Very new to starting my own server and need advice or help

EpicRhox's Avatar EpicRhox12/22/15 4:53 am
1 emeralds 158 1
12/22/2015 5:05 am
xFinch's Avatar xFinch

Firstly thank you for taking the time to read this. I apologize if I post something that is not allowed but from what I read I may be alright. If not please let me know so I can change it.

I recently started my own server through a host website. (I'd tell you who but I think that classifies under things I cannot do)
I am trying to build a server where its like factions or teams but without a lot of what they do.
Basically I would like the player to spawn in a certain area, be presented with minimum 3 choices of teams. Once the player chooses the team they want to join then they will walk through a door into a hallway and as such will be given certain drops, have their name changed to the color of their team or at least a tag in front of their name to show what team they are on. At the end they would be teleported by a command block to their respective team hubs. I was thinking for the most part the server would stay PvE and then every so often host tournaments or games for each team to participate against each other.

Building everything is not a problem for me, I have played Minecraft for a long time and have become a proficient builder. However, I don't have much experience with public servers. I used to code webpages but never really got into java, so I am sure I will be able to pick up easily anything I need to do so long as its explained well enough.

I guess my main question is (and this is where it gets a little hairy on if its acceptable or not) are there plugins already that support this type of thing? or can anyone here help me figure this out?

I have looked into factions and teams, I don't want to use factions due to the claiming of land and such, and teams seemed like its built so everyone is on their own until a tournament is held and THEN people are placed in teams instead of them constantly placed in teams and then tournaments are held at designated points in time.

Again I thank you, and hope that none of this is a non acceptable post query.
Posted by EpicRhox's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/22/2015 5:05 am
Level 20 : Expert Toast
xFinch's Avatar
Well i believe most of this could be done via command blocks but if you want a smoother game then i would approach plugins. They are in fact simple to make, all you need is the basic understanding of how minecraft operates within java. Before adding all of these plugins, perhaps do some research on particle effects, utilities and minecraft's basic operations ingame for example: How a player could interact with a sign or something like that.

I would first suggest making the server, make sure its appealing to the players and once you have got this server running with a handful of players, start introducing more plugins. Before thinking about how your plugins will run, make sure you have a handy team of developers to help with the plugins, make sure they have good knowledge of java and server operating console commands. Approach a few players who you can trust, maybe friends or family to become Admins, and if not ask a few players from the public like on this website.

Those Admins will handle most of the server activity whilst you can prepare for the plugins and one of the most important things is to make sure your server stays online and that your Admins are also very consistent with their online hours. Making sure your players are happy is top priority, don't be offline for too long or players will lose interest, make sure you tend to the players every needs without going to far.

After all this is done, make sure there are already a handful of handy plugins like McMMO or Multiverse and Essentials so that your server is prepared for the open public before adding in your own. Ask for player input so that you can understand what they would like added to the server. And most of all, don't waste too much time in hurrying around trying to get to everyone at once, you only have 1 pair of ears, eyes and hands to use at once.

If you need any more help please feel free to PM me, and I could possibly help with managing your server in the future, just to let you know, my IGN is The_15th_Doctor.
Thank you for your time-
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