What do I do?

Rison9's Avatar Rison912/20/11 5:32 pm
5/14/2013 5:30 pm
mymarioman2's Avatar mymarioman2
Well I had been playing on this server since may after a while I became staff. But I found the other staff members just sat there not doing anything but say other people aren't doing anything. So after a while I became a super which is the second highest rank of staff op being the highest. But then these guys figured cause I wasn't greeting new players (which is what the lowest rank of staff is supposed to do) I wasn't doing anything so they told the owner I wasn't doing anything. So I got demoted to mod which is the rank between monitor and super. After I got demoted I still had social spy on (which lets me hear private messages) and I heard these guys saying how I never did anything one of these guys were a good friend of mine. So I said in staff chat that I could hear private messages. So he says he still stands by his statement and something like " No worrys still love you bro." So now there were these two guys who I used to consider good friends talking about me behind my back. So some time after that the guy who still considered me his friend was promoted to a super. And shortly after that this guy is having an issue where when he logs on the server the server crashes. So he goes on the teamspeak server and throws a fit. A while after that my computer broke and I couldn't log on the server. So I told the owner. While my computer was broken my brother was on teamspeak talking with some people and he tells me these two guys who rarely did anything but complain about other people were both promoted to op. This really pissed me off. And I went on the server forums and made a post about how I was quitting. About an hour or so later I decided I shouldn't so I changed everything on the forum post to "Ignore this". There had only been like 3 views on it so I thought nobody would even remember it. A little while after that my brother said the server was switching maps so I went on my brothers computer to move my stuff to the new map. So I move my stuff and I see the owner online ( at this point I was kinda pissed off with how he promoted these 2 guy to op) but I said hi anyways and he says he thought I rage quit. So I said no my computer is just broken. Then he starts asking about my perms like asking me to say something and trying to use /kick. So I figured he was removing me from staff. Sure enough he removed me from staff so I say sarcastically " Gee thanks.". At this point I was about to cry because I had done so much for the server, I donated, I would stay up till 3:00 am explaining falsebook to somebody, I always tried to be as helpful as possible. So he replies " Your welcome! ". So now I was really pissed off with him so I said " Hey dagum? " and he says " Yeah? " and I say " Fuck you! " and then he says I'm immature and stuff and we get into this argument and I decided I was going to quit so I gave all my money to a friend of mine. I ended up saying to a player who had just joined " Welcome, I wouldn't recommend donating. " . I then said over the global chat something like " Goodbye server ". Then I gave my brother's computer back to him and he logs on and I see the server owner is making fun of me. Its kinda funny he was telling me to grow up when he is 20 and I'm 13 and he is making fun of me. So I get my brother to give me his computer back and I log on.
As soon as I log on the owner mutes me and says " They always come back. " and the pretty much the server is laughing at me and saying I don't know how to rage quit right. I then talked to a few of my friends on the server sent mail to one of them asking for the money back. I then logged off. I changed my mind and decided that he should keep the money. I didn't want to get made fun of again so I went and my PS3 and sent a message to that friend telling him to keep the money. Anyways the next day I go on my PS3 and see a message from my friend saying it was too late he already sent the money back to me so I logged on to send it back. And the owner is online. He then says over global chat that I need to grow up. People started laughing at how I logged on again. I then sent a private message to the owner saying I'm just giving my money away. So he throws me in the server's prison, takes all my money away, gets rid of all my perms, and says " I don't think so." I knew that even though I didn't have perms to send private messages ops who have social spy on can still see them. So I start talking to him and he starts making fun of me again and saying I need to grow up. By now I didn't care whether I got ban or if everybody on the server hated me. So I told who I didn't like and why, he didn't care. So I kept asking for my money back he wouldn't do it. He then asked me to apologize so I said I was sorry. Then he said I didn't mean it. So then I said I was sorry and how I wasn't thinking and how I have been going through some rough shit lately. So then he says yeah being 13 sure is hard. I then explained how my dad's cancer is back, how the doctors say my grampa is probably not going to live more than a few months and how I get picked on at school all the time. He then said I should just ignore what other kids say and just focus on school, that old folks die and that he is sorry to hear about my father. He then gave me my money back. I then gave it back to my friend and logged off. I don't what to do now the only reason I played was to help people, but I'm not staff anymore. Should I play on the server again even though the owner and all the admins know I don't like them? Should I wait a month or so and then play? What should I do? Also I forgot to mention I donated $100 when the server was new.
Posted by Rison9's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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05/14/2013 5:30 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
mymarioman2's Avatar
Thats is bulls**t my friend
12/20/2011 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
ConquerFind a new server.

I'll try this was the only server I ever played on.
12/20/2011 6:47 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Witch
mommaCarole's Avatar
I don't understand the backstabbing and drama that happens on servers, forums, or anywhere online for that matter. I certainly think that considering what you donated to his server, you deserve better treatment than you received, but you have to remember that you chose to donate... and he chose to be a jerk.

Just keep that in mind for the next server you join.
12/20/2011 6:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind for my next server.
12/20/2011 6:47 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
-Rusty's Avatar
Sorry... about what happened .... But, I can guarantee a Server that won't treat you poorly! That will lift your spirits when they're low, give you a place to call virtual home... and even a virtual family!! It's called Omegacraft! Forums: Omegacraft.freeforums.org

ip: omegacraft.beastnode.org

Please join man! This server is in no way new, it's 24/7, and even has loyal donators! So please stop bein so grim, and join today! And yes! I really do care about his feelings, as my dad left when I was mere child, so I am sorry for all your hardships.
12/20/2011 7:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
I'll make sure to check it out.
12/20/2011 6:43 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
Hiyadudez's Avatar
What is the server IP may I ask?
12/20/2011 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
12/20/2011 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
I honestly think this is one of the best servers there is. I just don't like the admins.
12/20/2011 6:20 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
iHazRabiez's Avatar
12/20/2011 6:15 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
iHazRabiez's Avatar
Would you like me to increase the size of the 'hidden' text?
12/20/2011 6:19 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
12/20/2011 6:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
I don't feel like my life depends on a game. I'm not sure or if I should see if I should try and keep playing because I already know everything about this server and its plugins. I was once a very respected player I used to have the highest mcmmo power level, a town with almost 100 residents and ALOT of diamonds (I had over a stack of diamond blocks), and the biggest castle you will ever see.
12/20/2011 6:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
LOL but really don't grief the server. There are some good staff members.
12/20/2011 6:11 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
iHazRabiez's Avatar
Hint: Copy just after the *whisper* and all will be revealed.
12/20/2011 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
12/20/2011 6:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
iHazRabiez's Avatar
I think.... *whisper* we should all greif it and kill the owner!
12/20/2011 6:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Sometimes I think, its get boring after a while.
12/20/2011 6:03 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
chiltinny's Avatar
This is sad... I will personally hate on it
12/20/2011 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
What part?
12/20/2011 5:58 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mountaineer
BusyChris's Avatar
What's the servers name?
12/20/2011 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Wildhunt, don't grief it not all my staff members are bad some are really nice. But all the ones who are nice are moderators or monitors.
12/20/2011 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Thanks for the advice.
12/20/2011 5:49 pm
Level 49 : Master uwu
Jack's Avatar
Move on and find a new server, I personally wouldnt donate so much to a server even if i did like it

P.S. this is in the wrong topic, I moved it for you
12/20/2011 5:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
When I meant that the server is going down, I can see well, that its not fine. There are unsatisfactory people in power,that act in a very childish manner.
12/20/2011 5:47 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
If you want, I could give you a good reputation, I find it easy to make friends so I could speak highly of you.
12/20/2011 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
What server do you play on?
12/20/2011 5:46 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
Sumaxi... Wow.... Thats pretty amazing, all you have been through.

Is that sarcasm my dear fluffy wuffy?

No its not sarcasm. After you writing a few paragraphs of you hardships, you could probably guess it is not. ^^
12/20/2011 5:41 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
Servers where there is that much conflict are actually going to collapse OR they already collapsed.
12/20/2011 5:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
If you got your 100$ back then leave the server for good, its probably collapsed already, sad to say.
12/20/2011 5:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
This happened yesterday the server is doing fine and I know there is no chance I'll get my money back, when I said he gave my money back I was talking about my in game money.
12/20/2011 5:46 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
Are you still noticed? Somewhat respected?
12/20/2011 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Well no staff members have respect for me anymore, the only people who have respect for me are the few friends I have.
12/20/2011 5:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Princess
Sumaxi's Avatar
... Wow.... Thats pretty amazing, all you have been through.
12/20/2011 5:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rison9's Avatar
Is that sarcasm?
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