Player's Keep Joining and leaving HELP

playsurvivalcraft's Avatar playsurvivalcraft3/10/14 11:26 pm
1 emeralds 2.6k 5
3/11/2014 6:52 pm
DtigerCSK's Avatar DtigerCSK
Hello, I Own the server of Lava-Realms and on the first good 5 hours 20 players joined in total. But they go and then leave, few come back! There is some players who stay on a really long time but most of them say: "I See Your Server Needs a Staff, Can I be one" or "Make me a mod I will not let you down!" Thats all they say. Is my server so bad they want to destroy my server. Last Server(PlaySurvivalCraft, which no longer running) My Server has TntRun, Survival Games, Factions, We will have ColorShuffle and Spleef and my banner now: It Tells whats on the server right? If you can tell me how to get this problem solved.

IP: lava-realm.servegame.com
Posted by playsurvivalcraft's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter

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03/10/2014 11:43 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
zDragonSlayerx's Avatar
Ok, I think I can safely assume this is your first time hosting a server or owning one. It is not irregular for new or any server to gain a lot of players, only to have them leave. Although, as time passes, if the server has maintained it's enjoyment, those few dedicated players accumulate.

Which then leads to what I like to call, "phase 2".
Once you have, let's say, 20 - 30 dedicated players. The whole, "Crowds attract Crowds" effect comes into play. More and more will join, encouraged by the other players, which ends up being a domino effect leading up to, if you're lucky, 100 constant online players.

All you need to give to players to create a popular server is:
A) Time. Servers grow over long periods of time!

B) A goal. Give the players a reason to stay.

C) Good Staff members! Having good and mature staff is key to keeping players on the server. This is Crucial!

D) Something new? This is could or could not be a major factor on the amount of players on your server. It could be a custom plugin or a custom gamemode, those always seem to pool in lots of new players! Don't fret if you aren't able to do the coding or cant find anyone to code. It's ok to do a Faction PvP server or a minigame hub. Even though most are unoriginal they thrived!

E) Updates! Keep introducing new stuff for the veteran players to work towards!

Those are my tips to help get players and maintain them!
03/10/2014 11:38 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pokemon
DtigerCSK's Avatar
There isn't anything keeping your players on, if they wanted to play any of the minigames your server has they can find plenty of other servers with the same plugins. Survival Games and Factions are a fair bit overused by now, Spleef is getting old in my opinion. If you want people to stay, you have to have something that is unique to your server, something that if players want to play with that game type or gamemode, they can only find it on your server, which in tern makes players stay on your server. You'll need custom plugins or a well executed idea that is hard to find.

For another way, you could pay for advertising instead, but then again it may end up the same as there is no significant difference from your server to another.
03/11/2014 11:03 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
playsurvivalcraft's Avatar
I do have a good staff and I can't pay to advertise also this is my 3rd server. I do not know how to code a plugin either. Can anyone make a Racing plugin?

Do you have any other tips only like 3 players like the server
03/11/2014 6:52 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pokemon
DtigerCSK's Avatar
You can create basic "plugins/gamemodes" with something like Skript or CommandHelper. It requires no coding knowledge but it is quite limited in what you can do and make.
There's not much tips to provide to grow popularity nowadays, there are so many minecraft servers out there it's hard to get a decently sized playerbase even if unique. Advertising on minecraft server lists is pretty much hopeless, after the first day most if not all players that joined are gone. Voting is also next to meaningless, unless you are a large large server, voting won't do anything except move you several pages ahead on a server list, which makes no difference.

You could try keeping things simple, make it easy for players to start playing, make your server look professional, get some nice builds in your server, etc. A good website is helpful, but not that important in getting players in the first place unless it's where your players go to first before actually playing (i.e. a whitelisted server).
03/10/2014 11:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
playsurvivalcraft's Avatar
Just a addon my server has a staff already:

OWNER: MacAppleShawn
CO-OWNER: mikehassard
ADMIN: Zekrom5555
MOD: Dtonethafirst
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