year.
Have you read up on fallout recently:As the updates, no not recently. But i own Fallout 2, 3, and New Vegas.
Position applying for:I amapplying for Map Builder.
Example of past work:If I knew how to post snapshots on here I would.
11/24/2012 5:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
iamnotnoah's Avatar
Name/Nickname: (real name-Noah) (Mc name-Cheeserbum)
Skype:Noah Chase
Anything special we should know about you?:I love Fallout, and I've been looking for a good Mc Fallout server. I couldn't find one lol! I am working on a map of my own, but this would become my first priority on Minecraft. I can come up with good ideas.
I have played Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Also, I make my own skins, and I think they are good.
No team.
Was working on a map.
Higher ranking builder (or whatever is open)
I have read up on Fallout recently
Planet Minecraft


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